Super Grover

27th Jun 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Mad Buck Gibson - S2-E8

Revealing mistake: At the King Kamehameha Club, while Joan Gibson is sitting at the table, there are at least two wires crudely attached to the bottom of the tablecloth preventing the wind from blowing it upward, and disrupting filming of the outdoor scene.

Super Grover

27th Jun 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Billy Joe Bob - S2-E1

Revealing mistake: In the opening shot, while Carol Ann is calmly jogging, moving along right beside her is the filming vehicle's shadow, visible at the bottom of the screen, then Carol Ann exits the park. (00:01:30)

Super Grover

27th Jun 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

All Roads Lead to Floyd - S1-E13

Revealing mistake: While Magnum is a passenger in Floyd's car, in the closeups of both of them with Floyd at the steering wheel, there is black cloth over the door beside Floyd (presumably covering the device that secures the side camera to the door), which does not exist in wide shots.

Super Grover

27th Jun 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

27th Jun 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

27th Jun 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Never Again... Never Again - S1-E7

Revealing mistake: While Magnum and Rick are driving to Greenberg's house, as Magnum shouts that they're not meddling, in this shot there's a bar with duct tape (device to secure side camera) over the Ferrari door beside Magnum's left arm, where the camera is located at this particular angle. (00:10:25)

Super Grover

27th Jun 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

27th Jun 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

China Doll - S1-E3

Revealing mistake: During the drive to Uncle Han, when Magnum asks about the vase's worth there's something with duct tape on the Ferrari door near Magnum's left shoulder, where the camera is located at this particular angle. (00:27:05)

Super Grover

19th Apr 2020

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Iron Man 2 mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Tony goes to the bathroom and scans his blood toxicity, the Tony who faces the camera is supposed to be his reflection in the mirror, but the problem is the reflection is not reversed because it's not a mirror image, note Tony's clothing. Also, note how he scanned his right hand's finger, but then in the "mirror" he's sucking on his left hand's pricked finger. (00:28:30)

Super Grover

2nd Apr 2020

Bad Boys II (2003)

Revealing mistake: After Mike starts shooting at the KKK meeting he rolls on the ground as he's firing at klansmen, and when it cuts to shots facing those klansmen, the stunt springboard is visible in two consecutive shots. (00:08:30)

Super Grover

Heaven is in Your Genes - S3-E6

Revealing mistake: While Ralph is in mid-air, en route to the airport cafe, something dips into view at the top left corner of the screen. Then when Ralph takes off from that cafe, two shots later as he's in mid-air, we can see the shadow of the helicopter filming the background stock footage, but it's been flipped so the helicopter is flying backwards, and when more background footage is shown again the helicopter shadow is flying properly. (00:13:15)

Super Grover

Train of Thought - S2-E9

Revealing mistake: When Ralph stops the hijacked train before it reaches the city of Bakersfield, due to the close proximity of the camera it's too obvious that Ralph's footwear has been altered for the stunt, as he glides across the tracks. (00:44:30)

Super Grover

Classical Gas - S2-E5

Revealing mistake: When Ralph blocks Hydra's rocket from its target, in the closeup as the rocket hits Ralph's abdomen the thin stunt wire is visible at the rocket tail. Then while Bill is fighting with Hydra, when Ralph is in mid-air heading to Bill the stunt apparatus is visible at Ralph's waist. (00:40:00)

Super Grover

Don't Mess Around With Jim - S2-E3

Revealing mistake: While they're on Beck's jet Ralph uses the suit's telekinetic powers on the ice-filled cup, and Ralph tells Bill he'll do it again with a magazine, then when it cuts to the first closeup of the magazines the stunt wire attached to the book is visible. (00:15:45)

Super Grover

Plague - S2-E8

Revealing mistake: At the paramilitary base, after Bill tells Bunker he has "a real cute bivouac goin'," it cuts to a shot of Ralph searching for Bill's location, and the stunt apparatus is visible at Ralph's waist area. (00:21:30)

Super Grover

The Shock Will Kill You - S2-E13

Revealing mistake: While Ralph, Pam, and Bill are at the motel, Ralph wraps up all the metal plate covers and cutlery inside the bedspread, then when Ralph walks back and forth we can see the wires attached to the bedspread bundle as it moves. (00:18:15)

Super Grover

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