
3rd Feb 2022

Halloween Kills (2021)

Trivia: Was originally meant to be filmed back-to-back with the third film, "Halloween Ends," but the idea was dropped due to scheduling conflicts.


3rd Feb 2022

Halloween Kills (2021)

Trivia: "Halloween Kills" has a bizarre celebrity cameo hidden in it. In one scene, a yearbook photo of the character "Bob" from the original film is shown. However, the production crew couldn't find an actual high-school photo of the actor who played Bob in the original movie. Coincidentally, they happened to see a yearbook picture of actor/comedian Bob Odenkirk and realised that as a teenager, he looked just like the actor who played Bob. So the crew ended up using the photo of Odenkirk instead.


3rd Feb 2022

Halloween Kills (2021)

Trivia: There are 12 jack-o-lanterns in the opening credits. Somewhat appropriate, as this is actually the 12th film in the overall franchise.


3rd Feb 2022

General questions

I remember seeing a scene on TV in the 90's. In it, a man and woman were in a field either making out or having sex. One was on top of the other. But they were hit by something... it might have been lightning or just looked by lightning. The camera then focused on them, and they were sort-of "fused" and "melted" together, letting out these horrible moans and groans in pain. I thought it was from an episode of "The X-Files," but it might have been a different show or movie. Ring anyone's bell?


Answer: This sounds like the X-Files Season 6 Episode 4 "Dreamland."

Trivia: "The Adventures of Pluto Nash" is one of the most notorious box-office bombs in history, losing the studio nearly $100 million.


Trivia: The film was originally written in the mid-1980's, but was passed around back and forth until it finally went into production nearly 15 years later.


Continuity mistake: When Wilson meets Rick and Evie at the museum, pay attention when Rick delivers the line about giving them a heads up next time Wilson takes Alex on one of "his fieldtrips." In the first shot, Wilson's arms at down at his side. In the next shot, suddenly they are up and he's patting his chest while saying "Yes, of course." The shots are back-to-back, so there's no time for him to have lifted his arms between edits.


Continuity mistake: When Mad Dog is flying the O'Connell's and Lin in the plane, Mad Dog remarks that he can't guarantee they'll live, and it cuts to a close-up of Rick sarcastically saying "Great!" Watch Alex... he goes from facing his left to facing his right between edits.


Continuity mistake: When Lin is explaining what needs to happen at the club, pay attention when she says the lines "Once the diamond is placed at the top, it will point the way to Shangri-La. Yang still has the diamond..." There are a series of cuts throughout these lines, and Lin goes from facing forward towards Alex to facing sideways towards Rick between two of the edits.


24th Jan 2022

Scream (2022)

Trivia: !MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR "SCREAM (2022)! Towards the end of the movie, it is revealed that Tara's friend Amber is one of the two killers. If you look at the credits, the movie was co-written by famed screenwriter James Vanderbilt... whose wife also happens to be named "Amber." This is either an incredibly bizarre coincidence, or Vanderbilt decided to include a truly odd tribute to his wife in the film by naming a psychotic killer after her... either way, it's pretty darned funny.


Trivia: !SPOILERS! Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield gave a lot of notes on their characters, which the writers gratefully accepted. For example, Maguire didn't want too much revealed about what's been happening with his Peter, aside from the fact that he was still with Mary Jane. (Presumably to leave his adventures up to the fans' imaginations.) And Garfield wanted his Peter to be a bit more ferocious/emotional compared to his first two films to show how Gwen Stacey's death changed him.


18th Jan 2022

General questions

I saw a movie or TV show back in the early 90's when I was a kid. I only remember one scene because it scared the crap out of me. I believe in the scene, an older man (probably 60's?) was fed feet-first into a shredding machine or large wood-chipper and killed. It was outside. The camera was inside it looking up. And I think there was a woman behind him who either pushed him in, or was trying to get him out. He was awake, shouting and struggling. Ring anyone's bell? (And it was not "Fargo.").


Answer: This might be from the TV series Friday the 13th. The episode is called "Root Of All Evil." The plot of the episode deals with a cursed mulcher. Anybody that gets thrown into it is killed and money is expelled from the other side. The richer the person is, the more money that comes out. Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD9XnWh5Mx4.

