Best movie mistake pictures of 2005

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Deliberate mistake: In the shot where peoples' bags are being checked in the two Xray machines as President Zuwanie is arriving, you can see that both monitors are showing the exact same bag's contents. Also, although you can see one of the machines' Xray-active light turning on, the image on the monitor does not change. (01:40:35)


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Continuity mistake: When Holly is meeting Ben for the first time and Holly's friend says, "Sounds like she's not into romance," Holly is eating a spoon of ice cream in the shot from the front. However, in the shot from the back, Holly's hands are on the table.

More The Perfect Man mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Danny gets mad at Walter for catching the ball that his Dad threw for him, he throws his glove down on the floor and runs inside. In the next shot the glove is in a different location.


More Zathura mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When the Operative is reviewing Mal's file, Mal's first name is initially spelled as "Malcom", in the next shot that has been corrected to "Malcolm".

Nick Bylsma

More Serenity mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Elizabeth is just waking up from her coma, there is an oxygen tube right next to her head on the pillow. This tube moves in the next shot. (01:19:15)


More Just Like Heaven mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Alex tries to get Melman out, he is lying near the sea, but when Alex tries to get him out with the tree, he is farther away from the sea.

More Madagascar mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Casey is skating on the pond after she leaves Harvard, she falls multiple times. The second time she falls, she lifts her right leg causing her foot to come into frame. On her feet you can clearly see that she's wearing black and green snow boots, even though seconds before that she was wearing white figure skates.

More Ice Princess mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: Ryan Reynolds is wearing red-eye contacts. You can see the whites of his eyes around the red circle of the contacts in several scenes - most noticeably, right after the home movie he's watching down in the basement melts.


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Suggested correction: Not a mistake. Ryan Reynolds actually had bloodshot eyes from being awake for nearly two days of filming. He stated it in an interview for the movie.

More The Amityville Horror mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the kitchen scene at Greg Kinnear's house when Pierce is convincing Greg to fly to Arizona with him to do a job, the clock on the wall behind them first reads 5:45 am. In the next shot, the clock reads 5:28 am.

More The Matador mistake pictures

Other mistake: At the very beginning, when the lights rise above the cast you can see they're all equally spaced out and the light has the same brightness for each character. At the end of the song, the camera shoots to the back filming everyone from behind, note Mark, he's crammed in the corner next to Angel with out the same amount of space originally he started with and his light is very dim compared to the seven others. (00:02:45)

More Rent mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Livy is planting a garden when snow starts falling. As she runs into the house, notice the chimney aligned with the left edge of the roof. Ten seconds later the roof is covered with snow and the chimney has moved about 1 meter to the right. (01:11:30)


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More The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants mistake pictures
More Hoodwinked mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Jesse brings Reggie home with him, Jesse plays his answering machine as the dog makes himself at home. After Jesse places his gun on the kitchen counter and pours himself a drink, Jessie heads over to the den to listen to Jenn's message again, and he takes a seat in the den. Then, in the last wide shot, the gun is back in Jesse's holster. (00:06:25 - 00:07:10)

Super Grover

More Jesse Stone: Stone Cold mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Ice Cube is running out from jail, he kicks out the ventilator and climbs up the roof. Next shot from far, the ventilator is in its place. (00:11:10)

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More Fun with Dick and Jane mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Sandy and Tessa are talking in Sandy's office, the cricket ball on his desk vanishes, then reappears in a different location. (00:39:10 - 00:39:40)

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Visible crew/equipment: When June performs Juke Box Blues there is a shot on the stage towards the audience and a steadycam operator can be seen on the right side of the screen. (00:45:18)

More Walk the Line mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Griff and Einar go to free the bear, the minute he enters the zoo with his car, you can see on the right the tripod (lighting) and crew member. (01:25:18)

George Anth

More An Unfinished Life mistake pictures

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