State and Main
Movie Quote Quiz

Tommy Max: My wife is going to have a baby.
Walt Price: Oh, good, let's bring more people into this overcrowded world.

Joseph Turner White: Ever wonder why the Dalmatian's the symbol of the firehouse?
Ann Black: First organized fire department was on the border of Dalmatia and Sardinia in the year 642.
Joseph Turner White: That's why the Dalmatian?
Ann Black: It was either that, or a sardine.

Walt Price: How are we coming with the dead horse scene?
Marty Rossen: You can't actually kill the horse.
Walt Price: Aw, fuck me.

Ann Black: "If you were never down, how would you know when you were up?"
Joe White: You have a gift for words.
Ann Black: It's in your play.

Doc Wilson: It's the truth that you should never trust anybody who wears a bow tie. Cravat's supposed to point down to accentuate the genitals. Why'd you wanna trust somebody whose tie points out to accentuate his ears?

Decorator: Do you want to see the firemen's costumes? Because I found this mole skin for the color.
Production Assistant: Marty Rossen has touched down.
Walt Price: Okay.
Decorator: It's not black but it looks black. It's not brown.
Walt Price: Yep, it's faggy without being homosexual.

Tommy Max: I'm very sorry, I.
Walt Price: You're very sorry, you passive-aggressive, son-of-a-bitch... Can we replace him?
Bill Smith: We start shooting in three days.

Ann Black: And here's some hydrogen peroxide.
Joseph Turner White: I don't drink.
Ann Black: It's for your finger.

Bunky: Well, it takes all kinds.
Spud: That's what it takes? I always wondered what it took.

Joseph Turner White: What's an associate producer credit?
Bill Smith: It's what you give to your secretary instead of a raise.

Walt Price: Would you like a cigar?
Mayor George Bailey: Aren't these illegal?
Walt Price: Why would they be illegal?
Mayor George Bailey: Well, the trade embargo with Cuba.
Walt Price: Nobody tells me anything.

Bob Barrenger: Only second chance I know, is the chance to make the same mistake twice.

Walt Price: Who designed these costumes? It looks like Edith Head puked, and that puke designed these costumes.

Continuity mistake: William H. Macy makes dinner plans with the Mayor and writes "Dinner with the Mayor" on the dry erase board in his office. He writes "Dinner w/ the Mayor" in the "Tuesday" slot. Then an intern comes in and accidentally wipes the appointment off the board with her shirt. Macy yells at her and tells her to rewrite the appointment on the board. The whole premise of the joke and pretty big part of the movie is that the intern rewrites the appointment in the wrong day, thereby causing the Hollywood people to miss dinner, enrage the Mayor and his wife and have the town turn on them. When the girl walks away however, the appointment is clearly rewritten in the correct day (Tuesday). This ruins the whole misunderstanding because although the appointment is in the wrong day later in the movie, at the moment the joke is supposed to be set in motion, there is no mistake.

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