
1st Feb 2019

Twister (1996)

Stupidity: Jo's dad builds a tornado shelter but uses a simple bathroom stall type lock for the door. How did he expect that to be strong enough?


25th Jan 2019

Winds of War (1983)

25th Jan 2019

Winds of War (1983)

Trivia: The script for the entire series tops out at 962 pages, and contains 1785 scenes and 285 speaking parts. The total production involved more than 4,000 camera setups, and more than a million feet of exposed film were shot. The complete series was shot at over 404 different locations in Europe, California and Washington State over a 14 month shooting schedule.


15th Jan 2019

Bumblebee (2018)

Factual error: In the shots of the Golden Gate Bridge with downtown San Francisco in the background, the Salesforce Tower is visible, but this building didn't even break ground until 2013.


Question: This always kind of bugged me. Why would David think that Kirk murdered everyone left behind on Regula One? Even though they did not have a father/son relationship, surely the heroic exploits of James T. Kirk are well known? At one point, David even refers to him as an "overgrown Boy Scout." I've seen this movie a hundred times, but could there be something I'm missing?


Answer: Because David is working under the assumption that Kirk ordered Reliant to take Genesis by force. Khan had Chekov send a message that Kirk was ordering Regula 1 to turn over the Genesis project. When Carol Marcus attempted to contact Kirk to confirm the order, he had the communications at Regula 1 jammed so the message couldn't go through. This lead David to believe that Kirk was attempting to steal Genesis. The fact that the group that stayed behind never made it to the cave suggested that they were killed. Since David has no reason to believe otherwise, he assumes Kirk is responsible. He has no idea who Khan is and that he is a mortal enemy of his father. Khan's goal was simply to acquire Genesis and bring his enemy to him, having David distrust Kirk was not part of his plan. It just happened that way.


Trivia: When the Japanese businessmen are running from the T-Rex, not only is the visual joke funny, as a nod to Godzilla, but one of them is shouting, "We left Tokyo to get away from this!" in Japanese.


Factual error: Tommy states that Jimson Weed is a paralytic, but it is not known to have this property. It is however a powerful hallucinogen and deliriant.


Continuity mistake: When we first see Emma in the hallway outside the morgue, she is wearing pantyhose. When she walks into the morgue, the hose are gone and her legs are bare.


26th Nov 2018

Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

Other mistake: When Ralph "checks in" at the Game Central Station after the villains meeting, he jokingly gives his name as Lara Croft. Lara Croft was never an arcade game character, so how would Ralph know about her?


15th Nov 2018

Halloween (2018)

Continuity mistake: During the scene when Aaron is pumping gas, the display on the pump is blank. When he's finished, the display suddenly shows the amount dispensed and the amount due.


23rd Oct 2018

Halloween (2018)

21st Oct 2018

Common mistakes

Other mistake: There is always a parking space available right in front of the building where the hero/cops/protagonist needs to go.


11th Oct 2018

The Nun (2018)

Trivia: The name of the demon, "Valak" is visible on the registration plate of the truck in the village just before Sister Irene, Father Burke and Frenchie leave for the abbey.


10th Oct 2018

The Nun (2018)

Trivia: The name of the demon, "Valak" can be seen on the playground equipment where we first see sister Irene.


10th Sep 2018

The Exorcist (1973)

30th Aug 2018

The Exorcist (1973)

Trivia: William O'Malley, who plays Father Dyer, is an actual Jesuit priest who taught at Fordham Prep, a Jesuit high school.


30th Aug 2018

The Exorcist (1973)

Trivia: In the Director's Cut, after the demon moves into Father Karras' body, for a few frames, you can see the flicker of an image of his mother's face in the window. This is probably what prompts him to leap out the window to save Regan.


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