
31st Jul 2018

Boy Meets World (1993)

Avengers: Infinity War trivia picture

Trivia: The final shot of Thanos smiling while sitting on the porch of a farmhouse is a nod to the ending of the "Infinity Gauntlet" storyline, which showed a defeated but optimistic Thanos similarly residing on a farm and smiling.


Trivia: In this film, Thanos' plan to wipe out half of all sentient life stems from his desire to bring balance to the universe. In the comics, he is motivated by his unrequited love for the physical embodiment of Death.


Trivia: Doctor Strange learns of the coming of Thanos after Hulk/Bruce Banner crash lands into the Sanctum Sanctorum and informs Strange of the looming threat. This is taken straight from the "Infinity Gauntlet" storyline, though there it is Silver Surfer that warns Doctor Strange.


Trivia: When Thanos is battling the Guardians in the Collector's lair, he turns Drax into a bunch of cubes and Mantis into ribbons. He does the same thing in the "Infinity Gauntlet" storyline to his brother Starfox and Nebula, respectively.


Trivia: Despite its namesake, this film is based more on Marvel's "Infinity Gauntlet" storyline than it is "Infinity War." The latter storyline actually featured many of Marvel's heroes teaming up with Thanos to defeat a villain called the Magus.


26th Feb 2018

The Conjuring (2013)

Trivia: In a dubious move by the MPAA, this film was given an R rating simply for being too scary.


24th Jan 2018

Logan (2017)

Trivia: This is the first film based on a superhero-centered comic book to ever be nominated for a screenplay award at the Oscars.


18th Dec 2017

The Simpsons (1989)

The Simpsons trivia picture

When You Dish Upon a Star - S10-E5

Trivia: Another thing "The Simpsons" predicted: Towards the end of this episode, a sign outside of a film studio shows the 20th Century Fox logo with "A Division of Walt Disney Co" written under it. Nineteen years after this episode aired, Disney purchased many assets from 20th/21st Century Fox, including "The Simpsons."


14th Jul 2017

Forrest Gump (1994)

Trivia: Disabled U.S. veterans would tell Gary Sinise that they were inspired by his portrayal of Lt. Dan in this film. Feeling humbled because he himself was neither a veteran or disabled, he established the Gary Sinise Foundation in order to help disabled veterans adjust to their new lives.


Trivia: SPOILER: During the third mid-credits scene, we see the high priestess Ayesha reveal that she is creating a being to destroy the Guardians, and that she will call him Adam. This is Adam Warlock, who in the comics is a being that was genetically engineered to be perfect and is Ayesha's "brother." He also played a very important role in the "Infinity Gauntlet" and "Infinity War" comic book storylines that the next "Avengers" films were based on, although the character didn't appear in the movies.


Trivia: SPOILER: Stan Lee's cameo shows him discussing his time as a FedEx employee (a nod to his cameo from "Captain America: Civil War") and presumably his exploits from other MCU films to a group of large bald humanoid beings. These beings are known as Watchers, who are an alien race whose sole purpose is to observe events throughout the universe. This is in keeping with a fan theory that Stan Lee's cameos within the MCU (and possibly Marvel films that are not part of the MCU) point to him being a Watcher himself, or at least someone that reports to them as this film would suggest.


Trivia: SPOILER: During the second mid-credits scene, we see Stakar regrouping with some of his old Ravager buddies. These characters (Krugarr, Aleta, Charlie-27, Martinex, and Mainframe) along with Yondu were the original Guardians of the Galaxy team in the comics.


Trivia: When Nebula and Gamora come across the skulls, one of the skulls has a horse-like shape to it. This is a reference to the character Beta Ray Bill, who in the comics was one of few characters worthy enough to lift Thor's hammer. Or possibly Kymellians - horse headed aliens closely associated with the preteen Marvel team, Power Pack.


24th Apr 2017

Logan (2017)

Trivia: Originally the villain Mr. Sinister was going to make his cinematic debut in this film, as was teased by the post-credits scene from "X-Men: Apocalypse." However, the character was cut as it was deemed he wouldn't fit with the tone of the film.


6th Feb 2017

Split (2016)

Split trivia picture

Trivia: SPOILER: If you place the poster for this film next to the poster for the film "Unbreakable", you'll see that some of the cracks on each image line up.


6th Feb 2017

Deadpool (2016)

Trivia: In the comics, Negasonic Teenage Warhead's powers are vastly different than what is shown in the film. In order to get Marvel's approval to change her powers for the film, Fox was forced to relinquish the film rights to the character Ego the Living Planet, who was packaged with the Fantastic 4 film rights. Ego will appear in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 portrayed by Kurt Russell. Similar to Negasonic Teenage Warhead being named after a Monster Magnet song, Monster Magnet has a song named after Ego the Living Planet, which can found on the same album.


16th Jan 2017

X-Men (1992)

Trivia: The team roster depicted in this series is largely made up of members of the Blue Team (Cyclops, Wolverine, Beast, Gambit, Rogue and Jubilee) that was established in the first issue of X-Men Vol. 2, with Storm and Jean Grey representing the Gold Team. Most of the characters' designs are also based on artist Jim Lee's redesigns.


12th Nov 2016

The Simpsons (1989)

Bart to the Future - S11-E17

Trivia: Adding to the list of jokes on this show that ended up becoming true in real life, this episode made reference to a Donald Trump presidency a full 15 years before Trump first announced his candidacy for President. The episode also accurately predicted that a Trump presidency would lead to an economic recession.


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