
17th May 2013

Godzilla (1998)

Corrected entry: When they are being chased in Madison Square Garden, Nick knocks over a rack of balls and a gumball machine. They show the dinosaurs slipping and sliding. Nick then runs down stairs and joins the others. Shortly, they turn around and see the dinosaurs slipping and sliding on the balls again even though they're now one level lower.


Correction: Nick actually knocked the balls and gumball machine over that are actually close to the stairs that Nick then runs down. The balls and gumballs simply continued to bounce and roll down the stairs down to the lower level.

8th Apr 2013

Rio Bravo (1959)

Corrected entry: Dude, the deputy, is on the road at the end of town to take the guns away from those that enter town. This was pointless. Nobody is watching the other end of town. When Nathan and his men came to town, all they had to do to avoid Dude was ride in the desert and they could have entered the town anywhere they wanted.


Correction: This is wrong, but it is not clear from the movie. You can find it in the book. The Rio Bravo didn't have "the other end" to come in through. The town was built under a large rock with only one entrance from one side.

15th May 2013

Them! (1954)

Corrected entry: When they are in the police Captain's office, he picks up the bent rifle that Gramps had. He says that Gramps got some shots off before they did that to the rifle. Then he says that "Blackburn was a crack shot, he could hit anything he could see". Gramps' last name was Johnson. The cop that got killed was Blackburn.


Correction: It isn't a character mistake; rather, the Chief was talking about two different facts here: That Old Man Johnson got four shots off with his Winchester; and then referring to Blackburn's gun skill as a police officer. Upon first hearing, though, this does sound like he was talking about the same person.


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