
Trivia: Spoilers. In the end, Dr. Butler and his wife Stephanie are revealed to be the killers. They were actually the killers in the original script for the first film, but the ending was changed several times until the final version seen in theaters with Lori being the killer. The original idea was recycled into this film, since the dimension-hopping angle of the story allowed the presence of a new version of the killer.


Trivia: Paul Rudd actually learned the sleight-of-hand magic tricks he performs in the film - it's not special effects as one might assume.


Trivia: One of the film's writers has slyly suggested that in his opinion, Norman Osbourne (aka, the Green Goblin of "Spider-Man" fame) is an associate of Sonny Burch, and is the one who wants the Quantum Technology.


Trivia: Batou is played by Pilou Asbæk. Asbæk had previously worked with Scarlett Johansson on the film "Lucy," playing the titular character's ill-fated boyfriend Richard.


24th Jan 2019

Child's Play (2019)

Trivia: "Child's Play" creator Don Mancini has no involvement in this remake, and has openly stated that he's against it, as the original movie series is still going. Several other key cast and crew members from the original series have also expressed their disapproval of the film.


24th Jan 2019

Child's Play (2019)

Trivia: The line of dolls in the film are called "BUDDi", with the lowercase "i" being a reference to the doll's high-tech nature. The name "BUDDi" is also a reference to the "My Buddy" doll-line from the 80's, which were one of the inspirations for Chucky's design in the original film.


20th Jan 2019

The Dark Knight (2008)

Trivia: During the big chase scene, the worried SWAT team member with all the one-liners was played by character actor Nicky Katt. Katt also had a small role in the film "Batman and Robin," making him one of only two people to appear in both the Tim Burton/Joel Schumacher Batman series, and Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. The other person is American senator Patrick Leahy, a massive Batman fan, who has filmed small blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameos for five different Batman films.


20th Jan 2019

Batman Begins (2005)

20th Jan 2019

Batman Begins (2005)

Trivia: In something of a rarity for a big-budget studio film, director Christopher Nolan didn't want there to be a second unit during filming, and personally worked on every shot that was filmed.


15th Jan 2019

Kick-Ass (2010)

15th Jan 2019

Kick-Ass 2 (2013)

Trivia: Kick-Ass' girlfriend Katie was written out of the script due to actress Lyndsy Fonseca being tied up with other projects. She was only able to free up enough time to film a brief cameo.


15th Jan 2019

The Faculty (1998)

Trivia: The film's cover of "Another Brick in the Wall" (Parts 1 and 2) were performed by a band called "Class of '99." The band was a super-group made up of members from prominent 80's and 90's rock bands. (Including members of Alice in Chains, Rage Against the Machine, and Jane's Addiction.) The band was formed exclusively to record the covers for the soundtrack, and disbanded immediately after the film's release.


15th Jan 2019

The Faculty (1998)

Trivia: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" co-star Charisma Carpenter was approached for the role of head cheerleader Delilah. Carpenter turned down the role, feeling it was too similar to her "mean-girl" "Buffy" character Cordelia.


12th Jan 2019

Mimic (1997)

Trivia: According to director Guillermo del Toro, the instant he knew he was going to have problems making the film was when he submitted a test shot of the monsters, which are giant insects. The studio then contacted him and complained that the giant insects... looked too much like giant insects.


9th Jan 2019

Insidious (2010)

Trivia: Josh's mother's name is "Lorraine." This is a reference to real-world paranormal investigator Lorraine Warren. Director James Wan later went on to direct "The Conjuring," a film loosely based on the case-files of Lorraine Warren and her husband Ed.


Trivia: Count Olaf notably has a tattoo of an eye on his ankle, which is often shown throughout the series. Actor Neil Patrick Harris actually ended up getting the tattoo done for real to celebrate after the series was picked up for a second season. So whenever the tattoo is visible in seasons two and three, it's not makeup... it's real.


The Reptile Room: Part One - S1-E3

Trivia: Count Olaf dismisses the movie theater, referring to it as a "god forsaken nickelodeon" and stating repeatedly that it's more convenient to watch entertainment from "the comfort of your own home." (Even once quickly glancing directly into the camera with a smirk as he says this.) This is a bit of a swipe at the prior 2004 film adaptation, which was released theatrically and distributed by Nickelodeon Films, as well as a clear reference to this series being released via Netflix for home viewing.


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