Unanswered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Does anyone know the name of the song that starts right after Brick and McQueen slam the car door while Lincoln is sleeping inside?

Question: In the second safe house, the dialogue that takes place in the kitchen - how did Matt guess the housekeeper was not to be trusted? (01:00:00)

Question: In the trailer for the movie, there's a part where Jordan is talking about how the phone is his entire life, you can hear a song in the background with women sing "lalalalala ooh yeah lalalala", does anybody know if that is an actual song? I know they used it in some Disney Channel promos and ads around the time this film came out.

Question: If the Mayor's death is only in the extended edition, then why was there no mention of it in the theatrical edition? Also, why wouldn't the town stand up to Berringer for killing their Mayor?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Question: Is there any way to watch the two deleted segments?


Question: When Joel and the police are talking about whether or not to go to the press about the first photo girl, why does Joel decide that a certain officer should deal with the press?

Question: Since they had satellite photos of the trains colliding, couldn't they simply look for where the other train went? Surely the satellite photos had been stored in order for them to look?

Question: As Gavrich fled into a building being chased by Devoe and Kelly the helicopter operators informed that the (radiation) signal just disappeared. Would it really disappear so quickly?

Question: In an interview sometime after the release of Goblet of Fire but before Order of the Phoenix, J.K. Rowling mentioned Mr. Weasley's flying car as one of several familiar "characters" from Books 1-4 who were slated to make a reappearance in Books 5-7 (along with Lupin, Dobby, Aragog, Crookshanks, and others, I believe). Obviously, that did not come to pass, but does anyone know if she's ever clarified which scene in which book the car was originally intended to appear in? I've always assumed that it would have been used to fly to the Ministry in OotP in place of the Thestrals (since it was right there in the Forest after all), but it's also possible it was originally meant to play some role in the Seven Potters chase/battle in DH. Has anyone heard anything about this?

Play with Fire - S3-E22

Question: Why would Catherine take the blame for the lab explosion? If anyone was to blame it was Hodges. Since he accidentally turned on the hot plate and even admits that sometimes it gets switched on by others accidentally, if he had bothered to make sure he didn't switch it on before leaving the room, the explosion never would have happened.

Dr. Hans Koehler (No. 33) - S6-E1

Question: The plastic surgeon used computers and software to change Constantine's face. Yet the agency keeps saying they didn't know what he looked like. Why did they not review the computers? Re the "bones and DNA", previously using a glass for DNA it was Keen who identified Red as her dad due to matching DNA, but now she believes he is not and the DNA report with the bones is accurate. Why? if DNA reports can be manipulated how to know which was the correct one?

The Corsican (No. 20) - S6-E2

Question: When Ressler is trying to find the elusive Constantine, why don't they radio descriptions such as (grey hair, sunglasses, blue blazer)? As he tends to the victim shot at UN, why does he not simultaneously radio for perimeter search with description? In same episode, Keen states how much "good" Red does as if defending him to her "sister" yet she then says she is the one who turned him in? Not logical. And besides, was it ever proven that the sister is in fact Liz's sister via DNA etc.? Not very good FBI work.

Question: Why did Tom drive himself and Danny into the lake in the end?

Question: During Venom's fight with the SWAT team, he throws an officer off a balcony and the officer lets out a Wilhelm scream. Why was this scream taken out in the DVD and Blu-Ray?

Question: Where does the $200,000 that was in the back of the Jaguar end up? There is a possibility that Natalie took it when Leonard goes to her house and she steps out or when he enters the car Teddy is inside and says he should lock it. Is there any evidence that either has it?

Show generally

Question: What's the name of the episode where Mimi's head blows up and somehow disappears right after she calls Drew "pig"? I remember seeing it when I was 8.

Question: Has it been explained how all those animals (and primates) ended their lives in the tyrannosaurus rex's lair? Did all of them get there by the sand trap(s)? If so, who re-hid them after they had been walked into? Perhaps the lair was used as sacrificial grounds or execution by the primates?

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