X-Men 2

Corrected entry: At the little campfire, why was Magneto able to sense Nightcrawler in the tree? Wouldn't it be Jean Grey who would first notice?

Correction: Yes, but Jean isn't likely to care if the conversation is overheard by somebody else that's on her side, so she wouldn't have said anything.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Nightcrawler is attacking the president and the secrect service agents, he is seen "jumping" from room to room with the doors closed. Later in the movie Nightcrawler confirms himself that he has to see the place he needs to "jump" into and cannot do it blindly or he may end up in a wall.

Correction: But at the time he wasn't under his own control - Stryker was controlling him, and he probably didn't care if he ended up teleporting Nightcrawler into a wall. Plus of course, Stryker has been to the White House before, so knows the layout. Also, if you watch carefully, Nightcrawler knocks most of the doors off of their hinges, allowing him to get a clear view of the rooms.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the X-men appear in the White House when the president is about to adress the nation, Storm is controlling the weather but when the X-men appear for the first time, her eyes are still their normal brown.

Correction: Storm isn't controlling the weather the whole time - she set up the storm, which could stay on its own, then they appear in the office, then they disappear and Storm calms down the weather.

Corrected entry: In the fight scene between Wolverine and Lady Deathstrike, she manages to cut him up pretty bad and puncture his back many times with her claws. Yet in the scenes following the fight his clothes are in perfect condition and they contain no blood. I know he can heal himself, but are his clothes self healing too?

Correction: This isn't so much a movie/comic discrepancy as it is a question that's answered within the comics. The X-Men's uniforms are made of Unstable Molecules, a material invented by Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four that works in conjunction with the wearer's powers. (Unstable Molecules are the reason that the Human Torch's costume doesn't burn up when he flames on.) They do, indeed, "heal" shortly after a battle. We also actually do see Wolverine's costume quite torn up as he is outdoors talking to Stryker the final time. The cuts are very long and thin, and would be hard to notice in the darkness of the base's interior.

Corrected entry: When Stryker unchains himself from the chopper, he gets up just before Xavier attacks all humans, he then collapses in front of the chopper. When Magneto and Mystique show up Stryker is sitting leaning up next to the wheel with the chain looped over him. He might have sat up somehow, but why would he have looped the chain over himself again?

Correction: Stryker isn't chained when Magneto & Mystique came to the chopper.

Corrected entry: When the X-jet is crashing, Magneto just happens to be at the place it's falling down? Talk about luck!

Correction: Not luck, just Magento's great thinking and planning. He figured that the jet would return to the mansion, and it was. He probably noticed the battle and knew the X-Jet was damaged. It was already on it's way down, Magneto just used his ability to control metal to bring it towards him. It did not fall to him, he pulled it.

Corrected entry: When Bobby freezes the coffee in the cup, he manages to defy physics and prevent the frozen liquid from expanding at the same time.

Correction: Speaking as an ex-chemistry teacher: water is really weird. It expands if you cool it to the freezing point OR IF YOU HEAT IT. That is, the frozen tea, and the very hot tea, might be the same amount LARGER than lukewarm tea. It's perfectly plausible that hot tea could occupy the same volume as frozen tea, although I haven't checked the coefficient of thermal expansion for tea to be sure.

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie when Nightcrawler is about to kill the President pay attention to the knife. When Nightcrawler gets shot in the arm he drops the knife and it leaves a mark on the right side of the desk from the President's point of view. After the attack when Striker says "That was really close" the mark is on the left side of the desk from the President's point of view when he was laying his back on it earlier.

Correction: Pay closer attention. When Nightcrawler drops the knife it lands in a leather section of the desk (there are 3 of them). When Stryker looks at the mark left bt the knife you can only tell that it landed close to the left edge of one of the leather sections, exactly the same spot it was dropped by Nightcrawler.

Corrected entry: When Stryker is visiting Magneto in his cell he appears to be wearing metal-framed glasses.

Correction: It's next to impossible to tell if they're metal or not. But you have to give Stryker the benefit of the doubt, considering that he is the person who built the plastic cell in the first place, and he'd surely know better than to use metal frames.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the police have arrived at the Drake residence and are ordering Pyro to "get down" after shooting Wolverine, Pyro decides to take matters into his own hands by firing flame first at one officer THEN at the other. The officers obviously have itchy trigger fingers and good aim (judging by how quickly and accurately they pegged Wolverine in the head), so wouldn't it stand to reason that the female officer would have shot Pyro while he was "flaming" the male officer?

Correction: They won't because they are taken by surprise and they freeze. It's a very abnormal situation for the officers. They are maybe very well trained, but they are definitively not trained for such a situation.

