From Russia With Love
From Russia With Love mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Tatiana first meets Rosa Klebb in Istanbul, the hand of a crew member is seen closing the door behind Tatiana when she enters the room (from the other side of the door - not the side Tatiana and Rosa are on). (00:14:50)

From Russia With Love mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When we see the car leaving the airport as the man with a moustache walks out there is a very nice reflection of a crew member in the paintwork. (00:24:20)


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When leaving the Gypsy's Bond gets into a white car as it drives off. When it does so, the stage light is reflected very nicely. (00:46:55)


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When James Bond shoots down the helicopter, then it crashes. He emerges from the rocks to run from the crash site to the right of the picture, just as you see Sean Connery emerge from behind rocks from the right in the same scene. So, for about a second, there are two James Bonds in the picture. One is the stuntman, and the other is Sean Connery. (01:38:05)

Visible crew/equipment: In the boat chase, the director's waving hand can be seen reflected in the windshield of Bond's boat at several points. (01:43:00)


Visible crew/equipment: When Bond is being led into the Bazaar in Istanbul spot the crowd being held behind a barrier.

Visible crew/equipment: Near the end, where Klebb and the man who played chess are standing in front of Blofeld, a man with a poisonous knife sticking out of the end of his shoe kills someone. Just before he does, the cameraman's shadow can be seen on his shirt.

Visible crew/equipment: After Bond is in his car, it takes off, as well as a cab, and the spy following him. Reflected on all three is a man in dark clothing (presumably a crew member, as he doesn't move from his position), the crew, camera equipment, and a man with white shades on.

Movie Nut

Continuity mistake: The train is stopped because Spectre has pushed a 1950's style Dodge truck full of flowers in the train's path. Later, when James is driving it, trying to avoid the grenades dropped from a helicopter, the truck has turned into a very different-looking 1961 Chevrolet truck.

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James Bond: Pardon me, do you have a match?
Kerim's Chauffeur: I use a lighter.
James Bond: Better still.
Kerim's Chauffeur: Until they go wrong.
James Bond: Exactly.

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Trivia: When Bay is about to kill the man that was hanging on the movie banner, look carefully at the names on the banner. The names are Albert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman, the producers of the Bond movies.

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Chosen answer: It would, yes. Also I am to understand that it's his sense of humour.

Alan Keddie

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