Casual Person

20th Jul 2015

Ant-Man (2015)

Trivia: Director Peyton Reed was up for consideration as one of the directors of Guardians of the Galaxy, but that project was ultimately given to James Gunn. However, Reed was not forgotten - after Edgar Wright had exited the Ant-Man project, Peyton Reed was then given the opportunity to direct Ant-Man.

Casual Person

20th Jul 2015

Ant-Man (2015)

Trivia: In the final scene, Luis is talking with Scott about his friend's date who met up with The Falcon one time. Luis stated that The Falcon was asking that he is looking for a guy and the woman talks about the guys she knows. One of the guys Luis said she mentioned is a guy who climbs walls. This is a clear reference to Spider-Man, who is set to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe very soon.

Casual Person

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