
17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

Sex and the City mistake picture

Hot child in the city - S3-E15

Continuity mistake: While doing the chicken breast fight, Wade wets Carrie's tanktop slightly, then he leans over the balcony and when we see Carrie again her tanktop is magically wetter. Then she leans over and its drier, but when she enters the house it's soaking wet.


21st Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

3rd Dec 2004

Superman (1978)

Superman trivia picture

Trivia: When young Lois Lane and her parents are riding in the railroad train and she sees Clark running past them on the road, her mother is played by Noel Neill, who played Lois on the 1950's TV series, and her father is played by Kirk Alyn, who played Superman in the 1948 movie.

Bob Blumenfeld

19th Jun 2003

Superman (1978)

Superman mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Just after young Clark Kent jumps in front of the train, there is a close up of the train speeding by with a very visible camera in its reflection. (00:30:00)

24th Jun 2020

Superman (1978)

Superman mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When the cocoon cradle crashes and the Kents pull-over, lights and bulky object (camera?) are reflected on the driver's door, perfectly visible when he opens the door. Seconds later, rigs and filming equipment are visible on the fender.


5th Nov 2006

Superman (1978)

7th Nov 2006

Superman (1978)

Superman mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Before the Hoover Dam breaks, the places where all the cracks and water will later appear are easily traced on the concrete, covered in plaster and painted. Either that, or the real Hoover Dam has burst many many times and always through the same spots.


10th May 2007

Superman (1978)

Superman mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: During the first scene in the Daily Planet, after Lois exits Perry's office saying "You forgot my report", two big stage lights get reflected on the left glass door.


24th Jun 2020

Superman (1978)

Superman mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When baby Clark lifts up the truck, Martha's grip on his husband changes: In the close-up she grabs his chest, but in the wide angle she grabs his ribcage. This changes back and forth several times.


7th Nov 2006

Superman (1978)

14th May 2007

Superman (1978)

Superman mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Kal-El's cradle arrives on earth, flies zooming past the Kents' car, which is driving in the opposite direction and crashes 500 meters behind the vehicle. The car keeps moving for about 200 meters and then pulls over. A brief shot shows an intact curb on the right. However, when Jonathan Kent gets out of the car, everything changes: The cradle has moved 700 meters ahead and lies next to the car; and the immaculate field is now destroyed by a huge ditch.


6th Nov 2006

Superman (1978)

24th Jun 2020

Superman (1978)

7th Nov 2006

Superman (1978)

7th Nov 2006

Superman (1978)

Superman mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the train is about to derail, we see a bunch of goats and donkeys under the bridge, with a kid dressed in jeans and a blue shirt, and a bearded man with a white jacket. When the shot changes, the man is wearing the kids' clothes and the boy has vanished.


6th Nov 2006

Superman (1978)

15th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

20th Aug 2009

Sex and the City (1998)

Sex and the City mistake picture

What's sex got to do with it? - S4-E4

Continuity mistake: After Carrie asks Ray if he wants to 'play her', she pulls down the neckline of her top to reveal a strap on her left shoulder. But in the next shot when Ray moves behind Carrie and we are facing them, suddenly her top is pulled back up, and there is no strap showing. This was a seamless transition, and there was no time for anyone to have pulled her top back up. (00:19:05)

15th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

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