Kill Bill: Volume 2

Trivia: A piece of Bill's dialogue makes a fairly subtle reference to Reservoir Dogs when he says to the Bride something along the lines of, "I hear the kneecap is a very painful place to get shot." This homages Harvey Keitel's character telling Mr. Orange that "along with the kneecap, the stomach is the most painful place someone can be shot."

Trivia: The car Darryl Hannah drives is the same type as Burt Reynolds' Trans-Am from the Smokey and the Bandit films. In fact, she's fairly sure it's the actual one. At one point while shooting she was driving along with QT in the passenger seat when he excitedly yelled "pull off here.", pointing down a dirt track. She fishtailed the car down the road, going at a fair old speed, when she suddenly noticed she was heading straight for a hole. Quentin yelled "jump it. It's just a movie, nothing can happen." Choosing common sense she squealed to a halt just before the hole. QT's comment? "Burt Reynolds would have jumped it".

Jon Sandys

Trivia: Though the Bride didn't kill Budd herself, her namesake did: the snake Black Mamba.


Trivia: It wasn't until over 10 years later in 2018 that Uma Thurman revealed Quentin Tarantino accidentally made her crash a car and injure herself during production of this film, which she found reckless and caused a rift in their friendship. This is why they haven't worked together since.

Trivia: Even though we can't really see her face, when Budd drags the Bride out of the truck, dumps her on the ground, then hauls her along the ground, that's actually Uma Thurman.

Jon Sandys

Trivia: When the Bride is in her coffin and she slides her boot up to her and pulls out the straight edge knife, this is an homage to Michael Madsen's (Budd) character, Mr. Blonde, in Reservoir Dogs (in fact, it's the same knife). In RD he pulls a straight edge knife out of his boot before he removes Marvin's ear in the famous "ear scene."

Trivia: There is a piece of music which plays for a split second when the camera is looking down on the Bride's body in the church. That exact same piece of music is also heard for a split second in Reservoir Dogs when Mr. Blond is flicking through the radio stations (right before he tortures the cop) looking for K. Billy's super sounds of the 70s.

dan coakley..

Trivia: The Bride never speaks to Budd throughout the whole film.

Kill Bill: Volume 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bill is cutting the crusts off a sandwich towards the end, he cuts two off, goes to remove the third, then the angle changes and he's now cutting it in half. After that we hear him sweep the crusts off the board and see him hand the sandwich to BB, then a shot or two later crusts are back on the board and he cleans them off again to make another sandwich. (01:29:05)

Jon Sandys

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Elle Driver: What's that?
Beatrix Kiddo: Budd's Hanzo sword.
Elle Driver: He said he pawned it.
Beatrix Kiddo: Well, then, I guess that makes him a liar, now don't it?

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Question: During Beatrix's fight scene with Pai Mei, she reaches for his throat. He shows something silver from his mouth. What is in his mouth and what is it an homage to?

Chris Buentello

Answer: It's a piece of white lotus blossom. The wuxia film "Fist of the White Lotus" is the one where Pai Mei acquires his skills and power.


Answer: Anyone? The last 4 times I've seen this movie it's bugged the hell out of me. I can't find a good answer anywhere online.

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