
Continuity mistake: At the end of the film the two girls holding the skipping rope chanting the Freddy rhyme swap sides between shots. (01:25:10)


Continuity mistake: When we first see the pig on the platter it has fruit surrounding it, and it has an apple in it's mouth. But when the pig roars at Kristen the fruit and apple have gone. (00:19:15)


Continuity mistake: When Kristen finds the pig on the platter you can see a champagne bottle standing right in front of the platter. Then as the camera pans around the room to Kristen, and you see the pig again, the champagne bottle is now laying down. (00:19:20)


Continuity mistake: In the boiler room Nancy finds Glenn's bloody headphones. As she raises them up from the ground, between shots, the way she holds them changes. (01:16:30)


Continuity mistake: In the scene where Freddy turns into a puppet, he cuts his own strings with his knive fingers to get down and as he falls you can see some strings still attached to him, but when the shot changes and he lands on the floor, there are no longer any strings attached to him. (00:28:30)


Continuity mistake: When the group hypnosis fails, Neil tells everyone to take five. Joey gets up and walks over to the water cooler. In the next shot you can see Joey get up once again. (00:45:30)


Continuity mistake: When Alice is holding onto the edge of the wall in the cinema because she is being blown to the screen, between shots Alice's shoe flies off of her foot twice. (01:01:45)


A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Kristen meets the little girl drawing the chalk house, between the two shots before it starts raining, the chalk drawing changes. (00:02:35)


Continuity mistake: After Nancy pulls her phone out in frustration, she wraps the phone cord around it, and places it on her bed nice and neatly. But in the next shot of the phone mysteriously ringing, the phone is in a different position and the phone cord is wrapped around the phone differently. (01:03:50)


Continuity mistake: When Nancy is in class, the teacher walks around the room and we get a good look of everyone in their seats. Then she asks one student to read in front of the class. But the student who gets up and reads wasn't who was sitting there in the previous shot. He is a different person, and is also wearing different clothes. (00:22:15 - 00:23:00)


Continuity mistake: In her dream, Kristen does a back flip, and Freddy lungs at her, misses, and punches the wall. Yet in the next closeup Freddy rips his knife fingers out of the wall, as if his hand went straight into the wall. (01:09:25)


Continuity mistake: When Freddy is set alight, he runs up the cellar staircase which has steps with no backs to them. Then when he is hit by the door and rolls down the stairs, the staircase has changed, and the backs of the steps are there. (01:19:50)


Continuity mistake: Nancy and Glen are talking on a bridge and Nancy is holding a book. Glen then takes it from her and reads it's title aloud, and in a closeup he is holding the book closed. But as the shot changes Glen is holding the book so that it is open. (00:53:05)


Continuity mistake: In the prison cell, just before Rod falls to the floor because notices the sheet wrapping around his neck, between shots the way the sheet is wrapped around his neck changes. (00:42:45)


A Nightmare on Elm Street mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In one scene Nancy's mother is pouring herself a drink, then Nancy enters the room and she switches off the TV. Then Nancy and her mother start talking about going to school, and behind Nancy's mother on the worktop, a white alcohol bottle can be seen. But after their conversation when Nancy leaves, the bottle of alcohol is gone. (00:19:40 - 00:20:30)


Continuity mistake: When the cross falls off of the wall, Nancy rolls over in her bed and stretches her left arm to get it, with her right arm under the covers. Then as the shot changes, Nancy's right arm is resting on the pillow, by her head. (00:11:45)


16th Sep 2004

Steel Magnolias (1989)

Continuity mistake: When Ouiser is trying to tie up her dog and hold it back, between shots her handbag repeatedly goes from hanging on her arm to laying on the floor. (00:15:20)


15th Sep 2004

Child's Play 2 (1990)

Continuity mistake: When Kyle and Andy are climbing up the metal roller conveyer, in a wide shot when Kyle calls "Come on" to Andy, you can see Kyle is right at the top of the conveyer, but when the shot changes, Kyle isn't quite at the top yet. (01:06:30)


14th Sep 2004

Child's Play 2 (1990)

Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the fire alarm has been set off, Andy is standing at the top of the staircase, looking at Kyle. Then Grace Pool walks down the stairs and grabs Andy by the top of his arm. But when the shot changes she is holding his hand. (00:58:00)


14th Sep 2004

Child's Play 2 (1990)

Continuity mistake: When the fire alarm has been set off, all of the children run down stairs, and at the end of the line of children, we see Andy who stops at the top of the stairs. When he stops you can see a girl holding a teddy going down the stairs, and she is nearly reaches the bottom. But when the shot changes, the girl is nearly at the top of the stairs again. (00:57:50)


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