
Question: Since Norman doesn't die, does this mean Harry won't die either? What would happen to Oscorp once he's exposed?


1st Dec 2023

Clue (1985)

Answer: The game has tons of different possible outcomes. So, to emulate that, they filmed different possible endings for the film.


Answer: I think to tie in the movie with the gameplay of the board game more. Often when playing, someone will incorrectly guess what happened, who was the killer, with which weapon, and what room. Then the answer in the envelope is revealed to show what really happened. So they made different endings like someone guessed wrong. I think the real question is why were there 3 different versions of the film released to theaters, each with a different ending. It seems it was a marketing idea that backfired and didn't even fit the concept of tying it into the board game.


22nd Nov 2023

Boogie Nights (1997)

Question: Why didn't most of the cast, except for William H. Macy, like Nina Hartley?


22nd Nov 2023

Arrow (2012)

22nd Nov 2023

Batman: Arkham Origins

Answer: His belief in a family curse.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Given Kate met Gizmo in the previous movie, how could she mistake Daffy for him? He looks different from Gizmo.


Answer: She only saw him briefly, never in full light either. Plus, it was some time ago. I don't think she would suspect there is another one either.


At the end of the first movie, after killing the gremlins, everyone is at Billy's house, and Kate puts a thermometer in Gizmo's mouth and looks directly at him while doing it, giving her plenty of time to look at him.

Still, very briefly, still in low light. She has had way less interaction with Gizmo overall.


27th Oct 2023

No Hard Feelings (2023)

Question: If Maddie's driving a van borrowed from her friends, then why not use this for her job until she can buy a new car?


Answer: Uber has multiple rules regarding the cars drivers are allowed to use, and the van wouldn't meet most of them. Ex. It's not technically her car, so her name wouldn't likely be on the insurance policy, which is one of the requirements. It doesn't have a proper passenger seatbelt. The condition of the van itself doesn't seem to line up with what they want in terms of cosmetics and accessibility. Etc. You can't just drive any old car you want with Uber. If she tried to, she'd probably just immediately get reported by a rider, given the van's condition.


Question: Once cured and returned home, won't some of the villains, like the Lizard, still go to jail anyway?


Answer: More than likely... but that doesn't strictly matter. They'll still have been cured, avoided death, and "saved" in a sense. Even if they lose their freedom, they still are going to have a happier ending than they would have otherwise.


Remember that Oscorp is a corrupt company in the Amazing series. More than likely, both Connors and Dillon might be killed in prison under orders, so some happy ending.


That's a very bold assumption to make, especially considering they DIDN'T kill Connors after the events of the original "Amazing Spider-Man." At most, Connors will remain in prison. But I don't even know about Dillon. There's an exceedingly high chance he could just walk, especially presuming he'd be teleported back to around the time he was originally killed, and the world would think he's dead.


18th Oct 2023

The A-Team (1983)

Answer: It was actually hinted early in the show's run that he wasn't afraid to fly until he was in Vietnam. Something that happened there made him afraid of flying. They revisited that again in the 2010 film, where it was Murdoc's insane flying of a helicopter that scared him.

That was my first thought - unless it's explicitly stated he's been afraid of flying all his life, it makes perfect sense that it was a fear triggered by a wartime experience.

Answer: Vietnam is accessible by sea. Also, just because someone hates flying doesn't mean they can't just "suck it up" and do it, if it's important enough. If he was in the military, then he would not have a choice. His fear may have grown over the years. His A-Team members often sedated him and would even knock him out to get him on a plane.


18th Oct 2023

The A-Team (1983)

Answer: Several times, Face would pose as a doctor to get Murdock out of the Mental Hospital. How easy would it have been to convince airport officials that he was a doctor taking a sedated patient on board? Or simply tell them, this man is afraid of flying, so he had to be sedated. They could say, "Believe me, you don't want this man to be awake."

Answer: The reply does not answer the question. It does not ask how they sedated him, but how a sedated person can be checked in at the airport.

Answer: In the pilot episode, they would give him a tranquilizer dose with a needle injection. In two episodes, he tried to fly awake but went wild once in the air. In another episode, when hijackers held a plane, it was on the ground. When it took off, B.A. went into a catatonic state.

15th Oct 2023

Batman and Robin (1997)

Question: Unless the Robin signal was still turned on, how did Barbara know where to find the guys?


Answer: When Barbara told Holligran Alfred, she wanted to help, he said, "I prepared for this." He gave her a suit, which meant he equipped it with the latest tech. After years of serving Batman, it's logical to assume he put a GPS tracker into his batsuit.

15th Oct 2023

Designing Women (1986)

Answer: The group, including Carlene, were invited to attend Bill Clinton's inauguration in D.C. Julia was apparently bothered that Carlene is attending a Democratic victory event after she had voted against Clinton and for Perot, an Independent candidate. Julia probably considers it hypocritical and something of a betrayal.


29th Sep 2023

King of the Hill (1997)

Answer: Hank is portrayed as being somewhat stern and uncomfortable with expressing a lot of deep emotion. Maybe it's because of the way his father, Cotton, treats him: scolding him for acting too emotional and such. This is shown in some flashbacks. A recurring joke is that he has no problem being "lovey dovey" with the dog, Ladybird, and easily shows his affection to her.

11th Sep 2023

The Big Lebowski (1998)

Question: Why is Maude dressed like a viking maiden in the Dude's dream sequence?


Answer: She looks like one of the Valkyries, a Nordic female spirit that guided brave warrior souls to Vallhalla. This may foreshadow Donny's death.


11th Sep 2023

The Big Lebowski (1998)

Question: Did the nihilists force that one's girlfriend to get her toe cut off?


Answer: They don't appear to have; she's a nihilist too, and seems to have been in on it. The way they put it in their confrontation with the Dude and Walter suggests this: "His girlfriend cut off her toe", "She thought we would get a million dollars." Both expressions imply that she did it herself in the hopes of getting the ransom.

Answer: Typically, the Joker is immune to the toxin. It depends on the writer, and in this story, that would seem to be the case.


Question: When Leatherface starts rampaging during Stretch's flirting with him, and he's starting his chainsaw up, is this supposed to represent something? It's right after she repeatedly asks if he's mad at her and how good he is.


Answer: It's basically Leatherface's version of an orgasm. Stretch appeals to his sexuality in order to survive, and he's aroused. He uses his chainsaw as a phallic object, rubbing it against her leg and then pressing it into her groin, and is panting, which obviously symbolizes his idea of sex. And then he becomes aggressive, revs up his chainsaw, and destroys the studio in an explosive emotional display, not unlike the strong physical/emotional sensation that comes with an orgasm. You could also theoretically make an argument that the mess he creates by sawing and throwing things around specifically represents male ejaculation, which involves a pulsating release of semen and can be, let's just say, "messy" sometimes depending on what sexual activity you're doing.


Thank you.


26th Aug 2023

Batman: Arkham Knight

Question: Did Quinn's guys abandon her after her defeat at Panessa Studios?


Answer: Most likely, whenever you return to the studio, she's still there.

18th Aug 2023

Baywatch (1989)

Answer: No particular reason. She was an actress and wanted to pursue other things, like dramas and comedies. She was the Lifetime movie heroine during the 1990s.

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