
Chosen answer: He is more like a "secret" antagonist. The mystery of who is behind the events in this movie cannot be revealed by the poster.


But he's the main antagonist of the movie.


But that's only revealed at the end of it.


Answer: Plus, he's played by an great actor.


It's what's known as a "reveal." Yes, he's played by a famous actor, and yes he's the main antagonist. But the audience isn't meant to know that until later in the film. It's supposed to come as a surprise. If he was on the posters (like Darth Vader was for the original films), audiences would go in expecting him to be the main villain, and wouldn't be surprised at the reveal.

Are you saying that if he's on the poster, the audience will judge that he's the main villain of the movie?


The problem is he is only in the end of the movie. If he was on the poster people will expect him sooner and be disappointed.

Well he is not in the end of the movie. He is just in the middle, though. But why do you say disappointed? I am quite disappointed at first that the main antagonist is not even on the poster.


I am sorry for my mistake saying "He is not in the end of the movie". But what am I going to say is He appears in the middle, though.


8th Feb 2018

Hannibal (2001)

Question: Why did the pigs not attack Lecter when he picked up Clarice? They went straight for the fat guy handcuffed to his accomplice and also to Verger but by passed Lecter. I thought it might be a blood thing which is why Lecter picked Clarice up after she was shot but A - Lecter doesn't know anything about the pigs and B - Mason wasn't bleeding before he got eaten.


Answer: The implication is that the boars are afraid of Lecter, which is why they don't attack him - he shows no fear and exudes dominance.


Next to that the pigs are trained to attack anything that screams. Hannibal stayed calm and thus was ignored.


Didn't Verger describe the pigs (by mentioning their molars and incisors) to Lecter when he was first brought to Verger strapped to the dolly?

He also didn't scream or make noise to get their attention.

I'm inclined to agree here. The boars could sense that Lecter was the most savage predator in the pit, and the animals steered clear of him for that reason. Call it "professional courtesy."

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: The implication is that savage animals recognize Lecter as another, even more savage animal. Call it kinship. Lecter has the same effect on attack dogs.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: Probably the same reason the Alsatian dog of Krendler didn't attack him either.

5th Feb 2018

Logan (2017)

Question: When Logan received the Adamantium which was grafted to his bones he was fully grown. The girl though is just a little kid who has a lot of physical growing to do. My question is if the Adamantium was given to her the same way, 1 wouldn't it prevent her bones from properly growing (she would end up all deformed from bones growing that are not attached to the metal among many other problems), and 2 the movie takes place in 2029 and Logan got the metal in the 80s yet he's been alive for like 200 years. So he's only had the metal inside him for about 50 years and he states in the movie the metal is slowly poisoning him to death. Which brings me back to the girl. Wouldn't it do the same thing to her and slowly start poisoning her but at a much younger age?

Answer: In the comics, Laura only had the adamantium coated to her claws. We see in one scene that she is in surgery with her arms and legs cut open. We can assume that this is the same in the movie, so no her bones will not be deformed while growing, but her claws may or may not grow. Now about the toxicity about the adamantium, Logan's healing factor is weakening which is why the adamantium's toxicity is killing him. Laura has such a small amount and is so much younger that her healing factor will probably keep her alive as long as Logan's did.

Answer: The various types of adamantium aren't discussed much in the film like they are in the comics. After "true adamantium" was applied to Wolverine, his healing factor converted it into "adamantium beta", which does not interfere with biological bone functions. Even after being fully grown, bones can't be fully covered in metal or it would prevent things like blood cell formation. However, adamantium is poisonous to the body and it's only Logan's mutant healing factor that cures him. Laura's mutant healing factor is what cures her. However, as you stated, Logan is very old and his healing abilities have diminished over time and thus are not sufficient to prevent the poisoning. If Laura becomes old enough for her healing abilities to fail, she too will become poisoned by the adamantium.


Isn't it assumed that his healing factor is failing because of the adamantium poisoning?


In the movie it is suggested that it is the adamantium that is killing him (the doctor tells him something inside him is poisoning him, to which Logan replies he knows). It seems this adamantium poisoning has slowly been leeching his healing ability, but it has taken time. However, there are other things that will stop a mutant's healing factor, such as the Muramasa Blade. In "The Wolverine", Ichiro Yashida was able to successfully drain some of Logan's healing factor (before being killed). So it's possible this draining is what affected his ability to heal fully from the poisoning, in the film series. (Unless of course one subscribes to the notion that "X-Men: Days of Future Past" altered the timeline to essentially make the events in "The Wolverine" never happen).

