Quotes from Barbara Billingsley movies and TV shows

Ward Cleaver: Let's face it, June, Wally and Eddie have been friends for four or five years now - nothing's ever really happed.
June Cleaver: But Eddie has that look about him that makes you think something's always about to happen.

June Cleaver: Eddie, would you care to stay for dinner? We're having roast beef.
Eddie Haskell: No thank you, Mrs. Cleaver. I really must be getting home. We're having squab this evening.

Eddie Haskell: Gee, your kitchen always looks so clean.
June Cleaver: Why, thank you, Eddie.
Eddie Haskell: My mother says it looks as though you never do any work in here.

Ward Cleaver: Ah, June, Gilbert's always talking about his parents. Have you ever met them?
June Cleaver: Oh, I see her at the supermarket every once in a while. She seems like a calm sensible person.
Ward Cleaver: You can't really go by that. You might look the same way to her.

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