
26th Feb 2016

Interstellar (2014)

Chosen answer: Interstellar means travelling among the stars, no matter which galaxy you're in, which is what was going on. While intergalactic does mean travelling between galaxies, it's more indicative of being in the empty void of space between galaxies, not going from one galaxy to another. And since they travelled by wormhole, they were never really in the empty space.


23rd Feb 2016

Ocean's Twelve (2004)

Question: What is the song at the end of the film when they revealing how they stole the egg on the train? It was an homage to in-a-gadda-da-vida (the keyboard/bass solo bits). It is not the song on the soundtrack called "the real story" nor any other song on it. Thanks.

Kenneth Brown

Chosen answer: "Rito a Los Angeles" by Giuseppe de Luca.


14th Feb 2016

The Simpsons (1989)

Brother From Another Series - S8-E16

Question: In this episode, Sideshow Bob seems to no longer want to kill Bart (shown by his happiness at seeing him near the dam, and later on, saving his life, as well as Lisa's). But in episodes after this e.g. "Funeral for a Fiend" and "The Great Louse Detective", Bob suddenly wants to kill Bart again. What caused him to change his mind after this episode? It can't be because he thinks Bart is responsible for sending him back to jail because in this episode when Bob and Cecil get arrested, Lisa defends Bob and says he had nothing to do with it, and Lou even backs her up by saying that Cecil confessed to the whole thing.

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: While Sideshow Bob does rescue Bart, he never is truly over his hatred of him. At the end of "Brother From Another Series", Cecil is actually able to trick Bob into swearing revenge on Bart, which is why Bob is sent to prison despite being innocent of trying to blow up the dam, and Bart is once again his nemesis. Although time rarely passes in the show (i.e. Bart stays 10 for the most part), it's not until season 12 when Sideshow Bob appears next, and it's clear he's been in prison the whole time, with plenty of time to rebuild his anger and hatred over Bart (and Krusty).


Skin of Evil - S1-E23

Question: When the away team first beams down to the location where the shuttle has crash landed, the serial number on the separated nacelle is visible as 1701-D, as also seems to be inscribed on the shuttle itself. Shouldn't this serial number only appear on shuttles coming from the USS Enterprise?

Answer: The crashed shuttle is Shuttlecraft-13, which came from The Enterprise. Troi took it to the conference that she was returning from.


Answer: In the S6 E18, "I, Busybody" Salem got permission from the Witch's Council to be human for one day to meet his pen pal, Roxie. It was all a point of view camera shot.

Chosen answer: No. In the show he was sentenced to 100 years as a cat and only served 25 years at the time of the pilot (all episodes of him being human are flashbacks). The comics did several retcons to change Salem's backstory to fit the show's, and as of 2015, he was still a cat.


Question: Why are Dr Lester and his friends all planning to go into one mind? Surely they'd want to go into a mind on their own, otherwise they'd be just trapped in someone else's head. Something that Dr Lester was afraid of in the first place?

Answer: Using John Malkovich extends their life. After Malkovich turns 44, the next portal is a newborn baby. So they couldn't, or didn't want to, wait for another mind to go into.


Answer: He's playing himself.


14th Dec 2015

Gothika (2003)

Question: I do not understand how Miranda and Chloe are both released from the psychiatric hospital at the end. Chloe is in there for a completely different reason, not tied to the situation with Miranda. There is no proven link between her and Miranda's husband and the other murderer, they are two people that met in the psychiatric ward and Chloe was being abused AFTER she was admitted, or have I missed something? Also, how exactly is Miranda released anyway? As I envisage it her court case defense went something like "Look here Mr. Judge and 12 members of the jury, I was possessed and that's what made me kill my husband. It was not me that did it, even though it was me I was not in control of my body, a ghost made me do it because my husband was a bad man" - and the 12 members of the Jury thought this was OK? and the judge was very much "Yes, of course, we all understand you were not in control of your own mind and body, a ghost possessed you to commit this heinous crime, I'll release you?" Seriously? In all likelihood this reason alone would have her stay in the mental hospital extended! It makes no sense why the two of them would be released at all. Regardless of the fact that her husband and his best friend's crimes have been exposed, she still murdered her husband and it was not in self defense. How could her and Chloe (who is unrelated to the case in every way) be released?

Answer: Plain and simple, it's bad script writing and there's a number of other examples of "that wouldn't happen in the real world" that unfortunately we're suppose to accept. Although, if one had to justify it, you could say; when Miranda was in the hospital, she had not been tried and convicted yet, so when her trial did occur, Miranda's lawyers did not use the "I was possessed" defense and was found not guilty because of reasonable doubt. Or the DA's office made a deal with her because she was a high standing member in the community who exposed a number of issues and may have gotten parole instead of jail time. And Chloe was Miranda's patient before she herself was admitted to the psychiatric ward. At that time, Miranda never believed Chloe was anything but delusional and after spending time in the hospital as an inmate, she believed her and once she was free, she worked on getting Chloe released by stating she was not insane.


Answer: Early in the movie we learned that Chloe's mental health was a result of rape related trauma and Chloe claimed to have been raped by "the devil" but Miranda did not believe her. She believed this was a memory of her being raped by her step-father resurfacing. But, later when she seen the tattoo on the chest of a man in Chloe's cell, she realised that she was really being raped by someone or something and just didn't know what it was but as the movie progresses Miranda begins to put the pieces together as the spirit of Parsons leads her to the truth. At the end of the movie Miranda tells the sheriff about her suspicions and what she believes "Not Alone" means. As the conversation deepens she realises that the sheriff, her husbands life long best friend, fit this description and her suspicions are confirmed when he confesses. Although she may not have learned that he was Miranda's rapist untill she sees the tattoo on the sheriff's chest. In the end when the rape stopped and the doctors realised that Chloe was not lying or delusional, her mental state improved and she was released.

