
Answer: He lets Jack go and decides to give him a one day head start before pursuing him again out of affection for Elizabeth, whom along with Will wanted Jack to be spared from execution for his good deeds.


Answer: At no point did he actually "let" him escape on purpose. Jack was always just too witty for Norrington (who is kinda slow). That's counting 3 occasions where Norrington failed to capture Jack, but perhaps you can be more specific as to which escape you are referring to.


The escape is at the end of the movie. When Elizabeth and Will help Jack escape. Norrigton is asked if they are going to go after Jack but Norrigton decides to give him a head start.

In that case then, Norrington is confident that the British Navy can capture 1 pirate with relative ease.


Answer: He is overly-confident that he is more capable than Jack and will easily catch him.


Answer: From all the activity she was doing, such as being flung around by the Whomping Willow, crawling through the tunnel, being in the Shrieking Shack, running away from Lupin (when he's in his werewolf form) and so on.


But where was it first seen?

It doesn't really need to be seen for it to happen. If it was gained from being hit over by the willow then they're not going to show a close up of the dirt transferring on to her clothes.


It's first really noticeable when they're inside the Shrieking Shack. Before then it was too dark to be seen.


17th May 2018

Peter Rabbit (2018)

Chosen answer: Because her house was smashed with a tree.

Answer: The Rabbits assumed that she would leave to be with Thomas.

Unlikely. Her house has just been smashed by a tree and would need to be repaired.


By this point Thomas and Bea had broken up.

15th Jan 2019

Jurassic World (2015)

Stupidity: When the Pteradons are loose and flying over the crowds, people run from inside buildings out into the open where the birds are attacking people. (01:22:00)


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Suggested correction: A person is smart, people are stupid. A crowd in a panic would do exactly that sort of thing. Like trampling over each other running in panic from a shooting or a fire when not needed. It's the nature of panic in humans as a group to act stupid. It's not a movie mistake. It's actually one of the more realistic parts of the film.

Quantom X

Suggested correction: The dinosaurs were also breaking into/attacking people inside, so they weren't safe no matter what.

True, but one option is certainly safer than the other.


Between being stuck outside and easy pickings and being inside and protected to a degree you can certainly see that one is safer as you say, than the other.


15th Jul 2004

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: There's a problem with the "faulty lysine gene" idea. If the idea is to insert a faulty gene to prevent the dinosaurs metabalizing lysine, then feeding them dietary supplements won't help. They won't be able to metabolize the extra lysine, so what's the point of them eating it? If the idea is to stop them manufacturing lysine then they are on a hiding to nothing anyway, as lysine is not "manufactured" in the body and is obtained exclusively from dietary sources. Either way, those dinosaurs are in trouble from the getgo.

Correction: The faulty lysine gene wasn't inserted to prevent the dinosaurs from metabolising lysine: It makes them lysine dependent. Word for word from the book (since it explains it better): "we don't want them to survive in the wild. So I've made them lysine dependent. I inserted a gene that makes a single faulty enzyme in protein metabolism. As a result, the animals cannot manufacture the amino acid lysine. They must ingest it from the outside. Unless they get an extraneous source of lysine - supplied by us, in tablet form - they'll go into a coma within 12 hours and expire."


How is it even possible to administer tablets to a dinosaur?

Depends on the dinosaur. With a T-Rex, just get another animal such as the goat and put the tablets in the body of the goat. Same way you put a dogs tablet in a bit of ham.


Correction: Lysine could be administered by making vegetable matter high in lysine available.


Question: Why didn't the Dursleys just dump Harry at an orphanage, or refuse to take him? Why did they care about doing what Dumbledore asked?

Answer: Dumbledore never would have allowed it. The charm that protected Harry was only effective as long as Harry lived with his blood relatives, that being his aunt. Also, though Aunt Petunia would be too afraid of the consequences if she ever tried to abandon Harry, she was not evil. There was a line she would never cross that would put her sister's child in danger. She knew his living in her household protected his life.


Does she care though? Because her and Vernon often tell him that he is punished with no meals for a long time and lock him in a cupboard.

They cared enough for his life, not his well-being.


They were strict on him to try and stamp the magic out of him. Vernon even says "when we took him in we swore we would stamp it out of him".


They probably felt obligated, not enthusiastic. Consider how Severus Snape felt about secretly protecting Harry over the years. He was not happy that Lily fell in love with James and they produced Harry, but he felt obligated to protect Harry anyway, in honor of Lily.

