We're No Angels

We're No Angels (1955)


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Albert: What if she knows his handwriting?
Joseph: If you got a beautiful note like this, would you bother comparing signatures?
Albert: No. It'd have to be signed by a girl, though.

Felix Ducotel: You fixed the roof?
Albert: We fixed everything.

Joseph: We came here to rob them and that's what we're gonna do - beat their heads in, gouge their eyes out, cut their throats. Soon as we wash the dishes.

Felix Ducotel: I'll say one thing for crooks - they give you an honest day's work.

Jules: Christmas has always been a wonderful time for me. In fact, that's how I got into trouble. I came home and found my wife giving my friend a... present.
Amelie Ducotel: What a shame.
Jules: Oh, it was my fault entirely. I should have written and told her I was coming.

Albert: If crime showed on a man's face, there wouldn't be any mirrors.

Albert: Even the girl herself called us angels.
Joseph: We're no angels.

Felix Ducotel: Don't misunderstand me. It's true that I never liked my cousin, only because he was not likable. He had a number of good points, I'm sure. I just can't think of any.

Felix Ducotel: He had a number of good points, I'm sure. I just can't think of any.

Andre Trochard: You men are murderers.
Joseph: Not me. I'm a maniac.

Amelie Ducotel: I can't believe it - Andre dead.
Joseph: It happens to everybody.

Joseph: That's the way it is, in the midst of life, et cetera, et cetera, I forget the rest of it.

Amelie Ducotel: I'd like to talk to you if can spare a few minutes.
Joseph: A man sentenced to life can always spare a few minutes.

Albert: They shouldn't let crooks like that on Devil's Island.
Jules: No, it'll give the place a bad name.

Joseph: It's true. He died in his sleep.
Felix Ducotel: That was very considerate of him.
Amelie Ducotel: I don't know what to do.
Felix Ducotel: The first thing to do is make sure that he's dead. I don't trust him.

Joseph: I'm going to buy them their Christmas turkey.
Albert: Buy? Do you really mean buy?
Joseph: Yes, buy! In the Spirit of Christmas. The hard part's going to be stealing the money to pay for it.

Joseph: In the immortal words of somebody or other, Well done, Adolphe.

Felix Ducotel: You look different.
Jules: We are different.

Amelie Ducotel: It's you?
Joseph: How could I be anybody else?

Joseph: I'll say one thing about prison. You meet a better class of people.

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