E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

Question: Right after ET's death scene we see the people in the suits taking some weird cone things out of the house. What was it they were taking out in the cones?

Question: When Elliott, Mike and Mike's friends are escaping from the agents on their bikes, are the actors' stunt doubles adults or teenagers? Asking because I've heard of teenagers being stunt performers in movies.

Answer: The BMX stunt riders were aged between 15 and 20, so older than the kids in the film who were about 10.


Question: Why, at the beginning of the movie, is there a ton of smoke hovering over the table where the young boys are playing the game? I know they are not smoking cigarettes. The mother is obviously not smoking. Where is the all the smoke coming from? It isn't incense either.

William Bergquist

Chosen answer: They actually are smoking and there are cigarettes on the table.

Mike K

Answer: It didn't show anyone smoking but there is a lit and burning cigarette on the table.

Answer: They're definitely not smoking but there is a lot of smoke. You can see an actual flame at one point so I'm guessing incense.

Answer: There also is a can of insecticide AND air freshener. Years ago they were used to mask the smell of smoke. The mother was too busy and addled to notice them smoking.

Question: Does anyone know the city this was filmed in, or any location used in the film?


Chosen answer: According to IMDb, the filming locations for E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial are: (1) 7121 Lonzo Street, Tujunga, L.A., California (2) Crescent City, California (3) Culver Studios, Culver City, California (4) Granada Hills, L.A., California (5) Northridge, L.A., California (6) Wrightwood, California.

Super Grover

Question: The doctor is asking the mother questions about E.T. near the end. One of the questions he asks is "are the children okay?" The children are right there. Why does he ask her?


Answer: He's asking if the kids have any symptoms they aren't completely aware of themselves or they might be dishonest about.


Question: What was the purpose of the government officials arriving at Elliot's house in astronaut suits? I never really understood the purpose behind that.

Answer: They are not space suits. They're protective hazmat suits. They are dealing with an unknown extraterrestrial being, and would take every possible precaution to ensure they are not exposed to some potentially lethal alien infection.


Answer: Forgive my ignorance they just looked like space suits to me.

Question: I was hoping someone could clear this up for me. Did ET really die and somehow return, or did he simply fake his death to fool the authorities?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: First, it is hard to know whether he actually died and was revived, or possibly got so close to dead that the scientists simply assumed he had died and called it. But it was not a ploy. His link to the flower reflects his dying condition. As he died, so did the flower.


Question: When Keys says to Elliot that E.T. came to him too, does he mean that E.T. came into his life or that Keys himself had a similar experience to Elliot's when he was ten?

Answer: I think he's saying that it's been his dream since he was a little kid to see an alien- hence, E.T. came into his life.


Question: Why did Elliot let all the frogs out? And why was he asking one if it could talk? I realise he was drunk (or ET was), but this doesn't explain such behaviour.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Elliot, through a psychic connection to ET, is experiencing the effects of the beer that ET is drinking. It has impaired Elliott's judgment and unleashes his inhibitions. He frees the frogs because he doesn't want them to be killed and dissected in class. Talking to one is just a side-effect of being intoxicated and he may be identifying it as a sentient being like E.T.


Question: I used to have a book that was a sequel to "E.T." called something like "The Green Planet." I am not sure what it was about, does anyone know about this book?

Answer: The book was about E.T. returning to his home world and pretty much shunned for getting left behind. He comes to believe that Elliott is growing up and in doing so forgetting about him. E.T. decides he can save Elliot from growing up and forgetting about him by building a ship and returning to Earth.

Mitchel Hall

Question: When Elliot grabs Gertie's doll and tosses it to Mike, he says, "Do it, Mike. We have to." What does Mike start doing with the doll that brings Gertie to tears?

Answer: It sounds like they're fake-threatening to damage the doll, like pulling its head off, or something to that effect. Naturally, Gertie would be upset.


Question: Why couldn't ET use his magic finger on himself when he was ill?


Answer: The ability is meant to be empathic - he can use his energy to heal other life-forms but must himself heal normally, given sufficient time and hope. Elliot's caring for E.T. helps facilitate his recovery.

Erik M.

Answer: He may have been too weak to do it himself.

Question: Why couldn't ET fly earlier in the movie while people pursued him?


Answer: He can't fly he can only make objects levitate.

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the exterior front shots of Elliott's house there are some significant changes to the landscape in different shots. For instance, the two lampposts at the bottom of the driveway change to an entirely different style in some shots, and the huge garden boulders repeatedly vanish and reappear. Also, note when Michael takes off on Elliott's bike to go search for ET, the in-ground lamppost that should be beside the mailbox has vanished, but it reappears when all the government agents are setting things up outside the house.

Super Grover

More mistakes in E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

Elliot: It was nothing like that, penis breath!

More quotes from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

Trivia: When the children go out on Halloween night, they pass other children dressed up. One that they pass is dressed as Yoda from Star Wars, and at this point the music plays Yoda's theme from Star Wars. John Williams wrote the music for both films.

More trivia for E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

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