Best crime movie questions of all time

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The Sting picture

Question: What horse actually won the race that Lonigan bets on Lucky Dan to win?


Chosen answer: I watched this the other night and specifically listened for what horse won the race that Lucky Dan was running in. It is never revealed who the winner is, because while the fake announcer in the back room is calling the race, the F.B.I. agents raid the building. During the ensuing chaos, shouting, and gunfire, it is impossible to hear the broadcast over the noise.


More The Sting questions
National Lampoon's European Vacation picture

Question: What was up with the kissing of Kent Winkdale (the host) in the game show "Pig in a poke"?

Answer: Kent was a parody of Richard Dawson and other classic game show hosts; Richard Dawson was well known (and somewhat notorious) for kissing all female contestants when he hosted "Family Feud" in the 1970s and 1980s.


More National Lampoon's European Vacation questions
The Interpreter picture

Question: Am I mistaken, or did Sylvia say she was born in the US before moving to Africa? I'm just puzzled as to why she was deported in the end even if she has dual citizenship.

Jason Feng

Chosen answer: Dual citizenship is complicated, and it does not guarantee a person equal rights, privileges, and obligations in both countries. Nor does one country or the other always recognize dual citizenship. Since Sylvia's main residency has been in Africa, the US would consider that her primary homeland and could legally deport her there. Basically, the government is giving Sylvia a way to avoid prosecution in the US by allowing her to leave the country.


More The Interpreter questions
Body Heat picture

Question: Matty introduces her friend as Mary Ann, but in the year book, the friend is actually Matty Tyler, and she is actually Mary Ann. Were both girls in on the scam? (00:31:22)

Answer: I noticed the problem of the introduction, also. It seemed like a major plot hole to me. There wasn't any material in the movie to support blackmail, etc by the real Matty. I hadn't thought of her possibly being in on the scam. If not, why wouldn't the real Matty have immediately blanched when hearing herself be introduced with the wrong name? So far, I agree with the OP's suggestion.

The real Maddy was at the house when Ned arrived. Presumably, she had already discovered what "Fake Maddy" was up to. It looked like Fake Maddy (Turner) gave the real Maddy a check, presumably a payoff to keep quiet. The real Maddy may or may not have known exactly what Fake Maddy was planning, but went along with being introduced as "Mary Ann." Also, the movie deliberately leaves details vague because it is a big plot twist at the end when Ned, and the audience, learns that Fake Maddy is really Mary Ann.


Answer: It appears that the real Matty Tyler was not initially in on the plan. It's confusing, and there're many plot holes, but it seems the fake "Matty" (Kathleen Turner) intended for the real Matty to eventually discover that her identity was being used (by Turner). The real Matty was then apparently blackmailing fake Matty to keep quiet. It appears that fake Matty intended to lure and then murder the real Matty, framing Ned Racine for her murder, as well as Edmund's. The real Matty's body was identified as being Edmond's wife through her dental records. Fake Matty probably intended for Ned to be killed in the explosion.


More Body Heat questions

Chosen answer: During a mission known as the "Leningrad Ruse." He and his flight squadron were sent unknowingly on a suicide mission. During it, his goggles cracked and let in a poisonous gas, paralyzing his iris. He has to wear the patch because his eye can't focus against bright light, causing pain. This is mentioned in the novelization.


More Escape From New York questions
Joker picture

Question: Spoiler! The scene at the very end, with Arthur locked up talking to the doctor/social worker - is that meant to be later, after he's been captured again, or is it a flashback to when he was hospitalised before, as was referenced earlier in the movie?

Jon Sandys

Answer: This is later, as the building appears to be Arkham. He's committed there instead of going to jail based on his insanity. It appears he is laughing about the death of Thomas Wayne, we see a flash of that scene again for a reason.


Chosen answer: I think it's meant to be deliberately ambiguous. I took at as him being locked up for his crimes, but others have commented that they think he was always locked up and the entire movie takes place in his head.


More Joker questions

Chosen answer: I think we can safely assume that "The Man" kills Becky in the elevator, yes. But unlike the first woman, Becky had done something to piss off a lot of people (basically betraying all the girls working in Old Town), and they sent him to eliminate her.


More Sin City questions
Primal Fear picture

Question: At the end of the movie, it's discovered that "Aaron" was actually faking a split personality. What would have been the legal ramifications if Martin were to tell his superiors the truth?

Answer: Nothing if he is telling superiors within the law practice he is associated with. Outside it, he would be legally bound by attorney/client privilege. He could be disbarred if he ever shared that information.


I'm sorry. I forgot to add to the question of what would have happened if he had chosen to ignore attorney/client privilege. If he discarded attorney/client privilege, would there have been any legal actions against him and Roy?

More Primal Fear questions
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre picture

Question: What has happened by the time the police footage is shown? After Erin escaped and killed the "Sheriff", police footage of the area is then shown (at the beginning as well), such as the police collecting evidence and filming a walk-through, as if the house has been abandoned for years, but it's only a day after. What has happened to the rest of the Hewitt family (Luda May, Monty, Tea Lady etc.), with the exception of Leatherface who escaped? How did the police only find out about the Hewitts then?

Answer: Erin must have led the police back to the house and then the Hewitt's were taken away so that way evidence could be collected. They must have thought that Leatherface had escaped and was no longer in the house.