27th Jan 2011

Aliens (1986)

Question: This has been an endless point of debate among my friends and I; how sensible is the placing of the pulse rifle's ammo counter? It seems to me that it'd be very problematic since, if the operator were right handed, they'd have to turn the weapon on its side to read how many bullets they had left.

Answer: A digital ammo counter, like the ammo indicators on magazines, wouldn't be useful in the heat of battle. However, it would be very useful while not in battle. For example, with a real firearm, you would need to remove the magazine to check how many rounds remained in it. With a digital display, you could simply look. The larger issue, of course, is that with a display on the gun, your enemy would also know how many rounds you had left.

If you had the counter on the top of the weapon facing you, you could immediately see how many rounds you had left and the enemy could only see it if he were behind you.

Answer: Yes you're right, the ammo counter is badly placed, but then again a seasoned marine wouldn't need to rely on it in the first place as they'd know through experience when they are about to run out.


Answer: In all honesty you really wouldn't need an ammo counter. Either you shoot until the weapon runs dry and then you have to reload or you shoot until the threat is gone in which case you would do a "tactical reload" where you remove the partial mag and insert a fresh mag to ensure you have max ammo again for the next firefight.

That is, if you have another mag to do a tactical reload with. Real life is not like in videogames where you reload and only count bullets, you gotta have magazines.


Question: Why do Borg always attack earth with only one single ship? We already know from ST: Voyager that Borg have so many ships in the delta-quadrant that they sometimes attack with 10 or more ships at the same time. Why don't they just send 2 or 3 of their cubes next time? Borg knows that the Federation needed their very last resources and a lot of luck to defeat the Borg Cube last time (Battle of Wolf359). So 2 ships at least should do the job this time. Instead they again send one cube and risk defeat.


Answer: The Borg think like machines. They have calculated that one cube is enough to conquer Earth so they send one cube. Both times they were defeated because of incalculable events. Both times they didn't have a reason to send more than one cube.


This is wrong. Borg do have a big reason to send more than one cube the second time. They know that Locutus (Picard) is there somewhere and can log-in into the Borg hive when Borg are near him. He received visions from the Borg shortly before battle and calculated with this information "unimportant" weak-spots which destroyed the second Borg cube. If someone knows your weak spots and this someone is nearby, then Borgs should be more precautious than last time.


The Enterprise was not at the battle, the Borg knew that, Picard went in against orders and intervened. This time the Borg took more than just a cube anyway, they took time travel with them. They probably had it as a contingency plan.


The contingency plan is even more brainless, explaining one plot hole with another one. There is absolutely no need to fly into the earths atmosphere to start their time machine. They could've done it even more safely before entering federation territory.


That doesn't make any sense. They didn't have to enter the atmosphere, I don't even think they did. The sphere escaped the exploding cube and almost immediately opened a vortex. Also, saying that they "could have done it even more safely before entering federation space" is nonsense since they needed to be in federation space for the contingency plan anyway. Nothing safer about it doing it outside of federation space, just takes more time.


Answer: The Borg don't care that much about Earth, or losing a single cube. They are mostly testing the water before fully expanding towards the Alpha Quadrant. Their space is in the Delta Quadrant and still a long way from expanding into the Alpha Quadrant.

Not entirely true because the Borg queen was on board the cube, and they had a contingency plan to go back in time, making their efforts quite elaborate. They have attacked Earth twice now, because they know about it from the Enterprise (and Q) and plan on conquering it and expand into the Alpha Quadrant. A cube is equivalent to an entire fleet of ships and Picard accurately calls this action by the Borg an invasion (the second one).


1st Jan 2018

Passengers (2016)

Question: If he can't afford more than crappy coffee and oatmeal, then how does he afford all the alcohol and fancy restaurants he goes to?

Answer: I think the breakfast is free, however the lower class doesn't get a fancy meal for free but a more basic type. The restaurants and bar on the other hand cost money.


