Best movie mistake pictures of 2002

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Continuity mistake: Something weird happens as the sheriff rolls under the closing gate. She's holding a shotgun before she drops to the floor, rolls under with empty hands (seen from both sides), and as she stands up she's got it back. What's weird is that her dropping and rolling is one continuous shot, so she must have deliberately thrown the gun offscreen as she fell to help her fit through the narrow gap. She doesn't throw it through the gap - we'd be able to see it on the other side. (01:02:40)

Jon Sandys

More Eight Legged Freaks mistake pictures
More The Importance of Being Earnest mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Belinda says "nice sweater" to Jamie, Jamie has a backpack on. When Jamie walks away, her backpack disappears. (00:11:55)

More A Walk To Remember mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Rabbit goes to his mom's trailer for the first time, he is wearing street shoes, but when he takes Lily in the trailer he is wearing boots. (00:10:14)

More 8 Mile mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Chosen One is training and Wimp Lo comes up to him and says: "Knock, Knock. Who's there?" You can see that he is transparent because the scenery is visible through him, this is easily seen in his black hair. It is also apparent when he says, "Take a close look 'coz I rule baby". But by the next shot he isn't transparent anymore. (00:20:00)

More Kung Pow: Enter the Fist mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Joe is chasing Sara near the start, through a revolving door there's a man walking down the corridor from one angle who's not visible from the other side.

Jon Sandys

More Serving Sara mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Vic and Josh are urinating on the slate, Vic holds it in front of him and the writing on it is perfectly legible, but when it shows him holding it out, it is runny and you can't read it.

More The Blair Thumb mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The speech that Moore claims/shows then NRA president Charlton Heston giving in Colorado is actually several speeches edited into one. Note how Heston's clothing changes between cuts during this speech.

More Bowling for Columbine mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Alice and Adam get in the cab outside the bookshop, the number on the back of the taxi is 90167, there are no other markings on the back and the Y on the number plate has a long stalk. When they're pulling away from some traffic lights later, the number has changed to '14290', there are the words "fairaway 95" on the back and the 'Y' has a small stalk. Note that, since the number plate (K651EYW) stays the same, for at least one of the shots they were driving a car around London with the wrong plates on. (00:08:30 - 00:09:25)


More Killing Me Softly mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Viktor is sitting at the computer system in the studio warehouse, he had poured himself a Jack Daniels and the glass is sitting on the table. It is clearly sitting on the wooden table and there is nothing beside the glass. But when Viktor mentions Hank's death, there is a closeup of the newspaper (obituaries) which is sitting on the table with the glass of Jack Daniels on top of it. (00:23:40)


More Simone mistake pictures

Other mistake: When Jimmy is putting the first newspaper article up on the bulletin board, the article is titled "Owls Win Fifth Straight", but the actual article text talks about the Owls having just played and lost the last game of the season that "not only knocked the Owls from post-season action, but ended a 17 game winning streak." (00:46:45)


More The Rookie mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: While Nicholas is speaking with Madeline, she's summoned back to her father. Then, Madeline is told that he didn't stir even when tapped. Just as Madeline kneels in front of her deceased father, an actor's green tape mark is visible on the rug. (01:49:55)

Super Grover

More Nicholas Nickleby mistake pictures

Character mistake: In the opening scene where Toula describes her house, she says it is complete with "Corinthian columns." The columns on the house are of the "Ionic" style, not Corinthian.


More My Big Fat Greek Wedding mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Jack Ryan uses the radio after the helicopter crash, the film is reversed - the word frequency appears as a mirror image.

More The Sum of All Fears mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Capt. Hook drops Jane into the water and Pan dives in to save her from the octopus, he begins to gloat. Looking at his scabbard there is no sword because he threw it at the mast to cut the rope. Next thing you know, the sword is back in the scabbard.

More Return to Never Land mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Picard, Data and Worf are on the planet, just a few shots after they leave the shuttle, Picard drives a sharp left curve. If you look at him in this shot, it is not Patrick Stewart sitting on the driver's seat, but his stuntman, who is not even wearing goggles. (00:12:45)

More Star Trek: Nemesis mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Near the start, the man's mother puts a yellow dot on his head (just before he gets in the taxi), right in between his eyebrows. After the older woman has kissed him, it suddenly changes to being white and is suddenly a line which goes further up his forehead. And when she kisses him she doesn't touch it so the change can't be put down to her smudging it.

David Mercier

More The Guru mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the animated sequence, just before the kids destroy Sister Assumpta's office, Skeleton Boy's cast remnants switches from left arm to right arm and back to left arm. The left arm is the correct side as Tim (who is Skeleton Boy) had his cast on his left arm. (01:20:00)


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Suggested correction: Your observation is correct, but this isn't necessarily a "continuity" error. The nature of comics or cartoons lends itself to imagination, creativity, humor, etc. Drawing comics is less tedious these days, thanks to computer programs and "cut and paste" techniques; the chances of a cast accidentally placed on the wrong arm are slim to none. Skeleton Man's "drawing" has many inconsistencies - number of ribs, teeth, finger bones, EYEBALLS or dark holes - with comics, it doesn't really matter.


More The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys mistake pictures

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Xander stops Viktor to inquire about Kiril's coat-sniffing habits, a bowling ball appears literally out of nowhere between Jan Filipenský's hands between shots. (00:56:00)


More XXX mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Throughout the scene where Roland and Maud are sitting on the floor looking through the things in the box from Ash's grave, the head of Maud's hairclip switches constantly from one side of her head to the other.

More Possession mistake pictures

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