Leave It To Beaver

Leave It To Beaver (1957)

3 mistakes in Captain Jack

(24 votes)

Leave It To Beaver mistake picture

Captain Jack - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: Ward jokes about the boys having two baths in three days, being some kind of record. It then cuts to the boys sitting on the floor in the bathroom, and we can see the hamper at the right with nothing atop it, but when Wally stands up to put CJ back in the "aquarium" the tank lid is lying on the hamper. (00:11:35)

Super Grover

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Suggested correction: In episode 1x23, Beaver and Poncho, when Beaver brings home a lost little Chihuahua, he shows his parents and asks to keep him. Then Ward tells him, "You and Wally had a dog once, remember? You didn't take care of him. We had to give him away." This explains what happened to the dog from season 1, Captain Jack episode.

Super Grover

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