
Corrected entry: It doesn't seem likely the turtles would stick around the club after their fight with Super Shredder to get their picture taken.


Correction: This is not a movie mistake. Nothing about them sticking around longer than they should constitutes a mistake.


Corrected entry: When Super Shredder emerges the turtles say he drank the last of the ooze. Impossible as he was blasted through the air, landing in the water. It would've broken, he might've dropped it too, either of those, and he'd have to pull off his helmet's mouth part.


Correction: Nothing about this is a mistake. You're speculating and using too much conjecture for this to be considered a mistake. Suggesting that "it would've broken" or "he might have dropped it" are not mistakes. That's you guessing. And him having to briefly remove his mask to drink it is not a mistake. He could have easily pulled it off then put it back on, or simply poured it through the grating on his mask.


1st Sep 2020

Halloween (2007)

Corrected entry: It can't have been 15 years since Michael's mother's suicide. Laurie was a baby, not a two year old toddler.


Correction: You're forgetting to account for all the time that passes between the beginning of the film and when Michael's mother commits suicide. There's specifically a nearly year-long jump between the murders and the sequences of Michael's incarceration at Smith's Grove. (The movie says "Eleven Months Later.") And then even more time passes before Michael's mother commits suicide. (As evidenced by the fact we see changing weather/seasons outside as people arrive at Smith's Grove.) So Laurie (who was a baby that was probably around a year old at the start of the film) was indeed a toddler by the time Michael's mother committed suicide. So the timeline checks out.


9th Jun 2020

Falling Down (1993)

Corrected entry: During the golf course scene watch the guy clutching his chest having a heart attack. He clutches the right side instead of the left.


Correction: It should also be pointed out that the clutching of the left side in a dramatic fashion is a Hollywood thing. Your heart is located in the center of your chest with just a small part of the heart on the left side, so often the pain will be in the center of the chest and radiate out.


Correction: There's no mistake here. He's having a heart attack. He's panicked and clutching his chest. There's no rule that you have to clutch the exact right spot on your chest while having a heart attack.


29th May 2020

Sleepaway Camp (1983)

Corrected entry: Given they share showers, it seems hard to figure out how Angela/Peter could've avoided being seen nude by any of the girls.


Correction: The movie has an entire scene explaining Angela showers when the other girls don't.

Correction: Sidney is telling his own story and doesn't know how he got saved. He said he must have been sucked down a drainpipe. Later when he finds out Batman saved him, he doesn't ask any follow up questions. The fact that it's never revealed has nothing to do with the plot and it's not a mistake.


Correction: Something not being explained is not a plot hole, nor is it any other kind of mistake. Batman, among many other things, is a ninja and an escape artist. We as the audience understand that he has the capability to rescue Sid the Squid from his predicament, and taking time to explain how he did it would just eat up screen time in what is only a 22-minute episode.


17th May 2020

Monk (2002)

Correction: It wasn't really stupidity on her count. She knew her former partner was showing the house to some potential buyers and would have been unaware the woman was a cosmetic salesperson. Additionally the odds the woman would even be able to identify that type of lipstick in such a quick and frightening situation was a million to one so it wasn't likely a major factor when she plotted the murder. Even if it was never pointed out, Monk connected a number of other factors to her. The former partner was leaving their firm, she had a gun similar to one the shooter used and the witness said the figure of the shooter was a woman. The lipstick was just a small factor in the entire case.


Corrected entry: Einhorn's revenge plot against Dan Mariono was pointless. No coach, not even in the Super Bowl, has his starting quarterback holding the ball for extra points and field goals.


Correction: Dallas Cowboys starting quarterback Tony Romo held the ball for a field goal attempt in a playoff game against the Seattle Seahawks in 2006, which he bobbled and ended up costing the Cowboys the game.


4th Jun 2020

Creepshow (1982)

Correction: Richard was effectively frozen by both fear as well as seeing the two people he murdered coming back for revenge against him; the fact that his handgun was ineffective on them was further evidence that he wasn't thinking rationally.


Thank you.


Corrected entry: Considering Alice loses several fingers at the end it seems unlikely she could've ridden a motorcycle or used a weapon.


Correction: How is this a mistake? This is just pure (false) speculation on the part of the submitter. Just because she lost a few fingers doesn't mean she can't ride a motorcycle. I've seen people using them with only one arm! And she is still very capable of using weapons. She still has another hand, plus she didn't even lose all her fingers, so she could still use that hand for certain things.


Okay my bad. I meant to write she loses several fingers but is shown as having them all while riding away at the end. This would be a visible mistake. It was late night, I wasn't thinking properly. Thank you.


