Bolt mistake picture

Factual error: Near the beginning of the film, Calico is sitting with a cat on his right shoulder. Their reflection is shown in the glasses of a man directly opposite. The reflection shows Calico and the cat in the same position instead of being reversed, as a reflection would be. (00:04:30)

Bolt mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the beginning, when Penny and Bolt are acting out the chase scene on the playback monitor, the producers are enraged over a boom mic showing up in the shot. Yet seconds earlier during the actual scene, you don't see the boom mic in the upper right corner. (00:10:10 - 00:11:50)

Bolt mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Towards the end of the film when Penny takes one last picture, Mittens is lying against the mother's lap. But at the very end when you see the photo, Mittens is sitting up and posing.

Bolt mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Penny takes a photo of herself with Bolt after Bolt has 'rescued' her again at the very beginning with a Polaroid camera. She places it (the camera) on a counter next to the trailer's door and it is parallel to the edge. Later, after the two cats have taunted Bolt and the camera pans down, the camera has moved and is now positioned at an angle on the counter.


Bolt mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Penny pours dog food onto a bowl for Bolt and places it next a pillow. Cut to Penny trying to get Bolt to play with his toys and a bone design has appeared on the bowl. It's too fast for Penny to turn the bowl around. (00:16:35)


Deliberate mistake: When Penny is loaded onto the ambulance at the end, her gurney is rolled straight in. This is wrong, the paramedics will collapse the wheels and slide the gurney into locks to hold it still during the drive. It was done this way since Mittens and Rhino were hiding in the collapsible section.

Grumpy Scot

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Bolt: I'll release you, cat, when we find Penny.
Mittens: Excuse me? That wasn't the deal! We had a deal.
Bolt: Your deal just expired.
Louie: She said that to me not ten minutes ago. The irony.

More quotes from Bolt

Trivia: The part where penny is printing lost dog posters on the bulletin boards on each side of the door are the original movie posters shown in the theaters with coming this fall printed on them.

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Question: This has been confusing me for some time. Who owns Bolt legally? The network or Penny? The opening prologue shows a younger Penny selecting Bolt at a pet store when he's only a puppy. Fives years later, during the making of the TV show, the network forbids Penny from taking Bolt to her house because they want him to think he's a superdog. This raises additional questions. How long has the show been on the air? Is what the network doing to Bolt legal? Is Penny allowed to quit the show at any time if she feels like it? Do they have deal with the studio lawyers over custody of Bolt if she resigns from the show?

Answer: Okay, here we go: Since Bolt was bought by the network FOR Penny, the network technically owns the dog. IF the dog was purchased by Penny's parent(s) or legal guardian, Bolt belongs to Penny legally. This is never really explained, but one can assume the studio owns Bolt since they lay down the law to Penny about taking Bolt off the set and keeping him in his own fantasy world. The show has been on the air for at least two years given Bolt's growing from a puppy to a dog and getting properly (fooled) trained all the while. The show is a colossal hit and it would have taken a studio at least two seasons to achieve that kind of success. Studios spend that kind of advertising money on TV shows that are major hits. (Look at "Lost" and "Heroes" and their advertising budget!)Next: Yes, what the network is doing to Bolt IS legal given the parameters of the film's content. (If a screenwriter writes that it's legal; it's legal!). If this were REAL life, PETA would have shut them down immediately! Penny is an actress and CAN quit anytime she wants provided she's NOT under any contract that prohibits her walking out. Given that fact that she almost DIES at the end, she was probably given anything she wanted by the studio to keep it out of the press and avoid any major lawsuits. This would means she could leave AND take Bolt with her as per the studio lawyers!


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