Death Race: Inferno

Question: A voice-over says "Log-on and get inside access on your favourite drivers. For an additional cost, you can tap into the closed circuit camera INSIDE the driver's car", but Carl/Frankenstein has his mask OFF while he's driving & isn't the audience meant to be kept in the dark about who Frankenstein actually is? He's meant to be the most popular character/racer, so everyone would then know his true identity.


Chosen answer: The camera being inside the car could be pointed out the windshield so you can see what the driver sees. It doesn't have to be pointed at the drivers.


Continuity mistake: There are 16 women that have to compete to the death to become Navigators, it say "vie for 10 spots as Death Race navigators". But as the cars are lining up it says "Eleven drivers will compete over three brutal days". So does that mean 1 of the drivers doesn't have a navigator? (00:21:40 - 00:28:55)


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14K: We're even now.

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