Prison Break

Prison Break (2005)

237 mistakes in season 2

(18 votes)

Rendezvous - S2-E10

Other mistake: Sara sprints the short distance to Mahone's car. Halfway through her sprint the camera changes to Michael for 23 seconds, then back to Sarah, who has covered less than 10m in that time. (00:26:30)


Prison Break mistake picture

Otis - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: At the start when Mahone is sitting in his garden, his grip on his phone changes between shots. In some shots he has 1 finger on the side of the phone and in others he has 2. (00:01:20)


Season 2 generally

Other mistake: Near the start of the season Lincoln gets a bullet wound to his leg, However there is no exit wound, revealing the bullet is lodged in his leg. Yet he is able to run and move around with relative ease just hours after being shot.


Rendezvous - S2-E10

Continuity mistake: Near the beginning when the van is chasing the police car, watch the position of the van. It gets nearly alongside the cop car, only to jump behind it when the scene changes. (00:04:40)


Prison Break mistake picture

Fin del camino - S2-E21

Continuity mistake: While Michael is speaking on the phone to the Spanish operator, the small antenna on his phone is raised, but when he starts speaking with Alex and the shot changes back to Michael the small antenna seems to have disappeared. (00:38:15)

Chicago - S2-E16

Other mistake: After Michael, Lincoln, Sara, and Kellerman jump the train, the scene of the police in pursuit pulling into a clearing is the same from the 'Dead Fall' episode - just a different shot. (00:35:05)

Subdivision - S2-E6

Continuity mistake: When the kid returns from the store and opens the trunk, Michael and T-bag both grab a shovel, Michael grabs the green and T-bag grabs the silver handled shovel. The next shot they have switched shovels and keep the switched shovels the rest of the scene. (01:17:30)

Nathan Midey

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Suggested correction: Both handles are green. The sun is reflecting on the one due to the angle and the glare gives the impression of being silver.


Prison Break mistake picture

Manhunt - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: At the end, the way Sara holds the swan changes between shots. In one shot, she has both fingers behind the swan's neck, then one behind and 1 in front. (00:38:50)


Subdivision - S2-E6

Factual error: Early in the episode, a flyover context shot is made. It is labeled "Salt Lake City Federal Building." In reality, the image is of the Will Rogers Coliseum in Fort Worth, Texas. In the background, you can see the community arts center and the University of North Texas Health Sciences Center.


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Scylla - S4-E1

Trivia: Spoiler. The Scylla alarm on the General's computer is visible on screen for a second or two. Below the flashing word 'alarm', it says it is in section AA-23. That's also the designation of the prison block where Princess Leia is being held in Star Wars.

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Greatness Achieved - S4-E9

Question: How does Don Self know that Miriam should work at Gate when nobody knew about the location of Scylla? Or Whistler wanting to work there?

Answer: Don Self actually worked with Whistler before he died. And Whistler with the bird book actually knew where Scylla was.

Answer: Because Miriam was an agent.

But that still doesn't make sense because nobody knew where Scylla was.

He knew that GATE was mentioned in the bird book. He worked with Whistler and had probably discussed GATE with him, so it was clear enough that it was a big part of the plan to get Scylla. Sending an agent to work there in any position would've been a big help for intel, as she could assess the environment and perhaps uncover what Whistler's plan was. He didn't anticipate T-bag's hijacking of the plan, hence why he sent Miriam and not a more combat-trained agent. She was only there for information.

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