
Continuity mistake: In one scene, Tod runs near Copper's barrel and calls "Copper!" In the wide shot of him calling, there is no red water bowl near Copper's barrel, but in the closeup the water bowl appears. (00:19:45)


Continuity mistake: When Chief is chasing Tod through the forest, Chief still has his barrel attached to his collar, yet when it cuts back to Copper both barrels are there. (00:24:00 - 00:25:00)


Continuity mistake: When Tod goes up to Chief saying what big teeth he's got, Chief's teeth are perfectly white. Then later when Chief is chasing Tod, his teeth are a noticeable yellow. (00:22:30 - 00:23:45)


Continuity mistake: As Copper enters his kennel in one scene, there is a hole in the barrel, for where the rope is tied, to make sure the dogs can't run off. In one shot the hole is there, then disappears, then reappears once again. (00:19:20)


The Fox and the Hound mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Chief is tied to his kennel around the collar. But when Copper cuddles up to him for the first time, the rope tied to his collar disappears for a shot. (00:10:35)


Continuity mistake: When Widow Tweed first finds Tod, she pulls the pink trousers off of him, and leaves them on the ground. Then when she takes Tod and walks towards her house, the trousers have gone. (00:08:30)


Continuity mistake: Chief's red water bowl goes from being in front of, to by the side of his kennel when Copper is introduced to him. (00:09:35 - 00:11:05)


Continuity mistake: The hole Boomer makes in the front door disappears when Widow Tweed finds and brings Tod into her home. (00:07:45 - 00:08:50)


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