Revenge of the Nerds

Continuity mistake: In the shot after Gilbert is dipped and gets soaked in the fountain by the Alpha-Betas, when he is up on the podium, you notice that he is almost dry, only his head is wet. (01:21:25 - 01:23:00)

Continuity mistake: When Lewis and Gilbert first carry their trunk from the car, the puddle behind them has no shadows around it. However as they approach it in the next shot the shadow of a tree is now there on the left side. (00:06:45)


Continuity mistake: When Lewis and Gilbert pass over the couple with their trunk - there are 2 people sitting up in the sun who are wearing red shirts. However, when they first arrive in their car with the trunk there were 3 sitting in that same place, now in the shade.


Continuity mistake: When Lamar is sitting eating in front of the black and white TV, he's sitting up and angled towards the guy next to him who he smiles at while holding his plate up. However when the camera angle changes, he's now slumped down and his plate is nowhere to be seen and he's facing forward.


Continuity mistake: When we see Lamar exercising behind Poindexter in the gym, we see him twist to the left however when the camera shot changes he's immediately facing the right again. (00:21:05)


Continuity mistake: When Lewis and Gilbert first look at the Altar of Sacrifice in the Alpha Beta house, none of the guys are holding their paddles up in the back row. In the next shot up close, we now see the 3rd guy in from the left holding his paddle up higher than his head. (00:20:05)


Continuity mistake: During the carnival winning musical performance, Booger can be seen playing his guitar in front of him, while in the next shot, his guitar is slung completely behind his back. This happens a few times. (01:14:30)

Continuity mistake: The morning after they finish the house, Takashi has the robot bring him a drink - he goes from holding it, to it being on the table in front of him in the next shot. (00:30:10)


Continuity mistake: The couple Lewis and Gilbert pass over with their trunk that are making out on the lawn are not there when they first start walking towards the puddle from the car. (00:06:45)


Continuity mistake: When Gilbert is handed the mic to talk at the pep rally at the end, his left shoulder is covered with grass and dirt from being thrown on the ground. However when the camera shot shows him first talking to the crowd, all the dirt and grass is significantly less and even completely disappears once Betty and the rest of the nerds come up to join them. (01:22:50)


Continuity mistake: Lamar's javelin that he's seen running with is flexible in the middle and not very rigid, however when the shot after he throws it, we see a solid normal javelin going through the air and visibly a different one altogether. (01:06:30)


Continuity mistake: When they pan down the camera to see bush, the camera returns to a wide shot, and Poindexter has his arms out wide to the outside of his knees. On the very next shot of Poindexter's close-up, his hands are together when he screams.


Continuity mistake: At the skit competition, the RHO class is in a boat with the waves moving. They stop moving their oars when the sorority girls pop their heads up. The waves continue to move while the girls are briefly singing, even though the guys are not moving their oars. However, after the girls go back down, the waves have stopped, and only move again when the guys move their oars.

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Suggested correction: There is no evidence at all that the oars are moving the waves. It is more likely some people offscreen are doing it.


Continuity mistake: At the end when Gilbert is giving his "I'm a nerd" speech, he finishes and there is a pause. You can see Lewis' shadow coming to Gilbert's side from screen right before he actually comes over.


Continuity mistake: During the sequence with the football players and liquid heat, some of them end up on the ground in pain. In the next shot from the opposite angle, none are on the ground.


Continuity mistake: In the scene where Lamar is throwing the javelin, you can see the scoreboard for the games. The Tri-Lambs currently lead the games with 10 points (which was after the tricycle race), but at that part of the movie, the Alpha Betas currently led and had at least 40 points. (01:01:25 - 01:06:20)


Continuity mistake: In the shot after Gilbert is dipped and gets soaked in the fountain by the Alpha-Betas, when he is up on the podium, you notice that he is almost dry, only his head is wet. (01:21:25 - 01:23:00)

More mistakes in Revenge of the Nerds

Stan Gable: Times are changing, Betty. These nerds are a threat to our way of life.
Betty Childs: If they win the Homecoming Carnival, they'll be able to take over the Greek Council.
Stan Gable: Yeah. And we'll be up to our asses in nerd shit.

More quotes from Revenge of the Nerds

Trivia: The University of Arizona agreed to let the filmmakers shoot at the campus but then revoked permission after reading the script and discovering how raunchy it was. Eventually they again changed their minds and let them shoot. They also allowed many of the students to be used as extras.

More trivia for Revenge of the Nerds

Question: What is the English translation of the Japanese song playing while Takashi is finishing the tricycle race?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: It's the song "Daisy Bell" by Harry Dacre.

Grumpy Scot

More questions & answers from Revenge of the Nerds

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