
2nd Jun 2024

Airport '77 (1977)

Continuity mistake: At the airport newsstand, when the pilot and the bad guy swap suitcases, the bad guy closes his magazine. A shot later, it's open and he closes it again.


2nd May 2021

Airport '77 (1977)

Revealing mistake: While the plane is almost upside down, papers and stuff fall inside, but one can notice that it's the actors throwing the papers, not gravity making them fall.


23rd Oct 2020

Airport '77 (1977)

Continuity mistake: When the little girl holds the drawing, her right hand appears/disappears on the upper part of the paper randomly. (00:16:12)


23rd Oct 2020

Airport '77 (1977)

Continuity mistake: Eve tells the Captain about her job in Geneva. His right hand appears/disappears/reappears randomly on her cheek.


23rd Oct 2020

Airport '77 (1977)

Continuity mistake: When Eve and the Captain hug, her right arm is either tight around his neck or lowered next to his shoulder. (00:10:19)


23rd Oct 2020

Airport '77 (1977)

Continuity mistake: When Philip arrives at the mansion, a photographer on the left walks around and stands on the right. A shot later she is back on the left side. (00:01:45)


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