Best action movie mistake pictures of 2001

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More The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene in front of the hotel on the night before Rafe ships out to England, Evelyn puts a scarf around his neck. There is a camera shot from his back: no scarf; then another one from his front, and he's wearing the scarf again. (00:27:10)

More Pearl Harbor mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Yulaw slams Gabe into a metal box, the glass and debris falls next to his feet. You see both glass and a few chunks of metal, with one especially large chunk of metal. It cuts to Yulaw, then back to Gabe, and now the metal chunks are missing and it just shows glass shards. (01:08:40)

Quantom X

More The One mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: At the end when Brian jumps onto the semi truck to save Vince if you look closely at the back of Brian's pants you can clearly see the safety cable that holds him onto the semi truck. (01:26:17)

More The Fast and the Furious mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Ingrid sits at the vanity table in the bedroom, in the shot just after Gregorio's screen reads, "Type password," but just before the close-up of Ingrid's fingers typing on her makeup, there is a lovely reflection of a crew member behind the camera, which is perfectly clear in the mirror to Ingrid's right. (00:07:30)

Super Grover

More Spy Kids mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: Near the end of the movie when the convoy is heading back to the Pakistan Stadium, a Humvee stops briefly to allow a man to walk across the street with a child in his arms. When the shot changes and the Humvee begins driving again, a crew member or cameraman is seen inside the Humvee wearing a white shirt. All of the men who entered the Humvee were wearing fatigues. (02:05:27)

More Black Hawk Down mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When the Senator is being killed by Travolta in the river, we can see some shots of his assistant before his car explodes. If you watch closely just half a second before the frontal shot of the explosion, you can see in the driver's seat a dummy with a green face.

More Swordfish mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Jackie rescues the kid from the burning petrol truck you can see that they used a dummy when he dropped the kid. (01:11:36)


More The Accidental Spy mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Dr. Grant and the others walk in on the feeding T-Rex, his mouth is slathered in blood. But when the T-Rex is battling the Spinosaurus, its mouth is clean.

More Jurassic Park III mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During Danilov's escape sequence, there is a rollover of a vehicle. While the vehicle's wheels are still turning, the tyre tread is of a modern all-season radial. When you see the vehicle again, it is a tyre more fitting for the time period. (00:14:55)

More Enemy at the Gates mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: After the trained chimp is shot and is crawling into the cage, they show a shot of an ape turning around. You don't even have to look hard to see it but there's a two inch strip all the way down his face with no makeup. Clear as day. (01:41:30)

More Planet of the Apes mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Ardeth, Rick and Evie arrive at the first city where Imhotep took their son, Evie is walking through the hall where she had the vision of fighting with Anuk-Sun-Amun in her previous life. As she's walking past/behind a column, you can see someone's head and shoulder poking out from the back side of the column. (01:14:57)

More The Mummy Returns mistake pictures
More Behind Enemy Lines mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Segal is held captive in the speeding black van, one of the captors is pushed out the side door by Segal and is crushed when the passenger side of the van hits a row of parked cars - one of the side doors gets knocked off but a few shots later, as the van is scraping past a line of cars, the door's back on. (01:04:20)

More Exit Wounds mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Carter is singing karaoke, first you see the girls beginning to join him on stage. In the next scene (right after the scene with Inspector Lee's reaction to Carter singing), you see Carter dancing with a DIFFERENT group of girls (it lasts a couple of seconds). Then, when Lee is calling out Carter, the original dancers from the first scene are back. Use the tall Chinese girl wearing the pink dress on the right side of the screen as reference in the first scene, then she disappears in the second scene and reappears in the last scene. (00:06:45)

More Rush Hour 2 mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When the cats are driving Mr Mason into the factory you can see skid marks on the ground from previous takes. (00:51:30)


More Cats & Dogs mistake pictures
More Tail Sting mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: During the bungee scene it is meant to be night-time, but when the camera pans up to the sky light you can clearly see blue sky and clouds.

More Tomb Raider mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: After a naked Chaucer tells William of his gambling problem, and Simon the Summoner says that he owes 10 gold florins, when Wat angrily grabs Chaucer to punch him we see that Chaucer is actually wearing some type of underwear in the close-up. (00:26:05)

Super Grover

More A Knight's Tale mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Sam says that he has never heard about the Voice of the Forest, Towa's necklace is on a violet part of her robe, but in the next shot, it is not. (00:03:47)


More Pokemon 4Ever mistake pictures

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