More The Texas Chainsaw Massacre questions
John Q picture

Question: After John releases the hostages, we see the woman Rosa go to a police car. When she is asked to comment on John, she calls him a good man and then starts talking in Spanish. I can catch that she calls someone crazy, but I can't understand any of the rest. What is it that she's saying?

Answer: She says, "John Q is a good man. He is unlike the other jerk that hits his wife in the face."

More John Q questions
Double Jeopardy picture

Question: Given she leaves the state while on parole, possessing a firearm, holding her ex at gunpoint, how does Libby avoid prosecution for these offenses?


Answer: Because there were exceptional and extenuating circumstances and, technically, Libby was never guilty of the crime she was convicted of and had to resort to extreme measures to prove her innocence. She may have had a gun, but it could never be proved that she held Nick at gunpoint, only that she shot him in self defense. Also, it's a movie, which often are unrealistic regarding details like that.


More Double Jeopardy questions
Road To Perdition picture

Question: I'm guessing that Jude Law's character's face at the end of the film had something to do with the fight they had in the hotel, where Tom Hanks's character shot him in the face. But why did he have all those little marks, if Tom Hank's character only shot him once?

Answer: Tom Hanks shot at a glass lamp, which shattered right before Jude's face, causing lots of shards of glass to cut his face.


Were they scarred or stitched because it bothers me.

Scarred. He was injured by a bunch of tiny shards of glass, something that could pretty much heal on its own and wouldn't need stitches.


I think that's why McGuire shoots Sullivan out of revenge... He wasn't ordered to but after his disfigurement he wants revenge and kills Sullivan That's my take... After all Al says it's over after Connor Rooney goes down but it's now personal for McGuire.

Answer: I think that McGuire's last kill was personal. I think that after Sullivan deforms his face McGuire is out for blood. After all Al said after he kills Connor it's over. So it probably was but McGuire's kill was personal because of his deformity. It was not because he was instructed to kill Sullivan.

More Road To Perdition questions

Chosen answer: He simply doesn't like Canseco, which is why he sarcastically asks Casey if he actually paid money for the Canseco bat.


Answer: Canseco was a star in the 80s, so a bat with his name on it would have been very expensive. Raphael is basically calling him a thief, probably because he doesn't look like he can afford it.


Answer: Jose Canseco had one of the best baseball careers, so anything with his name became priceless but it all came to an end when it was revealed he used steroids.

Answer: The Oakland A's with Canseco on the team won the World Series the year before this movie came out, while the New York Yankees and Mets both posted abysmal seasons. As a proud New Yorker, Raph was surely disgusted that Casey Jones would carry merch bearing the name of another team's star player, especially right after they won a ring! That's the behavior of a band-wagon fan, after all. It seems Casey would agree with him as well, as his response to the insult is not to defend Canseco or the A's, but to shrug and say he got the bats on a 2-for-1 Sale.

More Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles questions
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery picture

Question: It was mentioned that Austin's chest hair resembled a shape. Can anyone tell me what the shape is? I don't have the movie.


Chosen answer: It's supposed to resemble an upside-down version of, ahem, wedding tackle.


More Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery questions
Freedomland picture

Question: Brenda reports her car has been carjacked with her son in it. Since this was a lie, and there was no carjacking, what happened to Brenda's car?


Chosen answer: She's a drug-addled, crazy trailer-trash woman. It's unlikely she ever HAD a car.

More Freedomland questions
Blood In, Blood Out picture

Question: Is Joker's girlfriend the same girl who is with Cruz in the car when he gets attacked?

Answer: No.

More Blood In, Blood Out questions

Chosen answer: I believe he may think that Combo is just joking with him in a way that he was earlier in the film when he talks about him being black.


In my opinion, I think that it is because Milky has started to understand the reason's for Combo's anger - that he is jealous of Milky's perfect family set - up. Milky laughs because he finds it absurd that jealousy is the reason behind Combo's increasing anger towards him in this scene and may have been behind his aggressive behaviours all along.It is almost child-like and perhaps Milky is aware that he looks like the better person in the situation. He knows Combo knows this too.

More This Is England questions
Fun with Dick and Jane picture

Question: Right at the end, a former co-worker of Dick's drives alongside and says he's working for a great new company that trades in oil and gas. It's called Exron. Dick looks at him and says "oh" and the look he gave is one as if he knows something bad or it should have meaning (if that makes sense). What is the look on Dick's face for?


Answer: He says he works for "Enron", a notorious company that was involved in a major fraud scandal.


More Fun with Dick and Jane questions
Taken picture

Question: What would have eventually happened to Marko after Bryan left him in the basement? Would he just have died and continued to have current surge through him till someone found him? Would he eventually burst in to flames? Would his heart explode? I know he dies, that much is obvious. Just curious as to what happens in the longer term.


Chosen answer: Depends on how much current is actually running through him. Since it didn't kill him right away, even after a few jolts to get him to talk, it's unlikely it was enough that he would ever burst into flames or that his heart would explode. Most likely, he just slowly cooked until he dried up and burnt like a turkey left too long in the oven.


More Taken questions

Answer: The same unknown acid/chemical combination that created the Joker in the first place.


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