
8th Jan 2021

Halloween (1978)

Question: In the real, modern world, what would have happened to Michael when he was 6? Or, alternatively, what if he had a competent doctor who didn't think he was evil? I could see his "evil" personality in the hospital being a symptom of abuse, PTSD, or Autism. Also, he was 6, it's possible he didn't understand killing was wrong until being locked away. I mean, what he did was awful, but he could have just been a screwed up little kid who wasn't given proper medical care.

Answer: Autism wasn't really tracked until 2000, they may have tested him for abuse which wouldn't make sense for killing his sister, given the setting, the early 60's they may not have begun testing children for PTSD yet.


21st Sep 2020

Joker (2019)

Answer: In a nutshell, it's because the film's protagonist is a mentally disturbed killer, and certain groups in America thought the film's violence would lead to copycat behavior.


I never got this aspect of the controversy, if anything, it goes to show what can happen when mental illness goes untreated.


I agree with you on that, but unfortunately, there's so many people, at least in the United States, that have no sense of nuance and are prone to knee-jerk reactions. They would rather condemn and blame different kinds of media for society's ills, rather than stop and look at the message something is trying to tell.


I read about the concern over possible copycat behavior in an on-line article; Phaneron's answer is correct.


Answer: Because the left thought it would encourage violence and mocked liberal run cities.The right thought the same on violence, it seemingly justified a mentally ill guy's actions, that it made white businessmen bad guys. Both sides in general only complained about Joker for attention.


4th Aug 2009

Halloween: H20 (1998)

Question: If Myers switched with the paramedic (as shown at the start of the next movie) and the medic couldn't speak because his larynx was crushed, why didn't he take the mask off to show Laurie it wasn't Myers? At the end you can see that he was able to have full use of his arms and hands when he got out of the body bag, then got up after he got hit by the van and when he was pinned he raised his hands to her.


Chosen answer: There is no answer to that. Its simply bad work by the writers. They never tried to explain that. You could perhaps assume shock had prevented the paramedic from immediately taking the mask off. Unlikely though,.

Answer: Because they didn't think there'd be another movie, as this one appeared to be Myers' swan song, as it should've been.


Answer: And seriously, only a Michael Myers could survive all of that trauma. It was a Hollywood ending that could go either way and if the ratings and the income was savory enough, the paramedic dies! So yes, maybe this paramedic was a Myers relation.

Question: Why does Freddy use Alice to gain access to new victims?

Answer: As Kristin was being burned to death in the boiler, she passed her ability to pull other people into her dreams to Alice. This enabled Freddy to get new victims.

Answer: He'd killed her friends in the previous movie, remember? When he came back she'd had time to recover and make new friends.


That was Kristen, not Alice. Alice gives the answer to this question herself, while talking to Dan in the diner. She says that Kristen was the last of the children of the people who killed Freddy, and "maybe Freddy can't get to the new kids unless there's someone to bring them to him."

20th Nov 2020

Baywatch (1989)

Show generally

Question: Trying to remember an episode - a woman would use the beach shower topless, and while the male beachgoers were gawking at her body her boyfriend (I think) would pick their pockets.

Answer: It's called Promised Land from Season 5 Episode 20.


15th Nov 2020

Cult of Chucky (2017)

Question: Multi part question:1. Does this one ignore Seed Of Chucky? 2. Why did Tiffany change her appearance from Seed Of Chucky once human? 3. Why not have Brad Dourif's voice come out of the Nica character's mouth?


Answer: Well in Bride Of Chucky, unless that was a dye job, she had black hair. Here she's blonde.


She simply decided to dye her hair back to blonde. Human Tiffany was originally blonde in "Bride of Chucky," and she also dyed her doll-hair blonde when she turned into a doll. The only time she has dark hair is at the end of "Seed of Chucky" when she possesses Jennifer Tilly. But like I said... she simply decided to dye her hair blonde again in the meantime. She was also blonde in "Curse of Chucky." There's no real significance to it... she probably just wanted to have hair like she used to have.


Thank you, my bad. You're one of the sharpest people on this site. You should work for them.


Answer: 1) No, this film does not ignore "Seed of Chucky." While references to it are minimal, it is still considered official canon with the series. 2) I don't really understand how she changed her appearance. She still looks like Jennifer Tilly. You may need to elaborate on that. 3) In the context of the film, it's because he's taken over her Nica's body and is currently using her vocal cords to speak.


Question: Sean claims that "the state paid for" Angela's gender reassignment surgery, during her treatment. Considering that Peter was forced, by his aunt, to live as a female, why would an institution do this? Seeing how Peter did not make his own decision to become Angela.

Answer: Maybe he'd grown used to it.The way some places are, they may have done this in hopes of curing him.


17th Oct 2020

Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)

Question: The first "Friday the 13th" movie gave me the impression that Jason drowned while trying to swim alone at night. However, this movie shows that a group of campers pushed him into the lake during daytime. Which scene portrays his actual death?

Answer: Jason drowned in the lake and wasn't a very good swimmer. Maybe the kids pushed him in as a "joke" and the counselors weren't watching him. Hence how he "died" because nobody was there to save him, as two counselors were making love.

Answer: Jason didn't drown at night. I just watched a YouTube clip of Mrs. Voorhees talking to Alice (in the first movie). She says that she working the "day" that it happened. There are visions of Jason in the water. They appear dark in tone, but show enough light for a daytime setting.

Answer: It was the original Friday the 13th. Nobody anticipated there'd be a crossover. I think director Ronny Yu did this change for the sake of making Jason sympathetic.


Question: Who would have a tombstone made for Jason?

