
22nd Feb 2012

Commando (1985)

22nd Feb 2012

Commando (1985)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the military guy leaves Matrix's house, the chopper's shadow points in a 12 o'clock direction. A frame later it's pointing to 3 o'clock. (00:11:25)


22nd Feb 2012

Four Lions (2010)

Continuity mistake: When the movie starts with the guys filming a video, the position of the rifle in the guy's hands is inconsistent in every single angle.


17th Feb 2012

Superman II (1980)

Continuity mistake: When Clark walks down to the river to help Lois get out of the water, he falls on the water and she is swimming 4 meters away. When the angle cuts she is half a meter away.


17th Feb 2012

Superman II (1980)

Continuity mistake: When the firemen are grabbing the hose, the black car on the left turns around 180ยบ and changes model between shots. Also, the yellow cab on the right changes positions and model, notice its headlights changing styles between shots.


Continuity mistake: When the satellite hits the spaceship, the shots from inside show the spaceship turning around clockwise, yet in the outside shots it is moving randomly: up and down, clockwise and anti clockwise.


2nd Feb 2012

Dick Tracy (1990)

Continuity mistake: In the boiler room, when Kid is freeing Tracy from his ropes, the amount of steam around Tracy suddenly decreases to barely zero when the angle is focused on his back.


2nd Feb 2012

Dick Tracy (1990)

31st Jan 2012

Conviction (2010)

23rd Jan 2012

Mamma Mia! (2008)

Continuity mistake: When Sam and Harry's taxis arrive at the pier, the sunlight casting on the pavement changes dramatically between shots.


23rd Jan 2012

Mamma Mia! (2008)

13th Jan 2012

The Beastmaster (1982)

13th Jan 2012

The Beastmaster (1982)

Continuity mistake: When the eagle lands on the baddie's head, he loses balance and falls feet first. In the following angle he's taking a nosedive.


13th Jan 2012

The Beastmaster (1982)

13th Jan 2012

The Beastmaster (1982)

11th Jan 2012

The Beastmaster (1982)

11th Jan 2012

The Beastmaster (1982)

Continuity mistake: By the pier, when Kiri is being drowned, her right arm and the cloth around it change positions depending on the angle.


11th Jan 2012

The Beastmaster (1982)

Continuity mistake: During the sandstorm, when Ethan is run over by the car, its left side mirror breaks, but appears fixed in the brief opposite angle.


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