
6th Aug 2009

The Illusionist (2006)

Audio problem: After the first night in his new theatre, Eisenheim walks towards a crowd, who ask him how he's done the trick. But none are mouthing the words.


22nd Jun 2009

Seven (1995)

Audio problem: After the Gluttony murder, both detectives drive to the forensic and have a chat. The audio is slightly out of sync with their lips. Spanish DVD release. Fixed in the Blu-Ray edition.


20th Jan 2009

Milk (2008)

Audio problem: During the birthday sequence, the singer's voice is not in sync with his lips when he is seen on the background. He sings when there's only music sounding and no voice.


2nd Oct 2008

Mac and Me (1988)

Audio problem: Eric escapes from the cops in McDonald's and he says, "Well done, Mac" but his lips are saying something else.


29th Sep 2008

Mac and Me (1988)

Audio problem: In McDonalds, Eric tells his brother "Mac is here", to which he replies, "I don't believe this", but his mouth isn't moving.


29th Sep 2008

Mac and Me (1988)

Audio problem: When Mac grabs the Coke at McDonald's, the kids say, "I don't believe it" and similar things, but their mouths don't move.


29th Sep 2008

Mac and Me (1988)

Audio problem: When Mac escapes the NASA lab, the helicopter pilot over him is informing about the surveillance, yet his mouth isn't moving.


25th Sep 2008

Tail Sting (2001)

Audio problem: At the end, when Jennifer hands the captain a cigarette, her mouth is not in sync with her dialog.


25th Sep 2008

Tail Sting (2001)

Audio problem: Jennifer and the Captain exit the plane and stay there for several minutes while sirens from airport services howl, obviously to help them after such a chaotic flight. However, wider shots show that there's not a single car or person nearby.


Audio problem: When Ben takes a picture of the camera (when transferring the tooth photo) it makes a totally different sound to that when Cat uses it.


Audio problem: When Ben shoots at the shark, he falls backwards and pulls no trigger, yet bangs are heard.


Audio problem: Ness grabs a man who's trying to blackmail him and throws him out of the office. When he does, his voice changes abruptly, much cleaner, obviously overdubbed, and the sentence "You tell Capone that I'll see him in hell" is heard but Ness doesn't mouth it.


12th Aug 2008

Mamma Mia! (2008)

Audio problem: Sophie and her boyfriend sing at the beach, he says he likes to smoke and pronounces the word "true" with the camera facing him. Right afterwards there's a side shot and music is heard with no lyrics, but he is mouthing as if singing. Then back to a front shot and now he sings and mouths.


6th Feb 2008

The Bucket List (2007)

Audio problem: In the hospital, while discussing the list, Edward talks to Carter and, from the back, he says the word "grief" and the sound stops; but his jaw keeps on moving as if he kept on talking.


17th Jul 2007

The Sopranos (1999)

Irregular Around the Margins - S5-E5

Audio problem: From a front angle, Tony tells Adriana about how good his doctor is. Cut to a side angle and Tony's voice is out of sync with the image. Then back to the previous front angle and the audio syncs perfectly.


Audio problem: The Lion King kicks the hyena's butt and sends the animal flying away and cracking up. For brief seconds and a couple of times the hyena is serious and with the mouth closed but the laugh persists.


Audio problem: When Lenny drives his car into the quarry, the sound of his radio changes depending on where the car is; but when he drives away, suddenly it stays constant. It should have decreased, and increased when we get to the close-up.


Audio problem: When Lex is giving instructions to launch the missile, a young man puts on his earphones and talks to Lex, but his mouth doesn't move.


Audio problem: When Superman is wounded on the neck, and when the italian villagers are saved, the same male falsetto voice is used to add a (crappy and out-of-sync) "Oooh!" and "Aaaah!".


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