Answer: Someone who wanted to let people know that Jason was truly dead. That the crazed killer of Camp Crystal Lake would no longer be loose in the world.

Answer: Probably regulations so they wouldn't dig up that plot to bury someone else there.


13th Oct 2020

Sleepaway Camp (1983)

Question: Why did Angela / Peter refuse to eat much food at first, and also refuse to play volleyball? She / he could probably do those things without the secret being revealed.

Answer: Watch his first scene at his aunt's. He doesn't speak at all. Clearly Angela/Peter has had a withdrawn personality since the death of his father and older sister. So doing activities with other kids is one thing he wouldn't do, as for eating, a lot of kids don't at first if they miss home.


18th Dec 2019

Black Christmas (2006)

Question: Why would Agnes join Billy in his killing spree? She was a victim of him, losing an eye and her parents. She could've joined the sorority girls in stopping him.

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: Because Agnes is in love with her fatherbrother, and besides, they were invading her home, from her perspective.


Answer: Maybe like him she's also mentally ill, getting it from their mother. Maybe she feels doing this will bring them together.


1st Apr 2005

Monster (2003)

Question: Is it true that Lee was able to steal enough money from her victims to buy a house (or even just put a down payment on it?) I would assume she could only use cash, and it seems unfeasible that she'd be able to acquire that much cash from people's wallets without murdering hundreds of them.


Chosen answer: In the story it shows she does not kill every man. It is possible she had sex with multiple men without killing them and got more money (but maybe not that much) than just what she stole from the men she killed.

Answer: They never bought a house. They lived in cheap hotel rooms where Tyria Moore (Selby's real name) worked as a chamber maid.


20th Aug 2020

Halloween 5 (1989)

Question: Why does Jamie calling him uncle stop him? That and why honor her request to see his face?


Answer: Sorry about that and thank you.


Answer: The question was more-or-less answered in a previous question, so I'll copy part of my answer here: Director Dominique Othenin-Girard made the puzzling decision to try and humanize Michael in this film by showing he still had some traces of emotion that could be momentarily reached. Thus when Jamie talks to him, he briefly recovers his humanity, takes off his mask and sheds a single tear. Basically, Othenin-Girard felt it made Michael scarier by showing his humanity could be momentarily "reached." Of course, it really doesn't make sense and contradicts the other films... but it was just a decision the director made.


20th Aug 2020

Halloween 4 (1988)

Answer: Thank you.


Answer: It's tricky to say, as the films have contradictory explanations, and there are different "timelines/universes" in the series. But in the context of this film, Michael is for some reason compelled to kill his family for reasons unknown. Presumably he's just finishing the job he started by killing his sister Judith decades earlier. (They try to give a more concrete explanation in the movie "The Curse of Michael Myers," but it's... flimsy at best. And is contradicted by the following film).


Answer: Because he's a psychopath. And purely and simply evil.


26th Jul 2020

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Question: How did Eddie find out about Peter and Mary Jane's relationship? He never saw them together and, when he kidnapped her, she and Peter were somewhat estranged.

Answer: The symbiote, traditionally, knows all of Peter's secrets including his identity. This is how Eddie knows who he is, as well as his relationship with Mary Jane.


21st Jul 2020

Cheers (1982)

Answer: I think it's the Boston take on conning someone. Like if someone believes a story someone tells them like if they're in New York then the teller wants to sell the person the Brooklyn Bridge. Basically Carla sees Diane's gullible here and would like to con her for money.


11th Jul 2020

Game of Thrones (2011)

Show generally

Question: Is Cersei Lannister based on Lady MacBeth and Agrippina the Younger? Both were ruthless and ambitious with Agrippina being the mother of Nero. Cersei, mother of Tommen Baratheon. She, on the show, pushed for her son to become king as did Agrippina, so was inspiration drawn from her and Lady MacBeth?


Answer: Thank you.


Answer: She appears to be a composite of many historical queens and fictional characters, including Lady MacBeth and also Queen Margaret of Anjou, who was married to King Henry VI of England.


8th Jul 2020

Wonder Woman (2017)

Question: Why not tell her the truth? She wouldn't have been worse off. If he'd wanted to find them he could've done so sooner.


Answer: Can you be more specific with this question?


Her mother doesn't tell her she's Zeus' child. I never understood her claim of Ares finding her sooner if she was told. If he wanted to find Diana how would her learning her true background helped Ares out?


Answer: If she knew she was the god killer she would have gone after Ares herself sooner. She also would have discovered her true powers sooner, luring Ares to her.


Thank you.


Answer: She may just be hoping that he cares enough to forgive her.


Answer: Thank you.


29th Jun 2020

The Good Place (2016)

Answer: While the show does explore life after death, the show creators intentionally avoided using many religious terms and beliefs, such as heaven, hell, or God. While one could draw parallels of the Good Place and the Bad Place to heaven and hell, in the show that's not what they're meant to be.


Thank you. It just means, to me, they're atheists.


Not sure you can infer them being atheists just because they do not use the terms, "Heaven" and "Hell." Those are mostly traditional Christian concepts. Many religions have different beliefs of what the afterlife is.


Well you couldn't really call them atheist because atheists don't believe in any type of afterlife or any deities. The "good place" and "bad place" are merely broader terms that could include most belief systems.

immortal eskimo

Answer: They actually do use those terms, in one episode, when Eleanor starts crying Chidi states he broke God and, there is another episode where someone, I believe Chidi says, we're in heaven. Though not saying those words does not make them atheist, it is stated in the first episode that every religion specifically Christians were a little bit right... So when they got to the good place after learning it is really called the good place it makes no sense to call it something else.

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