The Bodyguard

Visible crew/equipment: When Frank comes back to the hotel room after the beating in the hotel kitchen Delaney informs him that Rachel had received another call from the stalker. In the scene there is a reflection of the mike in the window, and we even see how it's turned around when the take is over. (01:12:00)


Visible crew/equipment: Towards the end of the fight in Frank's kitchen, when Tony pulls the knife out of the holder, look at the bottom right side of the glass front of the cupboard in front of a pile of plates: There is a beautiful reflection of a crew member in a white shirt giving signs with his arm. (00:41:40)


Continuity mistake: When Frank's dad is cutting mushrooms while cooking dinner, he slices a mushroom in a closeup. In the next shot, the mushroom is whole again.

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Rachel: Well, you don't look like a bodyguard.
Frank: What'd you expect?
Rachel: Well, I don't know, maybe a tough guy?
Frank: This is my disguise.

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Trivia: The movie that Frank and Rachel watch is called "Yojimbo." Yojimbo is Japanese for bodyguard.

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Question: Please can someone explain the ending of this film to me? Do Frank and Rachel end up together or not?


Answer: The fact that Frank hires an older gray haired bodyguard for Rachel after he quit tells me that he didn't want her getting involved with another man, because his intention was that he would be involved with her.

Chosen answer: I saw an interview with Whitney Houston after the movie came out and she said it was left up to the individual person watching the movie as to whether or not Frank and Rachel ended up together.

Travis Greene

More questions & answers from The Bodyguard

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