Cinderella Man

Trivia: The man who at the end announces that Jimmy Braddock is the winner is actually the Director's (Ron Howard) Father.

Trivia: Rosemarie DeWitt, who plays Sarah Wilson a wife of one of the characters in the movie, is the real life granddaughter of Jim Braddock, the subject of the movie. And according to Ron Howard she was able to provide copies of letters her grandfather wrote her grandmother.

Sonja Marie

Trivia: The man who plays the referee in the fight where Braddock fights Feldman is played by the director's (Ron Howard) brother.

Trivia: Russell Crowe dislocated his shoulder in Sydney whilst training for a boxing scene. The injury delayed the start of the production on the film for two months.

Trivia: All of the dialogue during the fight scene between Braddock and Baer was ad-libbed.

Continuity mistake: When Mae is at the sink washing dishes and, behind her, Braddock is teaching his kids how to box, Mae turns around and emotionally yells, "No boxing in the house!", the strap on the apron she is wearing is twisted. They cut away and in the next shot the strap is no longer twisted.

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Reporter: Bob Johnson, Boston Globe. Two days ago, we ran a story about you giving your relief money back. Can you tell our readers why?
Jim Braddock: I believe we live in a great country, a country that's great enough to help a man financially when he's in trouble. But lately, I've had some good fortune, and I'm back in the black. And I just thought I should return it.

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Question: I realize how much the wedding ring must have meant to Mae Braddock, but I don't see why she would not have pawned it, rather than send her children away or become sicker because they could not pay for the heat?

Answer: In that case, you apparently don't realise how much the ring means to her.


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