Corrected entry: Stryker says that the Mutant School is in Upstate New York, but when they show a close up of the sign on front gate of the school, its says Westchester County. Westchester County is not in upstate New York.

Correction: Speaking as a resident of Upstate New York, trust me. When you tell anybody outside of the state that you're from "New York", everyone assumes you mean New York City. Therefore, EVERYTHING is considered upstate.

Corrected entry: We're told in the first film that the X-jet is stealthy - invisible to radar, etc. If that's the case, how on earth did 2 F-16s manage to track it down and get a lock on it?

Jon Sandys

Correction: The police told the air base about after they left, and the pilots found it with their eyes. It may be fast, but something as big as the Blackbird is pretty noticable.

Corrected entry: Iceman's parents are told that the mutant gene is passed from father to son. This is a contradiction in terms; mutation, by definition, means some change that occurs in the genes AFTER they have been combined from the mother and father.


Correction: However once the mutation has taken place it can THEN be passed on.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Wolverine is fighting Lady Deathstrike, he claws the metal railing. Only one piece falls out. Wolverene has three claws on each hand, so shouldn't two pieces fall out? The one piece that's cut out doesn't have any mark on it from his middle claw either...

Correction: The sequence was very fast. If you download the trailer with clips from the fight, you can slow it down and you'll see the pieces fall apart into 2 pieces. Thus indicating that he did slice them.

Corrected entry: When Nightcrawler is first seen in the White House his face is flesh coloured (makeup, no doubt). As soon as he starts kicking ass, it's blue.

Jon Sandys

Correction: When he peeks through the door and pounces across the floor towards a guard, you can see that the white/flesh is sweating off. There are streaks in it with blue showing through.

Corrected entry: When Wolverine is talking to Bobby in the kitchen, after Wolverine has got Bobby to freeze his Dr. Pepper for him, there is a shot from behind Wolverine's shoulder asking Bobby a question. But while he's doing that, at the same time he's drinking from his soda bottle.

Mark Cuss

Correction: Yes, but he finishes the question just as the bottle reaches his lips and we hear moving liquid. Possibly cutting it a bit fine and risking spillage, but hey, he's Wolverine...

Corrected entry: In the scene where Jean Gray is outside the X-jet diverting water from the burst dam, there is a shot of Storm and Nightcrawler inside the jet. Look at Nightcrawler closely - you can see that he does not have his yellow contact lenses in, in the next shot they are back.

Correction: Sometimes you might think that he hasn't got them because he doesn't look straight into the camera or the scenes switch so fast.

Corrected entry: Xavier's school has all the technology that money can buy... except for an alarm system? How many mansions wouldn't have security systems to protect against burglary? And how many secret superhero training facilities wouldn't have security systems to alert them to possible enemy attacks? It's utterly implausible that Stryker could have infiltrated that mansion without a single alarm going off.

Correction: Due to the fact that it seems people are always moving around and coming and going at the mansion, false alarms would be frequent enough to not arm it. Also since they had the blueprints to the mansion they also probably had schematics to any security system and the advanced team would be able to defeat or circumvent it.

Corrected entry: When the F-16's fire missiles at the Blackbird, Jean diverts one and the other hits them. Why does such a sophisticated aircraft not have something so simple as chaff (radar missile decoy) and flare (infared missile decoy) dipensers? No ECM generators either.

Correction: The jet is a transportation vehicle only, not a military-style aircraft. Just because it has the advance radar & electronic equipment to see they are being targetted etc, does not mean that it has to have the evasion equipment that is standard on a military jet.

X-Men 2 mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Storm and Nightcrawler rush to rescue the children from the holding cell, you see a shot of the cell where the children stand up and say "Listen..." before Nightcrawler teleports inside. If you look carefully, you will see Nightcrawler's silhouette in the shadow against the wall. (01:27:50)

More mistakes in X-Men 2

President McKenna: What's that?
William Stryker: A jet.
President McKenna: What kind of jet?
William Stryker: We don't know...but it comes out of the basketball court.

More quotes from X-Men 2

Trivia: The young girl who runs through walls and soldiers when the mansion is attacked is Kitty Pryde, aka Shadowcat from the comics. She is also referenced in the first movie, as "a girl in Illinois who can walk through walls." (00:33:20)

More trivia for X-Men 2

Question: When Mystique is disguised as Senator Kelly, why did she tell the other politicians about Professor Xavier's school?

Answer: Stryker was trying to get permission from the President to raid the school on the grounds that it is a mutant training facility. Mystique interjects and claims it is a docile boarding school in an attempt to dissuade the President from granting Stryker's request, as she doesn't want the students at the school to be harmed.


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