Answer: According to the books, once they agreed to take him in, the protective became active. So it seems like they had the choice not to take him in.


Question: Why was Ron angry with Harry for allegedly putting his name in the Goblet of Fire?


Answer: Ron was becoming a jealous of Harry's fame and, feeling inadequate, was tired of being in his shadow. He (wrongly) believed Harry had entered his name into the Goblet for the attention.


Why does he think Harry did it? Ron was with him when the others put their name in and he couldn't have done it overnight because prefects roam the grounds.

Ron knows that Harry had the cloak, and that Harry can generally get away with a lot more than other students.


Answer: Harry has an invisibility cloak and the Marauders Map, easily undetectable to anyone but Mad-Eye Moody. I'm sure Ron thought that Harry could have slipped away; surely they aren't together every second of the day. Ron was jealous, it doesn't have to make sense.

Stupidity: During the auction, we see the dinosaurs are brought into the room and placed in the middle. Thus blocking half of the bidders from the auctioneer's view. (01:16:40)


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Suggested correction: He couldn't hear someone calling out?

Maybe so, but an auction house requires you to have a number assigned so that auctioneer can write it on his log so the house knows who won and who has entered into a contract to buy. Thus they need to see the bidder.


9th Apr 2014

Frozen (2013)

Other mistake: Anna is shown from the front as she ascends an ice staircase inside Elsa's ice castle. There are giant ice pillars to Anna's right and left. They should reflect the side of her face, but instead the reflections show her face from the front.

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Suggested correction: That's not how reflections work. The ice walls are about two feet to her side so the reflection would look like it was shot from the front but about 4 feet to the side.

Suggested correction: Those were ice walls, not the pillars.

Even if that's the case, the mistake remains valid.


19th May 2020

Death in Paradise (2011)

Correction: As someone having to wear such a mask I can only say that from time to time you do not wear it - it is not a very comfortable thing to do. Especially if one is drunk as Cedrik, he may have skipped wearing the mask that night. So I would not count it as a mistake.

As a fellow mask wearer myself, agreed. It's entirely plausible with Cedrik being that intoxicated he just simply didn't put his mask on.


28th Oct 2014

Saw 3D (2010)

Question: What happens to Bobby Dagen after he fails to save his wife from being incinerated?

Answer: We are never told or shown, but it could be speculated that he was trapped in the building or died from his injuries.


How do you know that?

They don't know. They qualified their answer as being speculation.


Plus Jigsaw's games are normally set so that if you fail, you're not escaping alive.


11th Apr 2016

Breaking Bad (2008)

One Minute - S3-E7

Other mistake: At the end, we see the gunfight between Tuco's cousins and Hank. Several shots are fired, cars smash into each other, a woman runs off screaming. So not a "quiet" attack. However, as the camera zooms out to show the carnage, 2 people who are not involved in the attack, are just stood talking in the car park. A bit odd since there has been a very clear shoot out. (00:44:50)


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Suggested correction: Nobody is actually standing in the car park. People are standing around on the sidewalks talking to each other about what was going on, keeping their distance. Personally I would keep a bigger distance, but whatever distance they feel safe with.


As the camera pans out you can see some people only a couple of cars away.


All I see are bystanders at a safe distance. At least from a distance they don't know where the actual shooting took place. It looks perfectly reasonable to me for the situation.


Chosen answer: She thought she saw herself, which would have been impossible, if not for the Timeturner that Prof. McGonigall gave her. She saw a flash of the scene as it appears when she and Harry revisit that moment in time.


I have watched it several times and cannot see any part of Hermione behind the tree. What part did she see?

As we see later in the film, Hermione #2 is looking around the tree and a twig snaps, causing Hermione #1 to quickly turn around and catch a glimpse of Hermione #2 before she gets her body behind the tree. By the time the camera is showing that portion of the forest Hermione #2 is fully behind the tree so we don't see anything at that time, which is on purpose since the audience isn't supposed to know the movie's later events yet.


But when Hermione #1 turns around, what part of Hermione #2 does she see?

We don't see her, she saw herself.


But what part of herself did she see?

Most likely her bushy hair as that will stand out in the darkness of the forest.


Is it possible to notice that if I watched that scene?

As Jimba said, by the time the camera gets there, she's behind the tree. Hence why I stated it's probably her hair as we simply don't know.


