Back to the Future

Continuity mistake: When Goldy (or Golby?) says, "Mayooorr", George is facing Marty. Then when Goldy starts saying, "Now that's a good idea," George is facing Goldy, without any motion of turning. (00:40:35)


Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Doc and Marty are watching the DeLorean burn out from across the vacant Twin Pines Mall parking lot, the radio control unit's antenna is seen lowered one shot then fully raised in the next, despite Doc not having touched it. (00:21:20)


Continuity mistake: When Marty sees the Lyon Estate works there's a mild breeze blowing. Just a frame later, from a new angle, there's a very strong wind. (00:34:18)


Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Marty looks at the car he is about to crash into, there is no one standing on the pavement, but when he jumps onto it, a man appears. There was not enough time for him to appear. (01:07:00)


Continuity mistake: Before Marty kicks the speaker while playing Johnny B Goode, there is a case of Pepsi below it which disappears between shots.


Continuity mistake: When Doc and Marty are looking for his dad at school, you can see a girl with a blue sweater going downstairs twice. (00:56:49)

Continuity mistake: When Marty stops the Delorean in front of the Lyon Estates sign after escaping the farm, notice the sun - it's overcast and kind of foggy. When he looks at the sign from another angle, it has become more sunny, and later in the day. When the couple with the car passes, it has returned to the same as before.


Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Marty confronts George as "Darth Vader", after George asks "who are you?" Marty plays the music again, and George presses his hands to his ears. In the shot from behind, his hands are cupped around his ears, in a very different position. Then when Marty says "silence earthling", in the shot from the front his hand is away from his ear entirely. (01:02:35)


Continuity mistake: When Marty arrives at 1955-Lyon Estates he removes his hood and his fringe is brushed from right to left. When the angle changes it has swapped sides.


Continuity mistake: Right before Doc presses the remote control to send Einstein to the future, his left index and thumb fingers are on the remote. In the close-up it's just his thumb on it. In further close-ups it swaps to the index and thumb.


Continuity mistake: Before Doc sends Einstein to the future and says "If my calculations are correct...", Marty raises his left arm. When the angle changes it's lowered.


Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While Marty is talking with Jennifer in the square he is holding a tape case in his left hand which disappears in the next shots.


Continuity mistake: While Doc is explaining to Marty how the machine works, he has a device on his index finger on his right hand that moves in the next shots.


Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Biff and his goon friends are in Biff's car, as they chase Marty on his borrowed 'skateboard', the car's rearview mirror repeatedly disappears and reappears, and the side mirror changes from round to square repeatedly. (01:06:50)

Super Grover

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Dr. Emmett Brown: Don't worry. As long as you hit that wire with the connecting hook at precisely 88mph the instant the lightning strikes the tower... Everything will be fine.

More quotes from Back to the Future
Back to the Future trivia picture

Trivia: In the battle of the bands scene, when Marty introduces The Pinheads, Huey Lewis, who provided "The Power of Love" for the film's soundtrack, plays the second judge from the left, and is the one who eventually says, "You're just too darn loud." (00:07:40)

More trivia for Back to the Future

Question: How is Marty able to play a 1980s videotape on a 1950s television set? Is this just another example of Doc's ahead-of-his-time inventiveness?

Answer: The video camera was in the DeLorean. With the right kind of adapter, which was common enough in the 80s that Doc might've had it on the camera or been able to jury-rig something in the 50s, it would have been possible to connect it into the antenna screws in the back of the TV like an old Atari and play it directly from the camera.

Captain Defenestrator

TVs in the 50s had a two prong antennae connection (two screws in the back that you put a prong antennae into) TVs in the mid 80s also had this. The coax connection (the one wire that screws in) was starting to become common, but, the two prong connection would have been more likely on any given TV at the time, so, whatever wire they used to preview recordings probably had that. very convenient that Marty brought those cords with him.

An old Atari 2600 RF Adapter would be how one would link a video camera to an old-fashioned television. A simple-enough part that Doc could probably make one with 1950s technology.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: Video tape system back then could output an NTSC video signal, just like broadcast at the time, and up to HD in the 2000s. Usually there was a switch on the video device to change the output frequency between channels 3 or 4. Depending on what was an open channel in your area.

Answer: Doc is smart and eccentric enough to probably have such a thing randomly rattling around in the Delorian as old burger wrappers would rattle around inside a normal car. And Marty could also conceivably have such a thing at his or Doc's domicile for his own video gaming convenience.


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