Saw mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Alison gets the gun from Zep and aims it at him, the gun is in her left hand. In the next shot it's in her right hand, and then it moves back to her left hand again. This is not an artifact of changing camera angles, you can clearly see the different hands holding the gun. (01:20:30)

Grigory the Wanderer

Saw mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Adam pounds on Zep with the toilet seat, he grabs his shoulder in pain. In the first shot of him holding his shoulder, his hand is soaked in blood. In the second shot, however, his hand is much cleaner. (01:30:25)


Saw mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Larry is desperately trying to reach for the cell phone, he uses the box that it came in. When that doesn't work he throws it off to the side (his left) but when we see it again the box is back where it originally was (on his right). (01:25:40)

Saw mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Adam's hacksaw blade snaps almost as soon as he gets it. However, later on (just after he gets electrocuted) we see it lying beside him with the blade in one piece. (00:14:30 - 01:03:30)

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: When Dr Gordon begins to saw his foot off, the blood seen covering his neck and top disappear in subsequent shots. (01:26:40)

Saw mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the victims first find the saws and are vigorously trying to cut the chains: The wide angle of Larry sawing, shows him cutting at the chain. Close up he is cutting the padlock. (00:14:20)


Saw mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Larry takes the box out of the wall, it turns itself around from when he's holding it, to when it's on the floor (keep an eye on the box's padlock). (00:54:50)

James Ollier

Saw mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where. Lawrence and Adam find the 'X' on the wall, there is a continuity error. Right after they find the 'X', the lights are turned on and there is the shape of a square on the wall (the cavity where the box is hidden). Before they find the 'X' there is no box or any dirty lines where the cavity is. (00:54:00)

Saw mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Larry looks at the picture with Zep at the window, from one angle the picture is all crumpled but in the first person view, it's smooth. This changes several times. (01:18:40)


Continuity mistake: When Dr. Lawrence opened his envelope he got a key in it. When he tried it on the lock on his chain and it failed to open, Adam then asks to try it. Right when Adam asks for it, he puts his tape and envelope down separate, but when reaches for his tape again, it has ended up inside the envelope. (00:07:50)

Saw mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dr Gordon is going crazy, he throws the box to his right, but in the next shot it's on the left, then on the right again. (01:25:50)

Saw mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dr. Gordon gets out of Tapp's car and is talking to him at the car window, the amount of shirt sleeve showing under his jacket changes between shots. (00:42:00)

Continuity mistake: When we first see the heart on the toilet, the lid is on upside down. When we see Adam look at it, the lid is on the right way up. (00:12:35)


Saw mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Adam retrieves the bag with the saws from the toilet, he places it on his right side. At one point you can see that there is nothing on his left side, but the next shot shows Adam grabbing the bag from his left side and tossing it into the tub. (00:14:00)

Saw mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Dr. Gordon rips open his envelope near the start. When he does he rips it with the "A" in "Lawrence" still visible. Camera cuts and the rip has moved down to take off half of the "W". (00:06:45)


Saw mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Adam is walking into his apartment, his camera has a short lens on it. He then rounds the corner and goes into the darkroom and the camera has a long lens on it. (01:04:20)

Saw mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Adam throws the picture that he found in Lawrence's wallet to him, the picture lands next to the rectangular piece of tile that Lawrence uses in the immediate next shot to bring the picture closer to him. The tile moves from in front of him (given it's proximity to the photo) to right beside his right arm/hand. It "moved" about two feet. (00:59:10)

Continuity mistake: Dr. Gordon gets a key in his envelope. The way he hold it changes instantly. Note the straight edge. (00:07:10)


Saw mistake picture

Revealing mistake: After Dr. Lawrence cuts off his leg and is crawling towards the gun, if you look at his dismembered leg, you can make out the shape of his foot hidden beneath his ripped up slacks. (01:29:30)

More mistakes in Saw

Jigsaw: Congratulations. You are still alive. Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not anymore.

More quotes from Saw

Trivia: As is often the case with micro-budget films, the movie was not shot widescreen, but rather was shot on cheaper 4:3 full-frame film stock and cropped for the widescreen theatrical release. Thus director James Wan filmed the movie ahead of time with the knowledge that the tops and bottoms of the frame would be missing from the theatrical cut, and he made sure to compose the shots accordingly. Unfortunately, instead of panning-and-scanning the cropped widescreen release for the full-frame home-video release, the distributors merely uncropped the image. This causes some rather strange and subtle blunders in some full-frame home-video releases, as portions of the frame were visible that shouldn't have been.

More trivia for Saw

Question: This is a question regarding the scene where Ali tells Dr. Gordon over the phone to not believe Adam's lies. How does Ali know about Adam in the first place? From what you gather, it is only Detective Tapp that knows Adam since he was the one who paid Adam in secret to follow and take pictures of Dr. Gordon. So, was it Zep that told Ali about Adam? If so, how did Zep know about Adam? From Jigsaw? Any further details would be appreciated. Thanks.


Chosen answer: Yes. You pretty much guessed correctly. We can assume that Jigsaw told Zep to tell Ali to tell Dr Gordon, "do not believe Adam's lies..." Don't forget that Jigsaw spends hours planning his tests so it would be safe to say that he had planned it all in the beginning.

More questions & answers from Saw

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