Answer: Perhaps customers at the bar and restaurant are allowed to run a tab that doesn't have to be settled until they are leaving the Starship Avalon and about to go to Homestead II. (This could be risky given the different resources of the passengers.) Or maybe the bar and restaurant are included in the fee for some passengers and staff would typically be at the door to allow admission to these passengers; Jim - awake and roaming - may be assumed to be eligible to use the bar/restaurant when, under normal circumstances, he would not be permitted to enter.


Answer: I wondered about this, too. His lower-class passage limits his breakfast choice. However, it seems that any passenger should be able to upgrade their individual meals at anytime and order what they want, as he does in the multiple on-board restaurants. It may be that breakfast, for whatever reason, is exempt from that option.


Yeah but they simply push a button for the breakfast and actually order food from the restaurants. You might think he would just go ahead and go to one of the restaurants to get his breakfast, but maybe they aren't open yet at that time. The ship seems to be more of a cross between a luxurious cruise and boot-camp. The breakfast is perhaps standard ship protocol.


I agree the paid for bar and restaurant don't probably open until 'Evening time' on the ship (You don't want your workers getting drunk all day, Jim is work group). The ship has a day and night clock system as heard by the announcer. I suppose Jim could change his wake up and sleep time to get a decent breakfast in the Chinese, but then his dinner would be basic and he wouldn't be able to have a drink before bed. What would you choose? Basic breakfast, good evening meal with drinks or good breakfast, basic evening meal and no drinks.

Question: How does Harry grab/or manipulate anything when using the invisibility cloak in the presence of people without exposing himself from behind the cloak? It's only so big but you never see anything.

Answer: Harry can cast spells with the tip of the wand protruding through the cape's opening. There is also one shot in "Deathly Hallows" where he can be seen casting a spell by slipping his hand out from under the cape.


Answer: He can use his wand from behind the cloak.


6th Jan 2018

Gladiator (2000)

Question: As his owner, why can Proximo not free Maximus? Why does it have to be by the emperor in the Colosseum?

Answer: Because Proximo can't give one of his slaves the proper papers. A freed slave need papers signed by the emperor or the senate to be legally free.


Question: We are told that Dave Jones and his crew were ‘fishified' (by Calypso?) because they stopped ferrying souls, because Davy Jones was mad when his girlfriend, Calypso, didn't show up after he had been ferrying souls for ten years. So was Davy Jones just pirating after that and always trying to staff up the ship? Why would he need to recruit if they were undead? And what was happening to the souls, before Will became Captain of the Flying Dutchman and fulfilled the duties?

Answer: The souls were just drifting around, not finding peace as we see when the black pearl sails away from Davey Jones locker. Davey Jones was just having fun killing shipwrecked people and recruiting anyone who feared death. The crews members don't stay on the ship indefinitely, some get off eventually and Davey needs to resupply the ranks.


Question: Mike and Sulley are able to activate the door when stuck at the kids camp by harnessing enough screams to activate it. If laughter is 10 times more powerful than screams, then why wouldn't child laughter (especially if there is a Birthday party, etc.) not activate doors from the "human world" allowing kids to go into the factory (monster world) all the time?

Answer: Well a door first needs to be activated from the monster side. See the doors of the human world lack the receiver for the energy they need to open the doorway between worlds (the red light on top). That's why in the monster world they hook a door up to a machine to activate it allowing the passage between worlds before any scream or laugh is made. It costs power to activate a door to allow a monster in. Boo was able to activate doors because she was in the monster world and her screams and laughs triggered the devices on top of the doors, activating them automatically. This was the first time ever a human entered the monster world.


Question: After R2-D2 helps fix the escaping ship, Queen Amidala thanks the droid in front of Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and her handmaidens, but Amidala's decoy refers to her handmaiden as Padme. Why doesn't she refer to her as Sabe? Doesn't everyone know that Queen Amidala's first name is Padme?

Answer: Padme was impersonating a handmaid, using her real name. Sabe was playing her role of Queen Amidala. This was unknown to Qui-Gon.


But the point is that using the queen's real name seems like it's giving the game away a bit.

Queen Amidala supposedly has 2 handmaidens. Sabe and Padme. Nobody knows Padme is the real Queen's name, they just know her as Queen Amidala.


Qui Gon and Obi Wan do not know Queen Amidala, having only recently met her, or that her real name is Padme.


Question: Just after Dumbledore announces the Triwizard Challenge, there's a short scene where Igor Karkaroff slips into the deserted Great Hall where the Goblet of Fire is kept. It wasn't Igor who put Harry's name in the goblet, and Viktor Krum submitted his own entry. Obviously the audience was being led to believe that Igor may have been involved in the plot against Harry (he wasn't), but what was the real reason he went in there?


