
27th Mar 2006

Prison Break (2005)

Trivia: The show was filmed in an actual prison (now unused) in Joliet. The death row cell used for Lincoln Burrows is the actual death row cell that held serial killer John Wayne Gacy.


23rd Mar 2006

The Simpsons (1989)

Question: Who was the person Poirot saw wearing the white dressing gown? And why did this person place it in his compartment? To plant "red herrings" like these do not draw attention away from the people on the train, but tells Poirot plain and simple that the murderer did NOT leave the train, but it still on board. So why bother doing it at all, as it only goes against their carefully planned cover story?


Chosen answer: They planted this red herring not to divert Poirot's attention away from them - they were the only passengers on the train - they wanted to divert him from the fact that they were ALL involved in the murder, because they all had a common bond with the child whom the victim murdered. Each one made out like they didn't really know anyone else on the train, but they were all in on it.

Kimberly Klaus

20th Mar 2006

Criminal Minds (2005)

The Popular Kids - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: In the scene when the investigators at the police station realize who the killer is, the deputy enters and says that a revolver is missing. However, when Cory pulls out the weapon in the woods, he is holding a semi-automatic pistol. The deputy would know the difference between the two, but still uses the wrong term (a revolver may be referred to as a pistol, but an automatic like Cory had stolen can never be called a "revolver", as the chamber does not revolve).


Star Trek: Insurrection mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Picard has a cut on the right side of his head in the scene where he, Worf and Gallatin are on the Son'a bridge. It is most visible when he says to Gallatin "Take us into position". After Picard takes the rifle from Worf and Gallatin says "We're approaching the collector", the cut on Picard's head is gone. After he has beamed over to the collector, the cut is back and is bleeding a lot more than it did before.


Continuity mistake: When Ellen flings the marshal badge towards Herod, it flies horizontally. You can even see it, still flying horizontally, on a downward curve as it starts to land. But when it hits the ground it hits vertically, so it can stick up out of the dust. It should be lying flat on the ground.


Hero Worship - S5-E11

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Data is brushing Timothy's hair into a copy of his own hairstyle, he stops, kneels down and asks Timothy "Timothy, are you having bad dreams?" In this shot there is a big tuft of hair on the right side of Timothy's head that sticks straight out. When their conversation is over and Data stands up in the wider shot, all of Timothy's hair is in place.


12th Feb 2006

Doom (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Goat dies, after the last attempt at defibrillation is made and the others give up, you can see the supposedly "dead" Goat take a big breath just before Reaper says "He's gone". In addition, in this shot Goat's eyes are wide open when the camera is on him. When the shot goes from Reaper back to Goat, his eyes are now closed. (00:41:05)


7th Feb 2006

The Simpsons (1989)

Revealing mistake: When Louie is driving from the mansion, at several times it is obvious that he is not really driving the car. When the car is going straight ahead, he often turns the wheel, and vice versa. This is most obvious just after Vinnie has died, and Louie is asking "Vin? Hey, Vin, you with me over there?". The car is then going through a 90 degree bend in the road, but Louie does not move the steering wheel at all.


Descent (1) - S6-E26

Trivia: Stephen Hawking guest stars in this episode, playing himself as a holodeck character (The "Poker with Einstein" program). This came about when he visited Paramount Pictures to promote "A Brief History of Time", and then told the Paramount people that he had always wanted to visit the Enterprise. He not only got to visit, but the writers added this special scene just so professor Hawking could appear on screen in a Star Trek episode. Hawking also reportedly stopped by the warp engine, smiled and said "I'm working on that".


Encounter at Farpoint (2) - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: When Picard tells Q in the final scene "Get off my ship." Q is standing to his right, and Picard has his head turned towards Q. But when the angle changes to show Q's response, Picard is standing facing Q directly, and without his head turned.


26th Jan 2006

Gacy (2003)

Factual error: The movie takes place in Des Plaines, Illinois, with a couple of scenes from downtown Chicago. However, throughout the movie you can see both palm trees and mountains in the background, none of which actually exist in Illinois. The producers also point this out on the DVD commentary.


18th Jan 2006

The Simpsons (1989)

The Bart Wants What It Wants - S13-E11

Continuity mistake: When Bart is in the ice cream parlor breaking up with Greta, the waiter tells him "We get that a lot around here" and point over to Chief Wiggum and Lou sitting behind and to the left of Bart. Bart turns his head all the way to the side to see them. The focus then goes to Chief Wiggum and Lou, but when their part is done and the "camera" goes back to Bart and Greta, the policemen are sitting behind and to the right of Greta, so that Bart would not have had to turn his head to see them.


8th Jan 2006

Vampires (1998)

Plot hole: In the scene where Katrina is watching through Valek's eyes as he kills father Molina, Crow orders father Giteau to "find out where an old padre is missing". But Katrina never described father Molina, all she said was "He killed the priest". Crow could not have known the age of the man who was killed.


8th Jan 2006

Vampires (1998)

Revealing mistake: When Montoya uses a spear to toss the vampire woman from the prison door into the sunlit street, it is an obvious dummy that has been used. First you see the woman stumble out, and the first flames shoot out of her, then the angle changes to a close-up of her as she is engulfed in fire. In the close-up, she has become bigger and rounder, and does not move.


29th Dec 2005

Jakob the Liar (1999)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Jakob discovers Mischa sabotaging the cattle cars and tells him the first news from the radio, Mischa is struck by a guard and knocked off the train, rolling to the ground. He is then bare-headed, but when Jakob runs up to him, Mischa's cap appears on his head.


27th Dec 2005

Jabberwocky (1977)

Visible crew/equipment: When the Black Knight falls off his horse (the same scene where you can see a truck in the background), to the right of the screen you can see a man who is wearing a modern day brown suit and a cap, standing with his hands in his pockets and watching the action. (01:29:25)


27th Dec 2005

Jabberwocky (1977)

Factual error: In his fight against Dennis and the Jabberwocky, the Black Knight uses a flamberge, a very distinct two-handed sword (note the little "crescent" hooks on the blade). The only problem is that these swords are a German design from the 15th century, more than 200 years after the movie is said to take place.


27th Dec 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Bye Bye Nerdy - S12-E16

Continuity mistake: When Lisa is watching tapes of Francine's bullying, there is a scene where they are at the pool. Francine is wearing nose clips in this scene. But when Lisa freeze-frames and leans in to closer inspect the shot, Francine's face is shown on the screen without nose clips. They appear again when Lisa exclaims "Of course. The nose clips."


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