The Jungle Book
Movie Quote Quiz

Baloo: You better believe it.

Bagheera: This will take brains, not brawn.
Baloo: You better believe it, and I'm loaded with both.

Mowgli: Oh, Baloo, I wanna stay with you.
Baloo: Certainly, you do.
Bagheera: Oh? And just how do you think he will survive?
Baloo: "How do you think he will... " What do you mean how do you think he... He's with me, ain't he? And I'll learn him all I know.
Bagheera: Oh? That shouldn't take too long.

Continuity mistake: When all the elephants line up for inspection, Winifred is at the start of the line, and first for inspection. But in later shots, another elephant has suddenly appeared to her right. (00:15:40)


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Question: Why did Shanti lure Mowgli into the village at the end? What was her reason for doing so?

Answer: She was a young girl who was instantly smitten by Mowgli (and he with her) and encouraged him to come into the village, hoping he'd stay. It shows that Mowgli has made the decision to live with humans.


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