
12th Jul 2010

The Godfather (1972)

Continuity mistake: At the restaurant, Michael, Sollozzo, and Captain McCluskey have just sat down at the table and the waiter comes over to take their order and pour wine. McCluskey asks Sollozzo what's good to order, and he recommends the veal. Before the waiter leaves the table, McCluskey is suddenly eating his dinner, even though they just arrived. By the way he is using his knife and fork, it is obvious that he is eating an entree, and not a salad or an appetizer.


Revealing mistake: When Jacob is injured by the newborn vampire in the final battle, the Cullens and the Quileutes are crouched around him. The top of Jacob's flesh-colored body suit is quite visible at his waist; he is supposed to be nude after phasing back into human form.


4th Jun 2010

The Vanishing (1993)

Plot hole: Just after Rita rescues Jeff, Diane's grave is seen close to where Jeff was buried alive. Even though Diane's been dead for several years, her make-shift grave site looks like it was freshly dug. There are no fallen leaves or other debris on top, no new vegetation (moss, grass, weeds, etc.) of any type growing on it, nor has the mound of dirt settled, shifted, or been affected by the weather.


2nd Jun 2010

The Vanishing (1993)

Continuity mistake: While Rita is being held by Barney inside the cabin, she looks outside the open door and sees the mound of dirt where Jeff has been buried alive, just a few feet beyond the porch. When she escapes, she has to run a long ways through the brush to get to where Jeff is.


4th Apr 2010

Twilight (2008)

Continuity mistake: Just after showing Bella his room, Edward takes her up into the tall tree to see the view. In the close-up shot, the tree they are in has a different shape to its trunk and limbs and is actually a different tree type from the one that is shown when the scene cuts to a aerial long-shot and pans away.


Visible crew/equipment: Just after the Castaways escape the hut by climbing down the cliff with the homemade rope, they are chased by the natives, also descending the rope. After the Castaways have set the rope on fire, a heavy safety harness is seen around one of the native's waist. As the rope burns upwards, an attached cable pulls him up.


Continuity mistake: Percy, Annabeth, and Grover escape in the sports car that was on display in the Lotus Club. It smashes through the casino doors and onto the street, but it emerges completely undamaged - no dents, scratches, or broken glass, whatsoever.


Continuity mistake: As the group runs into the aviary, they slam the metal doors shut, bolting them. The spinosaurus repeatedly bashes the doors from the other side. However, you can see through the small gap along the top of the doors that there is nothing that big behind them, not even a shadow is moving; there is only open space and daylight.


Plot hole: When it's learned that Jonah has taken a flight to New York by himself, the panicked adults never think to contact United Airlines, the New York Police Department, port authorities, airport security, the taxi companies, or the Empire State Building staff to alert them that an unaccompanied minor child is headed their way. Instead, Sam hops on the next flight to NYC to search for Jonah by himself. Considering the many hours Jonah waits on the Empire observation deck alone, it is apparent that none of the above knew he was there.


Factual error: Jonah points to the LP record and tells Sam that "Paul is dead" can be heard when the record is played backwards. He is not holding a Beatles' record, however, as can be seen from the album's label. In the US, the Beatles recorded under Capitol Records, and their labels had a multicolored circular band printed on both sides. This label is red.


Trivia: Dyan Cannon, who is mentioned in the film and was married to Cary Grant (who is also mentioned), grew up in Seattle - West Seattle, specifically. The large house where many interior shots were filmed is in the West Seattle neighborhood on Sunset Drive. This house is less than two blocks down from where Dyan Cannon's father was living on Sunset Drive at that time.


Continuity mistake: When the Wheelers are at Shep and Millie's house, telling them about their move to Paris, Millie reaches over to the coffee table and takes a chip from the bowl. The shot changes to a different angle, and her empty hand is now resting on the sofa, then she reaches over and takes the chip again.


Question: While in Italy, the Anglican pastor tells a joke, and the punch line is about an American seeing a "yellow dog." Exactly what is he referring to?


Chosen answer: The joke is: The American girl asks her father "What did we see in Rome?" The man says "Rome was where we saw the yellow dog." Explanation: Americans can tour the Eternal City and all they will see that is memorable or of interest to them is a dog.


I don't get it. It doesn't make sense.

What part doesn't make sense? Rome is filled with better things than a dog. To put it another way, it would be like if you went to one of the greatest sporting event live with on-field/court-side/ring-side tickets and when asked about the event you said "I thought the nachos were good."


It's a crude joke about Americans. It doesn't have to make sense. It's a joke that highlights the sense that Americans are crude, illiterate, with no culture. They believe a yellow dog (a common dog in the US) was the best thing to see.


25th May 2009

Star Trek (2009)

Question: How are Kirk, Sulu, and Olson able to parachute from space to Earth without burning up in the atmosphere?


Chosen answer: Vulcan has a thinner atmosphere than Earth. That, combined with the special dive suits they're wearing and the lower speed than space vehicle re-entry makes it possible.

Captain Defenestrator

25th Apr 2009

Twilight (2008)

Trivia: When Bella first arrives at Charlie's house, note the wolf picture on the wall in Bella's bedroom. This is meant to foreshadow the werewolves that appear in the next movie. (Confirmed by the director, Catherine Hardwicke, in the DVD commentary.)


3rd Apr 2009

Twilight (2008)

Trivia: In addition to Rob Pattinson composing and performing some of the music for the film, his sister, Lizzy Pattinson, sings on the soundtrack. (Confirmed by director, Catherine Hardwicke on the DVD commentary.).


1st Apr 2009

Twilight (2008)

Continuity mistake: When Bella is telling Charlie that she is going out with Edward and he is at the house to meet him, her ponytail keeps changing position from hanging down her neck to behind her shoulder. (01:14:20)


27th Mar 2009

Twilight (2008)

Question: I haven't read the books, but at times, Charlie Swan's behavior seems to indicate that he knows something about the Cullens. Other than thinking they are a bit odd, does he know that they are vampires or that the Quileutes are wolves?


Chosen answer: According to the 4 books, Charlie does NOT know the Cullens are vampires. Spoiler alert! In the 4th book breaking dawn, Jacob tells Charlie he is a werewolf. Charlie is not made aware of the Cullens as vampires in any of the 4 books.

Tricia Webster

Answer: Charlie does know that the Quileutes have a prejudice against the Cullen's and that they stopped using the hospital that Carlisle works in. When Bella tells her father that the Cullen kids aren't very accepted at school he is defensive and gives a long speech about what a good family they are.

16th Feb 2009

The Quiet Man (1952)

Trivia: Many of the actors in this film were related. Barry Fitzgerald and Arthur Shield were brothers. Charles and James Fitzsimons were Maureen O'Hara's real-life brothers (Fitzsimons was her real surname), and Francis Ford was director John Ford's brother. In the race scene where Maureen O'Hara is in a hay wagon, the four people with her are John Wayne's children. Patrick and Melinda in the wagon with O'Hara, Michael and Toni stand next to the wagon.


Continuity mistake: When Quinn and Robin first escape the pirates just after they row back to the island, they run up a hill for quite a bit. In a later shot they are running along a path close to the seashore, but immediately following that, they are at the higher elevation again as the pirates catch up to them.


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