Jackson Curtis: When they tell you not to panic... That's when you run!
President Thomas Wilson: Six months ago, I was made aware of a situation so devastating that, at first, I refused to believe it. However, through the concerted efforts of our brightest scientist, we have confirmed its validity. The world, as we know it, will soon come to an end.
Adrian Helmsley: The moment we stop fighting for each other, that's the moment we lose our humanity.
Noah Curtis: Whoa, that's a big plane.
Yuri Karpov: It's Russian.
Jackson Curtis: It's not just California... It's the whole world.
Carl Anheuser: You're telling me that the North Pole is now some where in Wisconsin?
Professor West: Actually, that's the South Pole now.
Chosen answer: Its a safety device so the ship doesn't put to sea and ends up flooding the ship. The passenger ferry Herald of Free Enterprise capsized in the port of Zebrugge in 1987, precisely because the doors were not shut properly.