Holy crap! I think that's it! Quickly scanned through the episode, and it seems to (mostly) match up with what I remember. Not exactly, but considering how young I was, I could just be misremembering it. Additionally, since I was born in '88 and probably saw it when I was 3-4 years old (so '91-'92ish), it would also line up because the show ran until 1990 and was likely still on the air in re-runs.


In fact, I'm 90% sure the death at 31:13 in the video is the exact scene I'm remembering. The only difference is that it's a man and not a woman who pushed him in, but that just could be my memory being dodgy since I only saw it once about 30 years ago. Thank you! I think you got it.


You're welcome.

Answer: I know there're several films where someone has died in a wood-chipper or similar device. License to Kill (1989), Bond is dangling over a shredder and Dario is standing over him. Pam shoots Dario and Bond pulls him into the shredder.


That's a good example, but it's not the scene I'm looking for. It's hard to give details due to the 500 character limit. But the scene seemed to be outside during the daytime (I think there were trees in the background), I think the old man who died was wearing a flannel shirt (that could be wrong), and I seem to recall him having like gray or white hair. I think the woman was trying to save him.


I don't know the film you're talking about, but have you tried looking up "woodchipper" or "body in a woodchipper" in IMDB's plot keywords? The latter has 13 movies listed.


Yeah, I've scoured IMDB for it, but the problem is almost everything I run into is either from the year 2000 or after (like I said, I saw this in the early 90's on TV), or just not the movie/show I'm looking for. I'm assuming it might have been like an obscure episode of a TV show or movie that might not necessarily have a plot keyword attached.


18th Jan 2022

Scream 2 (1997)

Trivia: The shoot happened to coincide with the shoot for season four of "Party of Five," which also starred Neve Campbell. Because she had to film both simultaneously, and both had day and night shoots, she was working seven days a week, and often didn't have time to sleep... she'd go from one shoot right to the next, then hopefully be able to sleep after that.


18th Jan 2022

Scream 2 (1997)

Trivia: In one scene, Randy randomly switches to speaking with an English accent for about 30 seconds. Randy's actor Jamie Kennedy has since admitted that he has no clue why he did it... he just did it during one of the takes as a random goof, and was shocked that they kept it in the finished film.


18th Jan 2022

Scream 2 (1997)

Trivia: The script was a major hurdle during production. Because the studio wanted to protect the film's twist ending/killer reveal, most cast members weren't given the ending of the script until the day they filmed the twist ending/killer reveal scene. Part of the script was also leaked online, and thus those pages had to be rewritten on the fly so people wouldn't be able to guess the plot.


18th Jan 2022

Scream 2 (1997)

Trivia: While a majority of the music is composed by Marco Beltrami, Dewey's musical theme is actually a piece from the 1996 action movie "Broken Arrow." It was used as a temp-track while editing and was intended to be replaced... but everyone working on the film fell in love with it since it seemed to perfectly sum up Dewey. The studio ended up licensing the music for use. Famed composer Danny Elfman also assisted by composing a piece of music for the scene where Sidney is in a play.


18th Jan 2022

Scream (2022)

Trivia: The only "Scream" movie not to be scored by Marco Beltrami, who did the music for all four of the previous films. However, new composer Brian Tyler did use some pieces and snippets of Beltrami's themes in a few key places throughout the score.


18th Jan 2022

Scream (2022)

Trivia: When Richie is watching YouTube, the video review he watches talking about "Stab 8" features a cameo from James A. Janisse and his wife Chelsea Rebecca. They are popular YouTubers who run various horror-themed shows on their channel "Dead Meat." As of 2022, they have over 5 million subscribers.


18th Jan 2022

Scream (2022)

Trivia: MINOR SPOILER ALERT FOR "SCREAM 4"/"SCREAM (2022)! When Richie is watching videos on YouTube, there is a thumbnail with an interview about a "Woodsboro Survivor," next to a picture of Kirby Reed from "Scream 4." It has been confirmed that this canonically means Kirby survived the fourth film, which has been a popular fan-theory, since she was stabbed and last seen in a pool of blood... but was shown to still just barely be breathing. (Her fate was left purposely ambiguous in "Scream 4.").


18th Jan 2022

Scream (2022)

Trivia: Part of the reason Mason Gooding was cast in the film is that he was a massive fan of the original "Scream," and even wrote an essay about it in college. He let the producers read the essay while he was auditioning. The producers were very impressed by his passion for the franchise and his audition, and he was immediately hired.


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