Nightbreed mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the final battle between Boone and Decker, at one point, they are wrestling on a wooden bridge, and the board beneath Boone's head breaks in half and falls into the cavern below. (It is even highlighted in a very dramatic shot looking downwards over the whole cavern as it falls) Yet, a few shots later, the board has suddenly re-appeared beneath his head, unbroken.

Continuity mistake: When Decker is introduced killing the family, watch carefully when the mother falls over. There's a very quick insert-shot of what appears to be blood-covered fruit (or something similar) rolling away, leaving streaks of blood across the ground. However, she wasn't holding any fruit, nor was there enough time in between edits for her to have dripped blood onto fruit and then knocked them over. Obviously the product of a few shots being cut for pacing, but a mistake nonetheless.

Nightbreed mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As the police are seen prepping for battle, and Eigerman is delivering the line "Whether it be freaks, commies or third-world y-chromosome mutants we are there - the sons of the free", watch his hands as he picks up the large gun. As the camera cuts during the dialog, his hands have suddenly swapped positions on the gun.

Continuity mistake: During the final fight between Boone and Decker, right before he is killed, Decker almost falls backwards off a small "cliff", only to be caught by Boone. Watch the shots closely. In the first shot from above, he teeters on the edge, about to fall, and Boone isn't holding him. Yet in the next shot from below (looking upwards), Boone is holding onto Decker's shirt/jacket. The camera cuts back up above, and Boone is no longer holding Decker, but instead grabs him while shouting "Not yet!"

Continuity mistake: During the final fight between Boone and Decker, right before he is killed, Decker almost falls backwards off a small "cliff", only to be caught by Boone. Watch the shots closely. In the first shot from above, he teeters on the edge, about to fall, and Boone isn't holding him. Yet in the next shot from below (looking upwards), Boone is holding onto Decker's shirt/jacket. The camera cuts back up above, and Boone is no longer holding Decker, but instead grabs him while shouting "Not yet!"

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Rachel: To be able to fly, to be smoke, or a wolf? To know the night and live in it forever? That's not so bad. You call us 'monsters, ' but when you dream, you dream of flying, and changing, and living without death. You envy us, and what you envy.
Lori Desinger: ...We destroy.

More quotes from Nightbreed

Trivia: The post-production process of the film was very dramatic. The studios became worried that the subject matter was too strange for audiences, and in an attempt to make the film faster and simpler to understand, they demanded that nearly an hour of material be removed from the film. Director Clive Barker also maintains that the film wasn't marketed properly. A Director's Cut of the film (containing much of the cut footage) was announced more than 20 years after the film's original release-date.

More trivia for Nightbreed

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