Question: What is the "discount credit card" that Del uses when checking-in at the motel? While Neal is paying, it looks like the staff switches his card for Neal's (Diner's Club), that Del later uses to pay for his car rental. However in the morning, once they realize they got robbed of their cash, Del says that he does not have any credit card (other than a Seven outlet one).


Chosen answer: In the film it was called "Oversighters Discount Club". It did have a similar logo as the Diner's Club logo (with an "O" instead of the "CD" design). However, this isn't a real life credit card or company. Although there are "discount" cards, usually through an employer, where various companies agree to give discounts if one uses that discount card.


10th Dec 2015

Spider-Man (2002)

Question: What's the deal with Mary Jane's father?

Answer: He's an angry drunk. He's verbally, if not physically abusive to his family. He doesn't appear in many Spider-Man issues, but even in those he was a drunk and abusive, most likely due to his failed writing career. (Mary Jane's parents divorce in the comics).


10th Dec 2015

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Question: Mary Jane said her father went to her play. Why would he if he is an abusive father who hates her?

Answer: He went to borrow money from her.


21st Nov 2015

The Relic (1997)

Question: Why was the relic being shipped to the Field Museum in Chicago via boat? What would be the point of sending the relic to the United States and then placing it on a boat and shipping it to Chicago by way of the Illinois River? In the book, the museum is instead located in New York, so it makes sense for the shipment to arrive by boat from South America, but there would be no possible way to get to Chicago straight from South America by boat, so the relic had to have been on land at one point. Placing it on a boat just seems like a contrived way to have the monster kill the crew members and create a mystery for the police as to how it happened.


Chosen answer: Cost of shipping would be much cheaper. However, the Mississippi River System is connected to the Illinois Waterway, which continues to the Great Lakes Waterway. This means Chicago is connected to the Gulf of Mexico (which is accessible to South America). There would be no need to ever be on the road.


20th Nov 2015

Family Guy (1999)

Answer: The line was International Civil War 2. When WWI happened no one called it that (especially since they didn't know a 2nd one would happen), it was referred to as "The Great War". America had already fought their own Civil War and the joke is really just calling it Civil War II, only it was international.


18th Nov 2015

Zookeeper (2011)

Question: What exactly did Shane do to Bernie?

Answer: If you're talking about in the past, he actually didn't do anything. Shane was going to tease/hurt Bernie with the stick, but Bernie grabbed it. Shane then lied to the zoo about Bernie attacking him which led to Bernie being moved. Although prior to Griffin kicking Shane's ass, Shane ended up cutting Bernie in the face.


16th Nov 2015

Entourage (2004)

Good Morning Saigon - S2-E12

Question: At some point Ari asks to Vince: "You want to be Shaq or Kobe? Michael or Scotty? Damon or Affleck?" Who are "Michael or Scotty"? (The other pairs seem quite obvious in comparison).


Chosen answer: Michael Jordan and Scotty Pippen of the Chicago Bulls.


8th Oct 2014

Sons of Anarchy (2008)

Chosen answer: Roughly 5 years. Abel is suppose to be 5 in season 7 and was born during the pilot. Most season cover just a few months with the the next season picking up where they left off, for example; season 1 covers 68 days and at the start of season 2, three weeks has past and it covers no more than 2 months, then season 3 picks up one day later. The big gap happens during the break between season 3 and 4. Season 4 starts 14 months later (when they finish their prison sentence). In season 7, each episode covers one day.


15th Nov 2015

General questions

Which series had a scene where a man had come up with a supercar which could change color, completely camouflage and could talk. The man was killed and the daughter, a lecturer, was being chased by unknown people who wanted to kill her. She was joined by a handsome guy and they were being chased down by I think FBI, and were wanted dead. I watched it in 2010.

Answer: In 2008 they made a TV movie/pilot of "Knight Rider" which turned into just 1 season. This series was a sequel of sorts to the 80's Knight Rider. Charles Graiman built K.I.T.T. 3000, a Mustang Cobra car that could talk. It was reported he was killed, and his daughter did come to identify the body, but it turns out he had actually survived. She and Mike Traucer search for answers and it turns out Traucer is Michael Knight's (David Hasselhoff) son.


15th Nov 2015

General questions

I'm trying to find the name of a movie I saw maybe 15 years ago. It was a comedy about a cop who got told he had a disease meaning he had x amount of time to live. He found out his work insurance only paid out if he got killed on the job so he spent ages trying to get shot by bad guys but kept failing. At the end it is found out that his records were mixed up with a bus driver's.


Chosen answer: Short Time (1990) with Dabney Coleman.


28th Jan 2004

Mars Attacks! (1996)

Question: I heard this movie was a remake or a compilation of different themes used in 1950's mars B-movie remakes. What are some of the themes of the movies that this movie takes? Such as, In Mars Attacks they use the music to kill the aliens I believe is a rip from a 50's movie where they use sound waves to down martian spaceships. What movie was that?


Chosen answer: While the movie is a parody of the 50's sci-fi B-movies, the film is actually based on the Topps 1962 science fiction trading card collection called "Mars Attacks!", which tells the tale of the Martians' attack.


29th Oct 2015

Zoo (2015)

Answer: In the episode "Blame It on Leo", Leo Butler, who use to work for Reiden, tells the group about the "mother cell." He explains it's Reiden's molecule vector. So it's something Reiden created. In real life science, vector cells are used to introduce DNA sequences from one organism to another. There are a variety of ways for this to occur, however, in the show not much explanation is given about how Reiden's mother cell works (and tends to bend how it works to the will of the plot).


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