Plot hole: At the end of Apocalypse the Umbrella corporation bombs raccoon City. It doesn't make any sense that they would do this with the entire Umbrella high command underneath the city, as we learn it is in this movie.


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Suggested correction: The Umbrella high command is far underground and safe from the surface bombing. There's no mistake here.


Really? The whole point of the bomb was to destroy any evidence of what happened. That includes the hive.


The point of the bomb was to remove any trace of the virus. Meaning all the inhabitants, dead or alive. Not necessarily the Hive.


Yes but literally the head of company in Dr. Isaac's is located there. It makes no sense that they would bomb Raccoon City because according to Final Chapter they wanted the virus to spread anyway. This film franchise is filled with bad writing, crappy continuity, and plot holes.

That I can agree too. Films 4-6 have a aura about them that says "ignore everything previous, well make it up as we go along"


Corrected entry: Once Alice is in the parking lot of umbrella during the initial fight, she knocked down several men with his powers and destroys several hummers, but they explode from the inside out, not outside-in. (00:09:10)


Correction: First, Alice is a her, not a him. Second, she made the Hummers blow up, what difference does it make how or why they exploded? Her powers are never that specifically defined so this isn't a mistake.


But it does raise the question on what could have been in the cab (as we are shown) to make them blow up from that location? The engine bay or the fuel tank area you can understand. But what in the cab makes the fireball?


Corrected entry: When Alice finds Claire in Alaska, she is very messy, but once they are on the plane, Claire appears magically made up, with lipstick and straight hair. (00:28:10)


Correction: Alice is also made up, there is no reason Claire couldn't have borrowed lipstick or at least a comb.


And a spare set of clothes?


Correction: That's not a plot hole unless it contradicts something else in the film. It never explains where Alice was originally born either; doesn't make her appearance in the film a plot hole.


But there is a slight issue in that he was healthy when he left the prison but sick when they arrived at Arcadia.


3rd Sep 2018

Resident Evil (2002)

Question: Spence reveals at the end that he stole the T-virus and got onto the train where he was knocked unconscious due to the red queen's defences. How did the train return to the mansion by itself without a loco pilot - its power and plugs go off automatically. Was there any other train from mansion to the hive? How did Spence reach the mansion anyway without driving, as he was unconscious at the hive when the red queen released halon gas?

Answer: It's possible the USS unit brought the train up to the mansion even before they entered it or shortly after. They needed it to get down to the hive.


I don't know if the USS team brought the train back because they break through to enter the mansion once they got the news of the red queen going homicidal. Even if the train reaches the mansion automatically, there is no explanation why the power goes off or the train switches get unplugged. It shows that the train was in the mansion from the beginning. When Rain (Michelle Rodriguez) gets down to start the engine's power, she hears some weird noises as she flashes her torch light to some broken grid. That is left unexplained.

But that doesn't explain the sockets being undone under the carriage, Or how Spence ended up in essentially, a closet.


It's possible he got on the train and got up to the mansion but then the security system kicked in, locking him inside the train and he tried to open the doors by disconnecting the power. Then the gas hit and he tried to hide from it by climbing in a closet, then succumbed.


Corrected entry: When the Alice Clone awakes when the movie first starts, she goes into the laser hallway and the lasers start to come. When they transform into the grid, she jumps into a duct in the roof and when the camera shows her shoe, the laser is only a line, not the grid.

Evil Rage42

Correction: We see in the first movie the laser can change from lines to grids instantly.


No, we are shown it to take at least a full second to change. Not enough time for the scene shown.


26th Apr 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

Oh, Brother, Where Are Thou? - S2-E15

Question: How exactly did the production of Homer's car bankrupt Herb? If Herb, as a highly successful car manufacturer, was spending so much money spoiling Marge and the kids that an $82,000 price tag for making a car was enough of a straw to break the camel's back, wouldn't he have gone bankrupt sooner than later anyway?


Answer: It wasn't the cost of one car, but that they'd produced thousands of Homer's ridiculous vehicles, which they'd marketed as a family car, but cost five times as much as a new car at the time. No one would buy them and the company went under.

Brian Katcher

Wasn't the car just a demo though? How would they have been able to produce thousands of cars in such a short amount of time?


Herb had given instructions to his team to build whatever Homer wants, thinking it would be a success. More than likely the plant produced the one seen while production continued on the rest. Herb had too much faith in Homer and his ideas.


Big difference between a "demo" or prototype car compared to a launch car. The dealers must have stock available of the launch car so people can actually buy them straight away.


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