Super Grover

6th Jan 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Deliberate mistake: When Wendy and John are play duelling in their bedroom, in the first shot, John holds the sword in his left hand, but in the next shot, the sword is in his right hand when he hits the bookcase. The second shot is flipped, as we can see by the furniture arrangement and the medal on John's jacket that also switched sides. (00:01:50)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Deliberate mistake: As was admitted on the commentary, the angle of the moonlight in the stateroom, which has a deep overhang outside of the doors, was deliberately vastly exaggerated, to enhance the shots with Governor Swann battling with the disembodied skeletal arm. (01:56:25)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Deliberate mistake: After Will and Jack swing aboard Interceptor, Will cuts four lines from the belaying pins on Interceptor, that lead up to Dauntless and each line snaps back. As Interceptor pulls away though, we see other lines that are still connected to Dauntless, but then the shot cuts away. Because of a mishap during filming, it was the only shot Director, Gore Verbinski had of Interceptor pulling away from Dauntless. (00:47:05)

Super Grover

Deliberate mistake: After Barbossa takes the apple from Jack and throws it into the water, the sailing Interceptor is shown. Out on the edge of the bow are two men. One is dressed as Will, but it is neither Orlando nor his body double, Mark. The man behind Will is obviously not one of Jack's crew either. (01:21:15)

Super Grover

Deliberate mistake: When Will is staring at Jacoby, another pirate comes up from behind him and hits Will on the head with a solid silver candlestick. The sound it makes when hitting Will's head is a sharp clang, as if it hit another metal, not reverberation. Post production thought it sounded more dramatic and funnier than a thud. (00:35:25)

Super Grover

Deliberate mistake: Throughout the entire film the metalic rasping 'ching' sound is unrealistically heard, even when drawing swords from something like leather holders. Some examples are, at the cave, Jack draws a sword hanging across the shoulder of one of the pirates, and throws it to Will, whose hands are bound. At Jack's hanging, just before Will throws his sword into the trap door to save Jack, Will draws his sword from the brown leather strap. This is obviously done for dramatic effect. (01:52:10 - 02:06:15)

Super Grover

Deliberate mistake: Legolas leaps onto Arod and as he rides, both of his hands are clean. After they've just clashed into the Warg riders, in the close-up of Legolas as he releases his arrow there are dark smudges visible on Legolas' fingers and knuckles on his right hand. In the close-up of Legolas as he lets loose the arrow into the Warg that is about to attack Gimli, we see both of his hands are smudge free. This shot is flipped, so the right hand that was previously smudged is now the left hand, which is clean anyway. (00:11:00)

Super Grover

Deliberate mistake: The East India Trading Company in reality, branded pirates with a 'P' on their foreheads, never on their arms, the way Captain Jack has it. It was deliberately decided to be historically inaccurate, feeling it looked better on Depp's arm. (Confirmed on commentary.) (00:17:20)

Super Grover

Deliberate mistake: In two scenes in particular, Legolas is letting loose his arrow with his left hand, because of shot flipping. When he kills the Warg approaching Gimli and when Legolas severs the rope, causing the tall ladder to collapse. The ladder shots of Legolas were put together later during editing, because Peter J. wanted an extra 'hero' shot of Legolas at Helm's Deep. They took the same shots of Legolas trying to take out the Berserker Uruk-hai and flipped it to specifically fit the later scene of the ladders going up. Commentary, extended DVD. (01:08:55 - 01:17:30)

Super Grover

Deliberate mistake: In the first close-up shot of the scene, Aragorn is walking and talking to 'Legolas'. Legolas' back is shown, as Aragorn is speaking to him. At a certain point, 'Legolas' turns his head to his left and in this close-up it is very clear that it is not Orlando Bloom, but his body double, Morgan. Extended DVD. (00:50:50)

Super Grover

Deliberate mistake: On the Wall of the Hornburg, in the close-up of Aragorn, he dramatically draws his sword with his left gloved hand. In the next close-up of Aragorn, when he yells, "Hold!" he raises his left hand with the ring on his index finger. In editing, they wanted to have the Elves on the left of the screen and Uruk-hai on the right, so they flipped the first shot. (01:02:45)

Super Grover

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