
Corrected entry: Ego's entire plain revolves around finding an offspring powerful enough to help him. After searching for hundreds of years and children, he finally finds Star-Lord, and just when he's about to succeed, he screws it up by telling Peter that he killed Peter's mom.


Correction: He only needs Star-Lord's inherited power for his plan to succeed. Star-Lord doesn't have to be a willing participant. Ego even mentions to Star-Lord when he impales him that he can spend a long time functioning as a battery of sorts. One way or another Star-Lord would have turned on Ego, as either Gamora or Yondu would have informed him of all of Ego's dead children.


13th May 2018

The Avengers (2012)

Correction: Loki simply ordered him to build the machine. Selvig otherwise functions as a normal person, and his scientific imperative would have led him to create an emergency shut-off just like he would with any other kind of potentially dangerous machine he would normally build. If there was a scene in which Loki is shown instructing Selvig not to build a fail-safe into the machine, then it would be a plot hole.


2nd May 2018

Black Panther (2018)

Corrected entry: At the start in 1984 King T'Chaka visits his brother N'Jobu in the US. As he enters the apartment he asks who the other guy is and tells him to leave but N'Jobu says he can be trusted. However, T'Chaka both already knew it was his spy Zuri and that N'Jobu had betrayed Wakanda so there was no reason for the act of telling him to leave as he was supposed to be in the room to reveal his identity to N'Jubo. He could have just ignored him instead. Zuri also could have just let the Dora Milaje in himself and dropped the act immediately.


Correction: Firstly, the scene takes place in 1992, not 1984. Secondly, whatever decision King T'Chaka and Zuri made to confront N'Jobu is their own. It doesn't make it a mistake that you think they should have approached it differently. Perhaps T'Chaka wanted to give his brother a chance to come clean without revealing that Zuri was a spy. He may have decided to be more lenient in his punishment of N'Jobu had he told the truth.


2nd May 2018

Ghost (1990)

Corrected entry: The storyline seems to change throughout the movie. First off, the plot was originally that Willy was only supposed to mug Sam and get his wallet, but not actually kill him. Carl confirmed this to Willy at Willy's place. But then later the storyline completely changes that Sam claims he was deliberately murdered for finding out Carl was laundering money at the bank (Ode Mae threw in that last part). Two different motives that conflict one another.

Correction: There's no discrepancy here. Willy was supposed to mug Sam and otherwise leave him unharmed because Carl wanted Sam's password information, but Willy ended up murdering him. Sam was murdered as a result of Carl wanting to launder the money. That may not have been the plan, but it is what ended up happening and Sam's statement that he was murdered over the money is correct.


Correction: The timeline error lies with "Spider-Man: Homecoming" and not this film. I previously submitted a correction for the aforementioned film's 8-year jump and how it could fit in the timeline, given what we had been told about the timeline of events leading up to the first "Avengers" film, but after watching every MCU film leading up to "Infinity War," they do indeed make references to the first "Avengers" film taking place in 2012, so I had to retract the correction. Tony saying that it had been 6 years is correct. Co-director Joe Russo has even stated that the "8 years later" thing is incorrect.


1st May 2018

Blade (1998)

Correction: It would be entirely in keeping for Blade to have more than one of that gun.


1st May 2018

Blade (1998)

Corrected entry: At the end when Blade and Frost are having their big sword fight, where did Frost get his sword from? Mercury had Blade's sword which she used to kill one of the pure blood elders, and Blade retrieves it after it sticks in the wall, but Frost's sword comes from nowhere.


Correction: He could have stored the sword somewhere in the temple off-screen before starting the La Magra ritual. Unless you can come up with a reason why it would be impossible for him to have a sword, then it's not really a plot hole.


Corrected entry: Thanos already had the Infinity Gauntlet in the post-credits scene of "Avengers: Age of Ultron," which is set several years prior to this movie. Yet this film implies that the dwarfs had just recently made him the gauntlet before he almost entirely wiped them out.


Correction: Just because "Avengers: Age of Ultron" took place a few years prior to this movie, it doesn't mean that the post-credits scene of Thanos putting on the gauntlet doesn't take place just before the start of this movie.


Correction: The film does not specify when Thanos attacked the forgery. Only that Asgard did not come to their aid. Asgard had been neglecting its duty to the other realms for the last couple of years (ever since Thor left to search for Infinity Stones and Loki took over) just after Age of Ultron.

31st Mar 2018

Doctor Strange (2016)

Corrected entry: Why didn't Kaecilius steal the infinity stone at the beginning of the movie? He was a student at Kamatage for a long time. He should know how powerful it is and where to find it. I mean would be easy to take it, because the stone isn't secured at all. It is just lying around on a platform in another room.


Correction: Obtaining the Time Stone is not his goal, and much like Baron Mordo, he's probably well aware of how destructive the Time Stone can be if its power is abused.


Not a very good correction. Kaecilius' goal is to obtain as much power as he can gets. Just stealing a side of a book compared to the powers of a Time Stone is very modest for a villain. The detail that the Time Stone is dangerous wouldn't be problem for him at all. Destruction is his business for his master Dormammu.


Kaecilius' ultimate goal is to live forever, which he hopes to achieve by becoming a follower of Dormmamu and living in the Dark Dimension. The Time Stone could grant him the same wish, but it would require him to live in a continuous loop or to perpetually oscillate time back and forth. Choosing Dormmamu is simply a more practical solution for him.


26th Feb 2002

Wayne's World (1992)

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie when everyone is in Wayne's basement, we see Benjamin painfully walk up to Wayne's house for each ending in the dark. When the scene changes to Wayne's basement for the first ending, you can see through the basement window directly behind them that it's broad daylight. This is especially easy to see when the equipment starts to spark. (01:22:25 - 01:23:45)

Correction: It could just as well be from a flood light. In all likelihood this scene was filmed on a sound-stage, where there would be no natural light to speak of.


