The Wizard of Oz
The Wizard of Oz mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the beginning while Dorothy is still on the farm, she walks along the pig pen fence and then falls in. When Bert Lahr picks her up out of there her dress is perfectly clean. (00:03:45)

The Wizard of Oz mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the scene when Dorothy and Scarecrow are fighting with the trees, Scarecrow says "I'll show you how to get apples" and he gets hit by the apples. In the very next shot, a quick view of Dorothy reveals she is wearing black shoes, not her ruby slippers. (00:40:15)

The Wizard of Oz mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the sequence where Dorothy meets the Scarecrow, Dorothy's pigtails are first short (above her shoulders) and as the song progresses her hair gets longer (below her shoulders), then short, and then long again. (00:35:15)

Continuity mistake: When Scarecrow, Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion are marching into the Wicked Witch's castle after taking the guards' uniforms, all three of them are shown holding the same types of spears as the guards, so when they go rescue Dorothy out of the locked room and Tin Man chops through the door with his axe, where did the axe come from? (01:22:50)

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Suggested correction: I'm 63 years old and still watch The Wizard of Oz. If I remember correctly, the axe was taken off a nearby wall.

There is no scene of him taking the axe off the wall, nor is there any axe seen on any of the walls. Plus, it's the same axe he had the whole time. But the 3 also take off their coats/disguises while the camera is on Dorothy and it's possible he had the axe tucked away in the coat.


In the books, the Tin Man always has his axe and he uses it often. Perhaps it is the same in the movie.

The Wizard of Oz mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When trying to escape the Witch's castle, the big doors close, and the gang stands in a line and starts banging on the doors. Between shots, Dorothy and the Tin Man switch sides. (01:21:15)


The Wizard of Oz mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As the chandelier falls on the guards at the witch's castle, all the candles are blown out by the time it lands. The next shot shows some of them relit. (01:24:50)

The Wizard of Oz mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Witch melts, the broom is laying several inches from her dress. In the next shot, the broom is practically touching her dress. (01:26:20)


The Wizard of Oz mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the Tin Man's dance, Dorothy and the Scarecrow shuffle over to a tree trunk where the Tin Man then sits. During this, the oil can in Dorothy's basket clearly falls out, but in the very next shot it is back in the basket. (00:45:25)

The Wizard of Oz mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Wicked Witch scares the Scarecrow, Dorothy, and the Tin Man with fire, after the fire is thrown, not only is the Tin Man's funnel cap on backwards, everything is reversed. In order to keep the characters oriented from left to right correctly, they had to show the film from the wrong side, thus the buttons of the Scarecrow's jacket and everything else are on the wrong side. (00:46:40)

Continuity mistake: Immediately after Dorothy throws the water onto the witch, there is a long shot of the group as they observe the Wicked Witch beginning to melt. In this shot you can see that the Scarecrow's arm is still on fire, yet nothing is done about it as they all focus on the Witch. In the next full shot of the Scarecrow the fire is completely out. (01:26:20)

Continuity mistake: The Wicked Witch leaves Dorothy and runs to grab the hourglass. The mortar and pestle on the left of the hourglass disappear between shots. (01:17:50)


Continuity mistake: In the scene where Dorothy and the Lion are asleep in the poppy field as the snow is falling, there is at least one if not two close-up shots of Dorothy's face showing no snow falling around her at all. (00:56:35)

Continuity mistake: Dorothy's hair is long and almost straight in some shots and short and curly when the camera pans back to her. This happens throughout the movie.

Continuity mistake: The blue shirted Lollipop Guilder comes from around the fallen house at the beginning of "Come Out Come Out," but he immediately appears emerging from a jet black manhole (with a black lip where the cover goes) in middle of the yellow brick in front of the house. (00:23:15)

Continuity mistake: The pole that the Scarecrow was on moves out in front of the corn at the end of the scene as Dorothy and the Scarecrow run off and sing, "We're off to see the Wizard". (00:38:50)


The Wizard of Oz mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end when the Wizard and Dorothy are in the balloon basket, the tie down ropes on the right side keep going from tied to untied and back to tied again through different shots. (01:34:55)

The Wizard of Oz mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After both Dorothy and Scarecrow have oiled Tin Man's elbows, Dorothy pulls the Tin Man's arm down and we see her throw the apple that she's holding down behind him. In the next shot it reappears in her left hand. (00:41:55)


The Wizard of Oz mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the Wicked Witch in Munchkinland goes over to observe the ruby slippers on her dead sister's feet, when she is up close there's not much space between her and the slippers but when she turns around and says "they're gone," she's further away, then she's closer again in the next shot.

Continuity mistake: When Dorothy is at the end of the movie confronting the Wizard about going home, after Toto opens the curtain Dorothy goes over there and automatically has him in her arms - she didn't bend down and pick Toto up. (01:28:55)

The Wizard of Oz mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the Wizard is about to bestow 'awards', the Scarecrow is lined up second from the left as the Wizard begins to speak. In the next shot while the Wizard is still speaking, the Scarecrow 'jumps' to the far right. (01:29:10)

The Wizard of Oz mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the beginning while Dorothy is still on the farm, she walks along the pig pen fence and then falls in. When Bert Lahr picks her up out of there her dress is perfectly clean. (00:03:45)

More mistakes in The Wizard of Oz

Dorothy: How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
Scarecrow: I don't know. But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they?

More quotes from The Wizard of Oz

Trivia: The "tornado" was a thirty-five foot long muslin stocking, photographed with miniatures of a Kansas farm and fields.

rabid anarchist

More trivia for The Wizard of Oz

Question: Did Dorothy really go to Oz or was it a dream? Because, in return to Oz at the end, she sees Ozma (the good witch in her mirror) or was that just her imagination/a dream too?

Answer: In the film it's left ambiguous. At the end it's strongly implied that she was dreaming. The characters she meets all look like people she actually knows. In the original book, she actually went to Oz.

Answer: Return to Oz was not a direct sequel to the 1939 film. One was developed by Disney and the other by MGM. Return to Oz is actually an adaptation-fusion of the second and third Oz books, that contains elements from the 1939 film (like the Ruby slippers and the Oz/Kansas counterparts) because that's what people are most familiar.

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