Answer: It was Barty Crouch Jr. He used the polyjuice potion to disguise himself as Igor. I believe he did this because he was originally labelled as a Death Eater. As a result, Igor was put on trial and before he was sentenced, Igor gave the Ministry Barty Jr's name, so then he was sent to Azkaban. For revenge, Barty Jr used to potion to disguise himself as Igor so if he was caught messing with the goblet, he would be questioned, due to his past (seeing as what happens at the end). That way, Barty would be remained undetected and could carry on fleeing the Ministry.

I like this answer best. It makes sense.


Chosen answer: There is no reason. In the books this scene does not occur, so the idea behind putting it into the film is purely to mislead the audience.


Answer: Because Igor wanted Viktor to get into the tournament so he put Viktor's name in again so he could raise his chances of getting picked.

25th Dec 2017

Jumanji (1995)

Question: How come Alan does not want to go to The Cliffside School for Boys?

Answer: Because it's a boarding school and he doesn't want to leave home and his friends. Next to that he is embarrassed the school dormitory has his family name.


22nd Dec 2017

Misery (1990)

Answer: Stephen King doesn't have a cameo in this movie.

I have been told it's a common misconception that Stephen King regularly does cameos.


Question: This an odd question, but why are there no smartphones or smartphone-like devices in the SW universe? These are reasonably advanced pieces of technology that would be appropriate for such a time period. A few situations would also have been easier with phone communication. Smartphones were still very new when "Revenge of the Sith" was being filmed, so I understand why the original trilogy and prequels don't show them - the creators were not thinking about them.

Answer: You basically answered your own question. The Star Wars universe is in the future and its a future without any smart phones. It would be kind of weird if out of nowhere smart phones would pop up everywhere in the universe as if its a new invention, whilst its supposed to be an old invention. They simply have different ways to communicate with each other, more advanced ways are needed. For example distances between people is a lot larger, across the galaxy, so you'd need a lot more that just a smartphone to communicate with people, they use other devices on board starships and bases so the smartphone disappears as having both feels like overdoing it.


It is not set in the future, hence the very first words on the screen of each movie. A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away. Now as far as the cell phones go, they do just fine with their communication. Making interplanetary calls on cell phones is not needed.


You're right, I always forget that part.


Question: This is a question that applies to this movie and others - how do Anakin and Luke understand R2-D2, when in their respective starfighters?


Answer: As shown in the film, while in their fighters, a display screen shows a full translation of what the droids say.

Answer: The astrodroids are linked into the starfighter, the pilot can hear the astrodroid just as the astrodroid can hear them. Luke and Anakin and many others (like Rey) can understand the droid language they speak.


Question: There is a scene that shows nothing but blackness and two people are speaking, one says, "Hoist the colors..." the other says, "Dead men tell no tales." The scene plays right after the crew of the Black Pearl and Sao Feng's crew fall over the waterfall in Sao Feng's ship. What does it mean?

Brittany Renaud

Answer: The first sentence is a part of the sea shanty "hoist the colours", sung at the beginning of the movie and reminds about the brethren court and the reason they are trying to find Jack. The second sentence is a line from the famous Disney ride, which was later used as a subtitle for the 5th film.


Answer: It is the transition into Davey Jones' locker. Just a creepy, fantastical way of showing how the place can mess with your mentality.

Chosen answer: It's dialogue from the Disneyland ride.


9th Dec 2017

Alien 3 (1992)

Answer: It is specifically mentioned in the movie by Clemens that she drowned in her cryopod.


Question: Why did the newborn alien kill the Queen but not Ripley?

Answer: Because it didn't recognize the queen as its mother, but it did recognize Ripley as its mother.


28th Nov 2017

The Sixth Sense (1999)

Question: At the climax of the movie when Malcolm talks to his wife while she was sleeping, a ring from her has fallen down to the floor, what does it mean? Is his wife married to another man?

Answer: It's his own wedding ring. He recognizes it and sees she is still wearing hers and he isn't wearing his own, so at that point he realises he is dead.


Answer: The ring was Malcolm's - she kept it after he died. When it falls Malcolm realises that he hasn't been wearing it even though he sees it on his hand.

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