27th Mar 2018

The Martian (2015)

Corrected entry: When Mark had got his helmet glass cracked in the front, he had duct taped it but in the later scene he has a perfectly clear and undamaged helmet. He could not have got it from any other place as all the other astronauts had taken theirs on board the Hermes.

Correction: Much like their food rations, NASA would provide them with numerous extra helmets for redundancy purposes. If one of their helmets were damaged and became unusable while on their mission and there were no extras lying around, then they would be SOL.


14th Jun 2016

The Conjuring 2 (2016)

Corrected entry: The movie opens with the Clash's song "London Calling", released in December, 1979. The movie takes place two years before the song's release.


Correction: The song plays over the movie, not within the movie itself. It's no different than the movie's score being played over certain scenes despite being written in 2015 or 2016.


10th Oct 2005

Almost Heroes (1998)

Corrected entry: The Indian woman has a bikini tan line above her rear in the bathing scene. Bikinis didn't exist in the 1800's.

Correction: Native Americans were known to have worn loincloths, which could produce similar looking tan-lines.


1st Jan 2018

Demolition Man (1993)

Corrected entry: Spartan is frozen in 1996 and was thawed in 2032; a time span of 38 years, during which time San Angelo has become a more or less crime free paradise. No one in the SAPD expects or knows how to deal with violent criminals or even disobedience of any kind. However, at least the police chief and the black officer (who recognised Phoenix's name on the list) were old enough to remember the pre-paradise times. Indeed, Spartan even mentions knowing the black officer being on the force before. So why do they have no idea how to proceed and need Spartan when they would have experienced troubles earlier in their careers?

Correction: Chief Earl and Zachary Lamb may have been around for the days where crime was rampant and the police had means to deal with it, but they are now living in a society where crime is almost non-existent and means such as guns and physical force have been outlawed, with the glow rods rendering people unconscious being the only option to deal with non-compliant citizens. Earl and Lamb themselves are too old and the police force as a whole does not have the training necessary to deal with a violent sociopath like Simon Phoenix, who unlike other criminals in the city, has not been rehabilitated to be docile.


1st Jan 2018

The Punisher

Corrected entry: During the riot at Rikers Island, Castle is able to enter Death Row and torture an inmate in the electric chair for information. New York State abolished the death penalty back in 1965.

Correction: This game is set in a fictional universe. Whatever laws and practices take place in the real world don't apply here.


1st Jan 2018

Ghost (1990)

Corrected entry: Carl could have easily broken through the windows and escaped from Sam's ghost without throwing the hook at Sam, which instead causes fallen glass in the window to impale him and kill him.

Correction: Stupidities don't really apply in situations where the character is panicking. Carl is being attacked by a ghost and does whatever pops in his head to try and stop the attack. And him simply breaking the windows and exiting would not have stopped Sam from pursuing him.


22nd Dec 2017

Spider-Man (2002)

Correction: This assumes the students knew then and there that it was webbing that the tray was attached to and not some other substance. They know Flash bullies Peter and they might have just thought Peter rigged something together to throw the food at Flash in retaliation. We never see any students inspecting the webbing afterwards, so it can't be definitively said that they would be able to connect it to Spider-Man when he emerges months later.


10th Apr 2005

Space Jam (1996)

Corrected entry: The time between Michael Jordan retiring at the beginning and him coming back only takes a few weeks or so in the movie (i.e. the scene goes to Moron Mountain and back) but Jordan actually was retired for a few years before coming back.

Correction: Michael Jordan announced his return to the NBA on March 18, 1995 and played his first game back the following day. This movie came out in November 1996 (we even see footage of the Bulls championship win over the Seattle Sonics from the 1996 NBA Finals during the film's opening credits montage of his career). But since this is not a documentary, the filmmakers are free to make up their own version of events and timeline leading up to Jordan's return to the NBA.


Correction: He was actually still retired when the movie came out, so they had no timeline to screw up. His only comeback in the movie is him helping out the Looney Tunes. Other than that he was still retired in real life and in the story (he even mentions, repeatedly, that he is now a baseball player).

This is incorrect. He returned to basketball in 1995, before the move came out in 1996. The movie takes place while he was retired and playing baseball, but he was back to playing basketball before the movie came out.


1st Dec 2017

Thor (2011)

Correction: They were both sent to Earth via supernatural means. Normal laws of physics don't apply.


1st Jun 2012

The X-Files (1993)

Two Fathers (1) - S6-E11

Plot hole: Agent Spender watches in horror as Alex Krycek stabs the neck of an alien directly in front of him and the usual bubbling green blood spills out. In every other instance of a human being in such close proximity to the green blood, the person has immediately taken a painful reaction to the substance, including severe damage to the eyes. Spender however is completely unaffected, as is Krycek, who was also close enough to feel the effects.


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Suggested correction: The Syndicate is well aware of the effects that the alien blood has on humans and the inherent risk of being exposed to it. They would have inoculated Spender and Krycek in preparation for this.


There was no inoculation ever mentioned to counter the effect of the acidic blood. Also, Spender wouldn't have let someone randomly inject him with something with no explanation, it would be completely out of character, and he was surprised at what happened.


Suggested correction: I think that this is to do with where he is hit. I don't recall anyone suffering the toxic effects when the weak spot at the back of the neck is successfully hit with the spike weapon. When Mulder tried to kill the alien bounty hunter (think it was in Colony?) He missed the weak spot, which is why the blood had an effect on him and the bounty hunter survived.

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