Resident Evil: Afterlife

Trivia: Leon Kennedy, a popular character from the games, was originally intended to be in the film but was dropped. He later appeared in the fifth film.

Trivia: The only movie out of the first five films to not include an extreme closeup of Alice's eye opening as she wakes up near the beginning. The shot had become a trademark of the series, and was re-used again in the subsequent fifth film.

Continuity mistake: When Luther ducks to avoid getting hit by Alice's plane, his gun falls out of his pants. He then picks it up again just before he runs off to clear the roof. But in the shot where Angel runs away, his gun is still lying in the middle of the "E." (00:30:20)


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Albert Wesker: I'm what you used to be... Only better.

More quotes from Resident Evil: Afterlife

Question: How did the Executioner zombie get into the shower room? It couldn't have burrowed in like the other zombies because it is simply too big. The cast were standing by the entrance and the Executioner does not appear at the entrance.


Chosen answer: Only Claire, Kim-Yong and Alice were left, and Alice and Claire were paying attention to Kim, who was very reluctant about going into the tunnel. The camera is just focused on what the characters are focused on, Kim-Yong.


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