4th Nov 2019

Sheena (1984)

Correction: Sheena was not a Marvel character. She originally appeared in comic books published by Fiction House Magazines. Marvel later created a very similar character called Shanna the She Devil.

Correction: You have this backwards. The Marvel comic of Sheena is based on the movie.


23rd May 2020

Halloween (2018)

Corrected entry: It wasn't smart of that father to get out of his truck during that asylum bus crash. They should've stayed in there, backed up, locked their doors until the police arrived.


Correction: He didn't necessarily know it was a bus full of crazy people. From his perspective, he saw a bus crashed off the side of the road with injured around and he got out to go help. He had his son call the police as one should always do when witnessing an accident.

Quantom X

Corrected entry: Maybe it's the lighting on the Mushroom World but Dr Robotnik's mustache looks red when prior to that it was brown.


Correction: This may have been intentional. In the final scene on the Mushroom Planet, Robotnik looks closer to his video game counterpart; he shaves his head and his mustache is much longer.

This is probably done to make way for Eggman in the second movie (which is in talks).

2nd Feb 2020

The Gorgon (1964)

Corrected entry: Medusa possessed no power to make victims look at her. That and they instantly turned to stone, not after a few minutes.


Correction: First, the film isn't about Medusa specifically. It's just about a Gorgon. Medusa wasn't the only Gorgon. However, the film only takes inspiration from the mythological stories and puts its own spin on it. Just like any fantasy or mythological film, they can add whatever elements or details they want.


True but she was the only one with the power of turning people to stone. Hence why I thought it was her not her sisters. Thank you anyway, I can be foolish at times.


20th Jan 2020

Dark Phoenix (2019)

Corrected entry: It seems ridiculous that Raven acts selfish saying Charles never sacrificed to save anyone. Clearly, and I speak for others not just myself, she was there to see him get crippled saving both the whole team as well as the USA and USSR naval vessels in X-Men: First Class.


Correction: That's not a movie mistake, it's the character's opinion. It's insensitive, but her point was that they have friends that have died for the mutant cause. She is annoyed that Charles continually will send his team out on dangerous missions while keeping himself out of harms way. Her opinion might harsh but she certainly has a point.


7th Jan 2020

Carrie (2002)

Corrected entry: Ms. Desjarden escaped the prom through an air vent, but the chair she used fell over, leaving her dangling from the vent with little time to escape before the gym burned down.


Correction: That was the entire point of the scene where we finally see her police interview at the end where it reveals that she survived. It was supposed to be a surprise for the audience that she survived. True, there was little time for her to pull herself up into the vent, but little time is not the same thing as no time. Someone with as much determination as Desjarden had might have found the strength to pull themselves up, as has happened many times in other movies and even in real life. We don't see exactly what happens after the chair falls, so we can't definitively say whether or not her survival was plausible.

Thank you.


4th Dec 2019

Home Alone 3 (1997)

Corrected entry: The spies catch the kid's chicken pox, but his father doesn't and he kissed him on the cheek.


Correction: Chicken Pox is only contagious if you've never had it before. This just likely means his dad had it already as a kid, thus is now immune. The spies having it just means they never had it before in the past.

Quantom X

Corrected entry: Debbie speaks of her first husband, a heart surgeon. Then he couldn't have been attending to the Pope when he had a cold.


Correction: For someone with a serious heart disease, or recovering from surgery, a cold can be deadly. If he was his appointed physician he would be attending in case the heart can't handle it and he needs emergency surgery.


Heart surgeons never treat people who have a cold and it was never mentioned or implied that the pope had heart surgery at all.

Again, a personal physician would be doing everything health related. Doesn't matter if he is specialised. He is a doctor.


Tortured - S4-E16

Corrected entry: Alex misbehaves in court when the expert's explaining brain injuries. Surely no D.A or A.D.A would act like a smart alec saying "Thank you doctor, what it lacks in facts it makes up for it in pretty colors." or whatever nonsense she spewed. The judge doesn't even correct her.


Correction: Attorneys on both sides make smart ass comments all the time, on the show and in real life. She's basically just mocking the doctor as making things up.


Well one representing the state should be above that behavior. It's like the old expression if someone else jumped off a bridge would you? I think that's how it goes.


"Should" isn't a mistake though. People act like that all the time.

Corrected entry: How is it Peter's spider sense doesn't work when he thinks he's talking to Fury but it's actually Mysterio in disguise? Considering he's a danger then Peter's spider sense should be going off.


Correction: The whole point of the ending is Peter was letting his visual perception override his spidey-sense (Peter tingle), which is why Happy referred to it as not working, but Peter says it is now that he knows to ignore what he sees and listen to the tingle.


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