
27th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: In the finale, Willow and the librarian recite the identikit of the sacrificial lamb. When Britt Ekland says her lines in two close-ups, her hair is neatly arranged and immune to the wind that blows in every other shots.


27th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: During the ritual, the hobbyhorse wriggles before lord Summerisle. The swordsmen then gather around a stone; in the next shot they are standing on the stone, with the shadows that show that a disproportionate amount of time has passed.


27th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: Howie is inside the Wicker Man and stares at the sun while lord Summerisle pronounces the line "Accept our sacrifice." Howie's right hand is touching the bar at the middle of the door, but when the camera is on Christopher Lee, the position on the cage is different.


27th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: When Sergeant Howie is looking at what he believes to be the setting for the final sacrifice, the first torchbearer (the one wearing blue jeans) is simply standing in the wider shots, and has one knee raised in intermediate shot with a closer angle.


27th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: Lord Summerisle announces that it's time for the sacrifice to appease the gods of the earth. A horn is blown, and everyone turns towards it. In the shot from behind, everyone in front of Howie/Punch moved aside, but in the shot from the front, there's still a man with a flannel jacket and a badger mask.


27th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: Lord Summerisle is offering a tribute of ale to the god of the sea. Two villagers help him; in the close-up on them at the end of the wagon, the one on the left puts his hand on the barrel, but in the next shot his hand is on the cart.


27th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

The Wicker Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Christopher Lee in drag is leading the procession towards their mini-stonehenge, look at the dolmen the villagers go through; the shadows vary significantly direction in the space of a cut.


27th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: Howie had a whiskey and went upstairs to his room at the inn. As the innkeeper and his hot daughter conspire in front of his open door, the shadows on Edward Woodward's face change in close-up.


27th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: Sergeant Howie is giving chase to the man wearing the hobbyhorse costume. The guy stops at the end of an alley to be followed. In the next shot, he's standing in a different alley, with different pavement and background.


27th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: When Willow wakes the protagonist after the famed nude dance scene, Howie in close-up is holding his pyjamas jacket together, but in the side view his hand already slipped lower.


27th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

27th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Audio problem: On his way to check out the school, the Sarge witnesses a group of kids involved in the Maypole song. During the song, a kid with a mouth harp is strumming it every single time he's in frame, but that included large parts when the instrument is in fact not part of the diegetic song.


18th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: The blood trickling from Sergeant Howie's mouth in the finale changes length, in particular when he is helpless in a full nelson - in close-up it's almost halved in size.


18th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: When Rowan begins to run away, she has a head start on Howie, but at the first cut he's still leading her with a hand on her back like he was doing when he had just released her.


18th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: Punch is forcefully put in line for the 'game'; there are two girls in front of him, but at the cut only one remains.


18th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: Three women begin to repeatedly prod with sticks Howie dressed as Punch. In the very first shot, the one before they break out from the group to rush him, the natural light is different, as shown by the different angle of the shadows.


18th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Revealing mistake: Sergeant Howie spots the creepy candle and knocks it to the floor. He falls to the floor himself and extinguishes the flaming thumb, but reaches it through a visible editing job; some frames are missing.


17th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: Back at the post office/sweets shop, Howie witnesses a bizarre bit of 'traditional medicine' involving a frog. The animal is held in close-up in a different way than in the first shot - the position of the last 3 fingers changes. Moreover, despite the spoken lines overlapping between shots giving the impression of continuity, the candy jar appears out of thin air, since the woman had just barely put the frog away in the other box.


17th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: In the former churchyard, Sergeant Howie walks past a woman breastfeeding and holding an egg. He looks at two mostly empty crates of fruit; the one on the right rotates 90° between shots as he approaches it.


17th Apr 2021

The Wicker Man (1973)

Continuity mistake: When Sergeant Howard checks out the school register, he follows the line pertaining Rowan with his finger. His finger has gone quite a way towards the center of the book, but in the reverse shot the hand is at the edge.


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